Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 128: Assassin

"Huh, huh...what a special thing, these things will sneak attack!"

Xue Yucheng dodges the attack at the moment of his death, but the two sides of his arm are still scratched by the sharp teeth of several alien beasts hiding behind the giant tree!

A layer of ice enchantment covering his body was tightly wrapped, preventing him from being killed by a few monsters at this time, but Xue Yucheng knew that if he hadn't used this trick subconsciously just now, he would have become this group now. Food for alien beasts.

Xue Yucheng looked around.

Twenty-five strange beasts.

Among them, there are the appearances of three alien beasts, which have been specially marked "special type" in the intelligence sent from the American country.

The others are the "normal type" with big mouths.

"It's like a monster with only a brain..." Xue Yucheng stared at the three special types, panting heavily, and kept backing away.

He didn't want to be surrounded by these alien beasts like he is now, just because he was not sure whether his enchantment was formed fast or whether the monsters attacked faster.

But one to twenty-five, he has no reason to lose.

Because he is a dignified B and other extraordinary, not only powerful, but also the master of elemental attributes!

In an instant, a very thin, but extremely fast water flow suddenly spurted from his fingertips, hitting the nearest ordinary head!

"Tsk! What?" The water did not directly penetrate its body, but it splashed with a strong mist!

The water jet attack did not cause any harm to the alien beast!

"Sure enough, then, try this!" He rushed out like an arrow from the string in an instant, and the meteorite spear in his hand swept straight at the strange beasts that had already rushed towards him!

This move was extremely thunderous, and the sharp tip of the gun was also drawn out for a month and a half!

boom! !

However, after a muffled sound, Xue Yucheng, who was numb in his mouth, threw away the completely deformed meteorite spear like he could not believe it, turned a few somersaults, and instantly jumped to the giant tree aside!

"This, this is impossible!" He grabbed the extremely thick branch in one hand, and took out the light machine gun around his waist to hit the strange beasts with a shuttle!

The bullet splashed a burst of sparks on the disgusting-looking alien beasts, but it did not cause any harm to them!

Xue Yucheng was full of cold sweat on his forehead, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Neither elemental attacks, nor normal attacks?! What's the situation?"

He was panting heavily, and he was a little dazed for a while, after all, any attack didn't work.

But as an extraordinary person such as B, putting it to death and resurrecting, is the time to truly show your ability!

"Thousand Needles of Heavy Rain!!"

He condensed aura again and created thousands of water jets in the air, hitting all the strange animals like bullets!

However, suddenly something strange happened.

The ordinary alien beasts actually moved above the special alien beasts at this moment, like a shield to block the rain bombs that could easily penetrate D and other monsters!

Xue Yucheng raised his eyebrows.

That's it!


He condensed aura again, gathered a thousand needles in the rainstorm! This time, he concentrated on attacking two of the special monsters.

The ordinary monster once again rushed in front of the two special types to block it, but at this time, Xue Yucheng's other water knife directly penetrated the dropped special type!

With a muffled sound of falling to the ground, Xue Yucheng also grinned and laughed at the same time.


Xue Yucheng lay on the ground in big characters, and he almost consumed all of his aura.

He grinned, looked at the corpses of these strange beasts on the ground, and smiled with satisfaction.

He panted heavily, feeling that he was about to fall apart.

However, the harvest is really too much.

He heard what seemed to be the fast-moving sounds of the follow-up troops, and he could even hear their shouts.

After this battle, he has completely mastered the law of fighting these alien beasts.

Those special types have special abilities, which can make these ordinary types invulnerable, and their element attributes are also invalid.

There are also two types of special types. One type has four eyes with sharp horns on the head. After killing them, the enchantment ability similar to "Normal Attack Immunity" on the ordinary alien beasts is shattered, thereby reducing the damage. Will be injured by ordinary attacks.

The other is five eyes. After killing them, the "elemental attack immunity" enchantment ability of the ordinary alien beast is broken, and it will be injured by the elemental attack!

"Hey, it's me." Xue Yucheng took a deep breath, and a carp stood up. However, he suddenly felt a warmth in his neck, and then, a lot of blood spurted out from there! !

"In the end, it's...what!" A large amount of blood spurted out, his eyes widened, and he looked at a strange beast that suddenly appeared next to him, which fell to the ground like a first-tier wood.

He kept twitching, his eyes were pitch black, and then he completely lost his life consciousness.

And the strange beast opened its mouth to his corpse...


【Ding! You killed an extraordinary person like B and gained 3,500 evolution points! 】

Lin Ming did not pay attention to the mechanical, emotionless sound coming from this system, but used bamboo roots to tie the last remaining alien beast with bamboo branches, sensing the remaining supernatural beings coming here soon. And the soldiers, waiting for their arrival.

Extraordinary such as B is a threat.

There is no doubt about this.

Lin Ming didn't think he had any fault in killing this extraordinary person just now.

On the contrary, if you don't kill this keen intuition, and even expect that the direction of the strange beasts is the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm, there will definitely be big troubles in the future.

He didn't let go of the remaining 26 strange beasts at the beginning, letting them all attack the B-class supernatural beings.

Instead, when there is only one remaining between the alien beast and the transcendent, then decide whether to release the last alien beast.

Unsurprisingly, this clever B-class supernatural being is extremely skillful in using his abilities, and in order to deal with these strange beasts, even the long spear and the light machine gun are ready.

This guy can even use a flare gun to inform his companions where he is...

It seems that in terms of comprehensive strength and all aspects of quality, he is more than one level stronger than Zheng Guodong before, and a lot stronger!

And because of this, Xue Yucheng, the third of the dignified Nine-storied Sky Tower, had to die.

After he killed the last alien beast, Lin Ming threw it out with bamboo roots and easily cut off a corner of the large artery at his neck.

After that, let out the last strange beast and let it bite the corpse of this extraordinary person again.

In this way, it is possible to perfectly create the illusion that Xue Yucheng was fighting with many alien beasts, but was killed by this last one!

Next, just wait for those transcendents and soldiers who are already very close to this side to discover this side.

God does not know, ghost does not know.

Now there is only half of Xue Yucheng left. These humans can never see the real cause of his death. In fact, the carotid artery was cut by a bamboo root deep in the ground.

After another while, Lin Ming had already sensed that there were some extraordinary people who were less than a hundred meters away from this direction.

He loosened the bamboo roots and let the strange beast stand in the middle of the corpses.

After that, just wait for those humans to clash with this strange beast, and finally end the battle quickly, that's it.

However, at this moment, Lin Ming suddenly felt that the body of the alien beast he had just released seemed to be undergoing a drastic change!

Moreover, it didn't have any aura, but at this time it suddenly possessed a B-level aura concentration!

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