Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 154: Sad people

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"Hehe, interesting."

After Lin Ming used the ability to rebuild the aura of all things after the upgrade, after realizing this wonderful battle in his mind, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

After upgrading the "Aura Reconstruction of All Things" ability to lv3, he can finally fully realize all living and non-living bodies within a thousand kilometers with him as the center of the circle.

In addition, there is also the ability to realize "elemental power".

For example, if Zhuo Yuan used the ability of fire from 900 kilometers away, Lin Ming could realize the size and shape of the fire in his mind.

And when he immediately realized a contest between a human being more than 500 kilometers away and B and other demon spirits, this ability quickly came in handy.

However, this time the battle between humans and B and other demon spirits was too dramatic.

Human transcendents and soldiers, and B and other demon spirits, the extremely huge wild boars meet in hand.

Next, they opened the enchantment to protect themselves. On the second day, Ta Feijun's short-distance instant movement and the enhanced ability of the weapon also came first, destroying the eyes of the B and other demon spirits.

Up to this point, they are all considered "normal".

What happened next was not normal at all.

That Fei Jun rushed out to kill the alien beast, but the alien beast controlled the demon spirit to block it, and on the first day, Ta Xing Yue shot and directly ended the alien beast.

The strange beast regained his senses, only to find that he was blinded in the eyes, and then he must fight to the death.

In the face of extremely powerful thunder attribute attacks, those humans can barely support their defenses.

But at this time, the white halo appeared on the demon spirit's head again, and the battle situation was reversed again because of this.

The transcendents are very smart. After they reacted extremely quickly, they first killed the B-class demon spirits that had little deterrent power, and then killed the alien beasts that controlled the B-class demon spirits.

In this way, the crisis was easily resolved.

This battle has twists and turns, and it's really true twists and turns.

Without the participation of alien beasts, how long will this battle take? How to explain? How many people died?

No one knows.

After all, the B-class demon spirits with lightning attributes are actually quite difficult to deal with.

What's more, Lin Ming also discovered that this giant wild boar had some signs similar to the control of the fire element.

If human transcendents and soldiers, without the participation of alien beasts, normally fight against this B-class demon spirit...

There is no doubt that the ending must be the death of B and other demon spirits.

But the human side will definitely not be like it is now. There is not even a skin traumatized, hundreds of people will die, and it is not impossible to even let a certain sky tower die.

After all, Lin Ming realized the attack tactics of the lightning element of the giant wild boar such as B and other demon spirits, and found that as long as it hits the barrier constructed by humans, the ending will probably be instantly fragile to those dozens of layers. Something smashed and caused a tragedy of a large number of casualties.

And this is probably just the beginning.

After being blinded by his eyes, the wild boar, who was already extremely violent, would never let these people go, and it would be impossible to say that he would die with them directly.

Without the participation of alien beasts, there would be no scene where these people happily took pictures of B and other demon spirits.

Strange beasts.

What the **** is it?

Come out alone, it's rubbish. After controlling B and other demon spirits, even B and other demon spirits become rubbish.

What is the meaning of this thing?

Help mankind regain the self-confidence dominated by the blue star in the past?

This time it directly helped the human being defeated smoothly, a B-class demon spirit that they would never defeat easily.

B and other demon spirit pig teammates?

Lin Ming couldn't help being a little speechless, the strange beast was simply outrageous.

However, having said that, if such a huge wild boar with lightning element attributes and a huge and violent B-class demon spirit stood in front of him as an enemy...

That was almost a matter of seconds, and Lin Ming could make him die.

After the five-flowered bamboo roots were tied up, toxins burst out and sent away.

Or the entrance of the bamboo root burst instantly.

Or borrow the ability of subordinates to restrain their ability...

There is simply not too much way to die.

As the A-class demon king now, Lin Ming felt that not only could he despise the B-class demon spirit in the realm, but he was also completely crushed in strength.

It is difficult for humans to deal with, and maybe even B-class demon spirits can only be dealt with with nuclear bombs. Lin Ming felt that as long as the opponent appeared within his attack range, the opponent would basically be dead.

Wasn't the silver poisonous dragon in the past simply killed by himself, who was also a B class at that time?

If this product appeared in front of him now, it wouldn't be as strenuous as it used to be, it would just be a spike.

At this time, Lin Ming simultaneously realized all of the nine-story towers and the soldiers in his mind.

Now they have posed on the dead body of the B-class demon spirit, and those fancy tanks and cannons have also entered the camera.

This time the task of destroying B and other demon spirits, they defeated the most powerful enemy in the shortest time.

In the same way, it has also got the biggest result-the great encouragement to human confidence, and it has shown to the other countries of the Blue Star how powerful they are, the Nine Heaven Towers and the soldiers.

Lin Ming felt that his spiritual realm was not that high yet.

He just felt that human beings really like to pursue something that is basically meaningless.

He didn't understand all the meanings and symbolic things they thought, and he didn't even want to understand.

In this battle, the soldiers who had done nothing stood in the most central position, while the extraordinary who made the best efforts were squeezed to the edge.

The contradiction between ordinary people and extraordinary people.

It has almost reached the level of tension.

Although ordinary people don't think it, the transcendents are still forbearing.

But the outbreak, it is estimated that it only needs an opportunity.

At that time, after Lin Ming raised the ability to rebuild the aura of all things to lv3, he also sensed that the leader of the Nine Heaven Tower was also the speech of Xing Yue of the first day tower.

Xing Yue's speech seemed to be what he said from the bottom of his heart after being depressed for a long time.

In Xing Yue's eyes, these nine-storied sky towers are just tools that are used. They are tool dogs driven by ordinary people who are crazy and cannot even be known to the outside world.

And these subordinates of Xing Yue obviously have the same idea as him.

Lin Ming is actually very clear about what those humans think about transcendents.

For the ordinary high-level people in Rongcheng City that I have previously perceived, some people do care if the other party is "extraordinary."

The transcendent is an alien, a threat, and an unknown.

Their existence is just as evil as the existence of those mutant creatures.

Lin Ming was actually very clear that these transcendents had deep grievances, and because of their own abilities, they felt extraordinary.

But they are also too extreme and emotional, stubbornly thinking that ordinary people think they are alien.

But most ordinary people don't think so, but they ignore this and just stare at the high-level people.

Lin Ming didn't know why ordinary people would think so.

He just felt that if the human race continued like this, it might not need the next spiritual rain to erupt, or another war would break out first.

At this point, the victors have taken the photos and the video.

Next, they will walk out of the spiritual realm and return to the human-controlled area in airplanes and helicopters.

But before that, their mission was obviously not completed.

Lin Ming sensed that Fei Jun had already drawn out the long sword, and easily cut the skin of the giant wild boar, and quickly confirmed the location of the Podan.

Next, a few ordinary soldiers searched for the B-class demon spirit soul pill in the sea of ​​blood, and packed it into a square metal box.

Lin Ming really wanted to know where the humans wanted to put this thing and where to use it.

He has been watching.

However, he suddenly sensed that dozens of white circles suddenly appeared from the vicinity of this pill pill, and countless strange beasts immediately appeared inside!

The humans have no response at all!

One of the strange beasts found the soul pill.

And, swallow it in one bite!

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