Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 134: Is this a coincidence

The tide of strange animals.

Lin Ming sensed the extremely flustered conversations between the transcendents and soldiers more than a hundred kilometers away from him, and heard this term unexpectedly.

Why is it a strange beast again?

Lin Ming really didn't understand why these strange beasts appeared here again and again?

Even now, he had never heard the rumors of strange beasts appearing in any other place in Tang Dynasty from the personnel of the relevant agencies in Rongcheng City.

These strange beasts seem to want to be the main battlefield in the western part of Shu Province, and they have been sending troops here.

However, since it appeared, Lin Ming felt that he had to pay attention to it.

But think about it carefully, in fact, this time they are not the same as the previous three.

The first two can be regarded as a test, the third time it became official, and now this time, it is very clear to invest in troops.

Since it is called "tide", it means that there are a lot of them!

This time, if the alien beasts mobilized such a large number, it also proved that they have the determination to achieve the goal without stopping.

Lin Ming is also very helpless, these strange beasts are really endless.

Although he didn't perceive their existence as before, Lin Ming was quite sure that the target of these strange beasts should be himself.

This is true for the first three times, and the fourth time is absolutely not wrong.

He constantly perceives the dialogues of human transcendents, and also manifests their movements and changes every moment.

The number of people who encountered the tide of alien beasts was nearly a thousand people, most of them were extraordinary people, and other extraordinary people and soldiers scattered everywhere were constantly gathering here.

The reason why they gathered was also because the helicopter that had just flown launched three consecutive flash bombs with black smoke.

From the conversation of the helicopter crew, Lin Ming learned the heavy news.

Several B-class demon spirits from the ocean are now approaching the southeast coastal area of ​​Tang State at an extremely fast speed!

There is no doubt that for humans, these few B-class demon spirits mean disaster.

If you want to successfully avoid this disaster, or if you want to minimize the harm of this disaster, the two B-class supernatural beings in the Nineth Heaven Pagoda that are still searching for alien beasts are indispensable!

It's really a leak in the house, and it was rainy and rainy. I didn't expect that when they met there, a large number of strange animals appeared.

Is this a coincidence?

Lin Ming couldn't judge right now. Just when these B and other transcendents were about to rush over there, they encountered the tide of strange beasts, and anyone would think about it.

In other words, the B-class demon spirits in this ocean had been heard by Lin Ming from the mouths of humans a long time ago.

At that time, he was just a first-order monster, and there were those B-class monster spirits in the ocean.

Now he is the Demon King of Class A, and Class B in the ocean is still Class B.

It's not that those guys didn't grow up and didn't bother to evolve, but that Lin Ming's realm improved too quickly.

There is a reason why Lin Ming is a mutated plant, but it is more that Lin Ming knows how to improve his strength faster.

Now, these B-class demon spirits are going to attack the coastal area of ​​Tang Country, do they want to replicate the thing that submerged neon with a tsunami?

While thinking, Lin Ming judged the situation of the Tide of Alien Beasts at the same time by sensing the behavior of those extraordinary people and soldiers.

Based on the inferences and judgments of the previous transcendents, they all know that the big head monsters can shield ordinary attacks and elemental attribute attacks, so defeating these huge numbers of alien beasts is actually not very difficult.

Sure enough, Lin Ming sensed that the transcendents gradually resisted the offensive of the alien beasts, and from the posture of retreat, gradually marching forward, it seemed that they had begun to attack.

It seems that while they are constantly resisting the attacks of ordinary alien beasts, they are also killing large-headed alien beasts in large numbers.

Among them, those two B-class transcendents seem to be quite useful.

Lin Ming looked at their manifested movements and the shouts of the people around him, judging the abilities of these two B-class transcendents.

"Using'ink' and paper to kill the enemy? Interesting." Lin Ming was quite interested in the ability of the first day tower of the nine-layer tower called Xing Yue.

Compared to the abilities of other people, this is indeed quite special.

As for that Fei Jun, his current ability is not too obvious.

As human beings gradually come together, their number advantage becomes more and more obvious.

The transcendents of the enchantment system are responsible for sealing the alien beasts in a huge enchantment, while the purpose of the others is to find the big-headed monsters and kill them head by head.

It didn't take long for Lin Ming to perceive the existence of these strange beasts.

The number is really a lot.

The human side worked hard, killing all the big-headed monsters, and then began to attack the ordinary ones.

Lin Ming knew that the defeat of the alien beast was set.

At the same time, a question gradually rose from the heart.

If the target of these alien beasts is him, then why not adopt the tactics of scattered encirclement?

Moreover, the place where they appeared was quite far away from him every time.

Their purpose must be him, which is absolutely correct, but this kind of contradiction makes Lin Ming unable to figure it out for the time being.

For example, this time, these strange beasts can be scattered into rings with extremely large numbers, rushing to the Qifeng Mountain spiritual realm at a very close range, instead of choosing to be hard with humans directly.

But they did just that.

And the timing of this appearance is simply too coincidental.

It was like "deliberately" trying to stop humans from going to the beach to meet B and other demon spirits, trying to slow them down.

This possibility is not impossible.

Just as Lin Ming was thinking about it, the human side had already wiped out all the alien beasts, and the sound of the fierce fighting before gradually ceased.

They left a few people to garrison, and the more powerful transcendents continued to run forward.

After a while, a helicopter rose into the air, the propeller making a deafening noise, and it flew to the west at the fastest speed.

It seemed that more than half of those extraordinary people had boarded a helicopter and flew away to support their companions on the beach. As for whether they could stop those B-class demon spirits, Lin Ming didn't care.

It is estimated that this information will eventually be known to him from the conversations of personnel in various key institutions in Rongcheng City in the near future.

Lin Ming is more concerned about when these remaining people will leave, and when the new round of strange beasts will appear.

Today alone, how many times is this?

Lin Ming looked at his subordinates.

"Red Shadow, Snow Brocade, Ink Armor, and Ochre Feather, the four of you continue to patrol all the nearby areas. If any strange beasts appear, report back immediately!"

"Yes, master!"

"Feng Xiao, you seven lead the wolves, and you must not search for the whereabouts of alien beasts when humans find out!"

"Yes, master!"

Lin Ming watched the four giant birds go up to the sky, and the pack of wolves attacked at the same time. After spreading out in the spiritual realm, he once again used bamboo roots to construct countless translucent warning nets between each giant tree.

At the same time, he did not relax his monitoring of the remaining extraordinary men and soldiers who have not yet withdrawn, and carefully stared at the every move of the key figures in Rongcheng City!

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