Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 143: Too good to pick time

Lin Ming had thought before that his system liked to pick the right time.

Now it seems that these strange beasts have successfully resisted this banner, and they chose to attack him again when he had just gained the ability to "rebuild the aura of all things".

I remembered the last time that they took advantage of the chaos of the spirit rain, dispatched nearly ten thousand troops to control the mutant creatures, and then used them to hide their whereabouts, and rushed to a distance of only about ten kilometers away from him!

This time, what is their strategy?

Use small size? Or use quantity?

Or control the mutant creature again?

Speaking of controlling mutant creatures, Lin Ming thought of the dumb guy Dushan.

Tangtang B and other demon spirits can actually allow a small alien beast to ride on the head to control them. Is there still a little bit of the dignity of B demon spirits, you?汜减bX W X .C*o汜

Now that this guy has grown into a second-tier B-class demon spirit, his size has grown by leaps and bounds. Although he is not as good as an elephant, it is absolutely no problem compared to a big camel.

What's more, the long black, brown, and white hairs that were originally dirty and tumbled on its body are now reborn, smooth and smooth.

Coupled with the extremely sharp and solid double horns that are nearly one meter long, this guy now uses the word "mighty and domineering" to describe it, which is also very appropriate.

Could it be said that after Bai Qi and the two cubs, this guy will be dressed up?

But in any case, it's really shameful that this product that looks so majestic and powerful now can be controlled by that special type of alien beast.

But think about it carefully, the information that was sent from the human side, those B and other demon spirits in the sea, weren't they also controlled by a few.

Could it be said that the alien beasts have a special set of skills to control these powerful mutant creatures?

When I asked Dushan what was going on with this product before, this product was also vague and didn't remember what happened.

It seems that many speculations have to rely on more evidence to verify their correctness.

However, now that he has a powerful ability to fully realize everything in his mind, it won't be too difficult to verify this kind of thing.

In perception, those alien beasts are still appearing from the white circle, and the number has already gathered in hundreds.

So... Now that you know their exact location and where they appear, what are you waiting for if you don't take the opportunity to kill them?

Lin Ming didn't want the elephant to beat the crickets. It was time for his subordinates to appear.

But this time I won't send those flying subordinates, let the other subordinates also show their faces.

"Feng Xiao, you led the pack of wolves to attack first according to the place I instructed!"

"Yes, master!"

"Pangda, Qinchun, Jinlin, the three of you are responsible for supporting you by your side!"

"Yes! Master!"

"Jingji, spot guard, point guard, full moon, you guys are in the rear, ready to join the battle at any time!"

"Yes! Master!"

Following Lin Ming's orders, the subordinates set off instantly!

The four giants, Red Shadow, Snow Brocade, Ink Armor, and Ochre Feather, also took off at the same time with the three giant monkeys carrying the Bing Apparition.

As for the four blood luans and the two heavy-eyed birds, Lin Ming let them rest this time and named them by the way.

At this moment, Bai Qi, Dushan and their two cubs stood under Lin Ming and lowered their heads.

"Master, we also want to participate in the battle!" Bai Qi asked for orders.

"Participate in the battle?" Lin Ming looked at Bai Qi. Since it gave birth to two cubs, it has been acting with them. Sometimes it also teamed up with mountain crossings to search for spirits in places such as cliffs on mountain peaks. Grass and Lingguo Linghua and the like. Sacrifice as Sacrifice as

In terms of combat, it does not have too many opportunities to play.

After all, its abilities are indeed not of that type of combat.

"Master, the subordinate wants to be stronger." Bai Qi looked at his two cubs, and then at Dushan, which has become much taller and more reliable now, and seemed to have made up his mind.

Lin Ming understood that this Bai Qi must have been stuck at the door of Tier 1 and Tier 2 because of the production and feeding of the two cubs, and he did not get the Pill Pill, so he wanted to build some victories to gain his own approval. .

That's not a problem.

He looked at the two cubs again, these two little guys have grown to the size of a pony, how many days...

Lin Ming sighed again, this world of spiritual energy recovery can no longer use common sense to explain such things.

By the way, the two little guys have not been named yet.

Looking at the abilities of "Shadow" and "Holy White" on their two attribute panels, Lin Ming felt that it would be better to use them directly.

"I understand, you can go as Feng Xiao's assistance! And the two little guys, named Shadow and Saint White, look forward to your active performance!"

"Yes! Master!" The four hyenas also chased away behind their front companion like the wind.

Lin Ming looked at the remaining subordinates who hadn't set off, but they weren't too many.

Four blood luans, two heavy-eyed birds, a tortoise which is almost half a meter long now, a giant river prawn nearly two meters in size, a small tortoise...Huh? Where's the little tortoise?

Lin Ming looked around, but he didn't see the little guy who didn't have any sense of existence at all and only liked to swim in the water to eat fish.

I felt it again and found that this product, which was already the size of a manhole cover, had been caught on the back of Panda Panda, like a small schoolbag.

Haha, no wonder I didn't see it just now... This gadget also wants to join in the fun? A mere ninth level, isn't it too self-conscious?

However, there are many second-tier bosses to protect, and it would be very difficult to get injured.

What's more, it still has a power against the sky, and now it has a 90% chance to dodge all damage.

Forget it, go and go.

Anyway, Go is also a soy Lin Ming no longer pays attention to it, but instead looks at the subordinates who have not gone to this battle.

For the sake of convenience in the future, it is better to name them all.

Anyway, there is no need to worry about the alien beast, it is also idle when it is idle.

The four blood-luan birds, all covered in blood, were extremely beautiful and bright. Lin Ming thought about it and decided to follow the two-character naming method and name them respectively, Red Wind, Red Moon, Scarlet Cloud, and Yanxing.

They all have the characteristic of "red". Although Lin Ming feels that he still has some names, these names should be considered acceptable.

As for the two heavy-eyed birds, one is mad fighting and the other is Vito.

This is also consistent with their character.

After all, among the subordinates, the cruelest to deal with the enemy, the two of them will definitely be able to send the first few, and those abilities are indeed strong enough.

Looking at the tortoises in the water, this guy has always been indisputable, and the two giant river prawns have gained the most benefits in this spiritual rain eruption.

Both of them have now reached Tier 1 and Tier 4, and their growth rates are quite astonishing.

I really didn't expect that when they were in the Ten Thousand Bamboo Sea Spirit Realm before, they were just scum that couldn't even reach the stage.

The tortoisefish was named "Satin Color" because of the rainbow-like colors on its body, Lin Ming named it this way.

As for the giant river prawn, this one is called "Giant Armor", anyway, there are not many characteristics.

After quickly naming the remaining subordinates and letting them memorize them through consciousness exchanges, Lin Ming once again turned his attention to the direction of the battlefield.

At this time, the total number of alien beasts has reached tens of thousands.

And the subordinates have also started a contact war with them! Mi He Mi

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