Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 149: They want so beautiful

With the arrival of spring, everything recovers.

It's the season when the creatures strive to multiply again.

At this time, even though it was approaching late spring, the mutant creatures in the valley were still busy again.

They began to flock in groups, they began to run around, they began to duel for the strongest of the race.

Only the strong are equipped with...that right.

Lin Ming originally thought that the roaring, howling, and frightening birds, bugs crawling, and so on in this gorge were already noisy enough.

As a result, after the eruption of the rain, the creatures in the gorge were so excited that they flew up, and even the noise before it felt like whispering.

And his subordinates, as this gorge, and even the most powerful group in the vast expanse that has now been completely connected, are naturally sweet and pastry.

Like Pangda, who originally hugged left and right, fascinated all the seven or eight pandas in his subordinate, now it has attracted more pandas who were originally in the canyon.

Lin Ming looked at this product now no longer as smart as it was before, and seemed to be busy 24 hours a day, really afraid that it would die if it was not careful.

As for the other "love saint", Dushan was watched by Bai Qi. No matter where he went recently, this guy would follow the two cubs to watch. It is absolutely impossible to learn from Pangda.

And Feng Xiao, the pack of wolves, have not returned to him in the past few days, they have been wandering around the area of ​​more than three hundred wolves before.

What can they do? Of course it is.

The other subordinates are similar, and even the tortoise satin color has found a companion.

Lin Ming has a feeling that the total number of his subordinates is estimated to be turned over a few times before they are used.

The team is big, there are more things to worry about.

Lin Ming always felt that afterwards he would be troubled by this matter for a while.

Moreover, since the eruption of the rain of spirits, he has also clearly sensed that in the entire domain, all mutant creatures have more or less realm improvement.

This was exactly the same as the last time, and it also proved Lin Ming's conjecture.

In the process of aura recovery, every once in a while, with the "spiritual rain burst" as a sign, the realm of the mutant creatures will collectively improve once.

And the extent of this improvement also varies according to individual differences.

For example, in the Spirit Realm of Qifeng Mountain, the average level of the original mutant creatures should be around the fourth level. And after the eruption of the rain, they came back alive, and now they have almost reached the eighth rank.

And some of the deeper spiritual realms closer to the distance have reached the level of ninth level.

I believe that the birth of some first-order ones is only a matter of time.

This reminded Lin Ming of the Wanzhuhai Spirit Realm.

At that time, the mutated creatures in the Wanzhuhai Spirit Realm, under his strict control, although many reached the ninth rank, but they also had to balance the spiritual energy concentration in the Spirit Realm and the issue of evolution point. Don't kill them.

When he left there, the ranks of the mutant creatures who left with him were not too high.

In the past two months, the subordinates who followed have not been moisturized by the spiritual fluid all the time. Although they have gained a lot of spiritual energy during the eruption of the spiritual rain, the overall average strength is still They are all staying at the eighth level or so.

They still have the potential, but they lack combat experience and can't be upgraded. Lin Ming is now mainly responsible for guarding the spiritual realm dozens of kilometers away like a pack of wolves, and is usually responsible for patrols and reconnaissance. .

After all, things like alien beasts have come from far away many times. Whether it's a pack of wolves or these later subordinates, they are Lin Ming's reserve team ready for dispatch.

Decrease B*xW x.C o汜. However, speaking of the last time the giant alien beasts appeared, they haven't reappeared in more than half a month.

Although Lin Ming was carefully perceiving everything within the two hundred kilometers range almost all the time, he realized everything within this range with the ability to rebuild the aura of all things.

He didn't get any trace or information about the alien beast.

In this vast spiritual realm, the pure white halo never appeared again.

On the human side, he had never heard anyone talk about the arbitrary information and content of the spirit beast, and there was no eyewitness information at all.

The alien beast seemed to have never appeared before, completely disappearing.

But Lin Ming always felt that this group of ugly-looking and full of mysteries seemed to be holding back a big wave.

After so many failures before and after, they can make new tricks every time, and they are indomitable. How can they give up so simply?

They may appear in a few minutes, or tens of days later.

Who knows?

The human side didn't care much about the alien beast at this time.

Lin Ming learned that at this time, they were recuperating, repairing the city and traffic, and migrating the population, while clearing the spiritual realm near the huge city.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. Take the upper side of Beijing as an example. Xing Yue and Fei Jun of the Nine-storied Sky Pagoda have already wiped out dozens of connected spiritual realms near the Shangjing area.

In the spirit realm, any monster that can reach the level of D will be wiped out in large numbers, and no one will remain. As for the level of E and F, they are all living under close surveillance.

At the same time, because of the activity of these two sky towers, after the spiritual realm near the capital was safe, they even began to build "high walls" to further control and resist mutant creatures.

Lin Ming didn't know what the group of humans were going to do at first, but when he saw that the group of goods in Rongcheng City began to build walls with various construction machinery in the plain area 30 kilometers away from Rongcheng~www He realized that these people wanted to build a buffer zone.

Use this high wall as a buffer zone to buffer the impact of the tide of mutant creatures.

Of course, when there is no spiritual rain erupting, it is to build a high wall while advancing into the spiritual realm, destroying as many mutant creatures of higher level as possible...

They think so beautiful.

Lin Ming felt that humans seemed to think things too simple.

Destroy the monsters and spirits above level D?

The nine-layer sky towers can do this kind of thing, that is, those few sky towers.

They had been wounded when the last Spirit Rain broke out, and seemed to have lost nearly one-third of the number of transcendents, and most of them were reserve forces such as D and E.

They are in short supply, even if they are added to the troops of ordinary people whose relations with them have become increasingly tense, they don't seem to be able to do much.

As for the countries other than Tang, there is not much news.

But the weakness of mankind has been fully revealed after the eruption of the spiritual rain this time.

Even if they still possess technology and powerful weapons, what they can do is still extremely limited in the face of increasingly stronger mutant creatures.

Mi He Mi. But it is such a human being who actually came up with such a nonsense idea.

Want to continue to eliminate high-level mutant creatures in the spiritual realm?

If the level of all mutant creatures remains unchanged from now on, let these nine-layered heavenly towers come to kill them, and they will definitely not be able to kill them all.

Because there are too many.

What's more, it also includes his A-class demon king, and more than a dozen B-class demon spirits!

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