Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 123: The power of new life

At this time, in the attention of almost all his subordinates, Bai Qi is working hard.

Lin Ming was looking forward to whether the next generation of the two hyenas, Bai Qi and Dushan, would bring him some surprises.

After all, isn't the Dushan product always bringing surprises to yourself?

From the beginning looking decadent and lazy, he often thinks about Lingsheng’s stupid, to when Ling Xiaofeng’s B and other demon spirit silver poisonous dragon appeared, he used his magical power to rescue the wolves as a hero. At that time, I brought myself a surprise.

After that, I ran to the Silver Fish Mountain Spirit Realm alone and got the strongest Bai Qi in his hands. In a very short time, he changed from the scum of the fifth level to the second level now...

This product is simply a professional manufacturer of surprises.

And the growth rate is extremely fast, and it seems that the potential is quite huge.

As for Bai Qi, he is a very rare demon spirit that can control the "light" element. This is the only one among Lin Ming's subordinates.

Judging from all kinds of intelligence on the human side, they also don't have any transcendents who master this element.

Not only could Bai Qi recover his physical strength and injuries, but he could even easily break the extremely strong barrier created by human transcendents. Lin Ming also looked forward to what it would develop into later.

And combining the two excellent genes of Dushan and Baiqi, this little guy who is about to be born, or the little guys, might give Lin Ming more surprises.

After a short while, when Dushan kept walking around Bai Qi, with two soft crowings, two white-haired, wet little guys were produced by Bai Qi one after another!

Lin Ming was also very excited at this time. He kept his eyes fixed on the two newly-born little guys, watching them get their placenta licked off by Bai Qi, dried the wet hair, and stood up again dangling. ...

Later, after the two little guys finished their milk, they actually ate the grass with Bai Qi!

It only took more than an hour.

Lin Ming also expressed quite amazement at the speed of reproduction and growth of the mutant creatures under this spiritual energy recovery.

Moreover, these two little guys have just been born, and their strength has directly reached the level of entering the fourth level!

This is really better than one generation.

Looking at the human side, their transcendents are truly indescribable.

From the perceptions of the transcendent organizations in Rongcheng City, Lin Ming knew that until a few minutes ago, since the so-called "world’s first Class B transcendent" Zheng Guodong last time, there has not been a second Class B transcendent. appear.

The guise is quite big, and the several "Sky Towers" officially organized by the Transcendents, known as "Nine Heaven Towers", are all C-level peaks, with six, seven, and eight first ranks.

That's it, they are still the strongest among the transcendents in the world...

This seems a bit funny.

Lin Ming was speechless to the growth rate of the extraordinary on the human side.

The vast majority of them are not even as high as the aura concentration contained in the two hyena cubs who have just spoken for more than an hour.

Human beings are truly at an absolute disadvantage in the competition with mutant creatures in this era of spiritual energy recovery.

Not only is it not extraordinary for the whole people, but this level is also behind and there are so many mutant creatures, they are really...

But at this time, Lin Ming thought about it again.

It seems that this idea is not quite right.

Although the process of this spiritual energy recovery is constantly deepening, and the spiritual energy is constantly growing stronger, except for him and his subordinates, the mutant creatures in other parts of the world do not seem to be so powerful.

According to the information Lin Ming obtained from those transcendent institutions in Rongcheng City, the number of B-class demon spirits in the world was still the same.

Dozens of B-class demon spirits in the spiritual realm of Nuriana Trench, as well as the three B-class demon spirits that had just appeared on land and were killed by nuclear bombs and extraordinary people.

Other than that, it seems that there really isn't much more.

That's it.

It's not that human beings are too weak, but that he and his subordinates are too strong.

The human side possesses powerful technology, powerful and terrifying weapons, and supernatural beings who are about to catch up with the demon spirits. It seems that besides the ocean, they can basically tie the mutant creatures on the land.

Lin Ming examines himself.

A-level demon spirit, third-level and second-level, the world's strongest demon spirit properly.

Breath can perceive any creature within two hundred kilometers and realize it in the mind at the same time, even tens of millions of people can.

The eruption of dense fog can instantly cover an area within a hundred kilometers without restricting the shape, and it can absolutely blind any creatures that rely on the eyes to perceive.

Bamboo roots spread all over the ground within a hundred kilometers, plus the ability to resurrect to the limit, and even destroy everything in an area of ​​nearly 10,000 square kilometers including the entire Rongcheng, it is just a matter of thinking or not wanting.

As for the creation of toxins, it can be used in combination with dense fog or bamboo roots. As long as there is a nose that can breathe and is naturally not resistant to toxins, it is directly not discussed with the dog.

At this level, it is nothing more than human evaluation as "disaster level."

And among the subordinates, the wolves’ whistling, wind blast, wind yan, rock place, thunder loneliness, Yan Kuan, poisonous, panda fat, silver dragon qinchun, golden python and golden scales, lynx Jingji, Egrets with red shadows, snow brocades, red-crowned cranes, ink armors and ocher feathers, and hyenas crossing the mountain are now B-class demon spirits, "disaster-level" mutant creatures.

Sixteen B-class demon spirits, are they scary?

It is estimated that if human beings really know the existence of themselves and their subordinates, before pressing the button of the nuclear bomb, it is estimated that a few hundred milliliters of blood will be sprayed out.

But Lin Ming would not give them a chance.

If you are directly promoted to Tier 4 or Tier 5, your subordinates will wait for a water A, and then it will be really cool to show up again.

When the time comes, humans can really only tremble, kneel and sing to conquer.

Looking at the two little guys again, at this moment he was leaning against the somewhat clumsy Dushan side, curious about everything around him, and looked at him from the east to the west, and finally his gaze fell on him, Lin Ming. Body.

Lin Ming really wanted to know what kind of existence he was in the eyes of these two little guys.

However, he hadn't taken the next step, he saw the two little guys gently bend their front legs and immediately knelt down, and both small heads were also lowered at the same time.

Ah this.

Lin Ming really didn't expect this. It was not two hours before the two little guys knew what their identities were, and instantly knew that his bamboo was their owner.

Is this a bit too smart? It's completely different from the silly mountain crossing, but very similar to Bai Qi.

Lin Ming slowly fed the spirit liquid to these two little guys, and began to think about what names to give them.

The reason for this preferential treatment is also because their potential is high enough, and just born, it seems that in the attribute panel, they each have a powerful ability named "Shadow" and "Holy White".

The future can be expected...

Suddenly two huge black shadows passed by in the sky.

Their wide wings gradually retracted as they landed on the ground.

Lin Ming looked at Zhuo Yuan and Huai Kui who had jumped from them, wondering why they suddenly came down from the air.

"Master, we found something like that last time!" Zhuo Yuan said quickly.

"Master, it's very close here!" Huai Kui also reported immediately.

Lin Ming was a little puzzled, that kind of thing? Alien?

"Have you seen the alien beast? Where is it?" Lin Ming wondered, still very close to here? You must know that his current perception system will never let go of any creatures within a radius of 200 kilometers!

But now, breath perception, and did not perceive the existence of alien beasts.

what happened?

"It's in the west, very close, Master, please give me an order!"

"Master, there are a lot of them, all grumble in the forest!"

Lin Ming understood very well that if these things cannot be perceived by him, but they really exist, then it seems that something big is about to happen now!

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