Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 16: Death penalty zone

   The drizzle, as more than a dozen people ran, hit their faces and bodies continuously, even if they were wearing raincoats, it seemed to be of no avail.

  Even, this raincoat is a little in the way.

   Zheng Guodong and his party have been running in the mud for more than half an hour.

   Everyone is carrying a huge package almost equal to their height, walking fast.

  Looking on carefully, no matter which one is out of breath, or showing the slightest fatigue.

   As transcendents, even the power holders of supernatural powers, their physical strength, endurance, and strength are far beyond ordinary people.

   However, the degree of control over power is different for each person, which also caused the so-called actual combat effectiveness.

   Zheng Guodong raised his head, wiped the rain off his face, and then slowly stopped: "Come on behind! Here we are!"

   In the rain, a village entrance with obvious man-made traces not far away has appeared in front of everyone.

   Little Lizhuang is actually not too far away from where they parked. This pedestrian ran over without wasting too much time.

"Okay, after we enter the village, remember to never disturb the villagers, and at the same time do not show anything about ability! Now everyone puts what they are carrying on the side of the road, and then advances to the village and the villagers Contact, do you hear it?!"

   "Yes!" The team members obeyed the order and placed a huge package made of heavy special materials on the weeds on the side of the road, but when they were put down, the heavy weight also caused the soil to sink a lot.

   Zheng Guodong called for a move, and all the team members quickly gathered, followed him and stepped on the muddy mountain road to the village of Xiaolizhuang.

   Not long after, Zheng Guodong met the head of Xiaoli Village, the old head of Li, and his son Li Fei.

   After a simple exchange, Zheng Guodong learned what happened.

   "Old man, those four people, do you think they are not some donkeys? And your nephew, after being hired by them, has not returned for more than a month?"

"Oh, isn't it, Captain Zheng, the road in the mountain is not easy to walk, and it’s not unusual to go every month, but it’s been a month, and the time is too long! By the way, the four I'm definitely not a tourist. I brought a shotgun and came to poach? There are so many white-lipped deer and pandas on our mountain..." Old Li shook his head helplessly.

   Zheng Guodong nodded and looked at Li Fei: "Have you ever found it yourself?"

"Yes, Captain Zheng, and I and two people who are familiar with mountain roads, I went to look for them a few days ago, but we didn't go very far, we were driven back by a lot of bugs!" Li Fei said and gestured, " Almost people have thick arms, black hair all over, and they are one meter long!"

"Go and go, don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense!" Old Head Li reprimanded his son, while also peeking at Zheng Guodong. The abnormal situation in the mountain was not a day or two, but he finally came to rescue the soldiers and couldn't help others. Scared back.

"Really, that is worthy of our attention. In addition, the village chief, you can rest assured that we are not here empty-handed." Zheng Guodong said, looking at the path into the mountain in the village. Now the rain is not stopping, and they are also There is really no way to enter the mountain right away.

Rain will also bring about some unexpected special conditions. What's more, if this village chief’s son is true, if the one-meter-long bugs can appear, I’m afraid the aura in this Wanzhuhai Nature Reserve. , Maybe it will be much higher than before.

  Perhaps, it is possible to encounter mutant spirit beasts with spiritual power as high as thousands.

   Thousands of spiritual power, which means that the defensive power can almost withstand the attack of ordinary bullets, and at the same time, the destructive power is extremely amazing!

   Half a month ago, Zheng Guodong had just returned from a spiritual realm. There, his team, before completing the mission, encountered a mutant bison with a spiritual power concentration of 1,500.

In that battle, because only three of his subordinates were extraordinary, he could not take care of the more than twenty ordinary fighters, which caused great sacrifices. In the end, he only took three extraordinary and two fighters from there. Escape from the spiritual realm.

   The mutant bison that had been chasing their attacks, although he was finally killed by him, the price was too high.

   Because of this, that spiritual realm has also become a death penalty zone that is difficult for living people to enter!

Now, when he comes to this Wanzhuhai Nature Reserve, Zheng Guodong dare not be careless. In order to maximize the success rate of the mission, he even borrowed all the extraordinary people who can come from the whole province of Shu to form this team. .

   In addition, rescuing the villager is also a more important task.

   Of course, if the misfortune reaches a level beyond their control, this Xiaoli Village will probably not be able to survive.

   "After midnight yesterday, there was a big earthquake suddenly! Old man, I have been here all my life, and I have never encountered an earthquake..."

   Old Li Tau said to himself, and told Zheng Guodong and others about the information that Li Fei had called before.

   On the surface, Zheng Guodong did not show the panic that he should have.

   After all, in the Wanzhuhai area, the so-called major earthquake has really not been seen in thousands of years, and even if there is an earthquake, it is not only noticed here by Xiao Lizhuang.

   The information provided by the Earthquake Administration showed that the earthquake was only within a few kilometers of the Wanzhuhai Nature Reserve.

   This kind of earthquake, UU reading is not an earthquake at all.

   If he had to make assumptions, Zheng Guodong could only think in the direction of mutant spirit beasts.

   But what kind of mutant spirit beast can cause such a big shock?

   "Village chief, you can rest assured that if earthquakes are not frequent, there will be nothing serious, and the mountain has not slipped..."

"We can rest assured, we can rest assured... Captain Zheng, it is not too early today. It will rain for a while, but it will not stop. If you don’t dislike it, don’t live in a tent or something. We have some in Xiaolizhuang, don’t Let everyone suffer." Old Head Li said.

He found out at that meeting. Among the fifteen people who followed Zheng Guodong, many of them looked like students. There were also a few girls who looked like they had never suffered. He was also for this group. Whether people can find his nephew Li Ming, I feel a little worried.

   Zheng Guodong was not polite, greeted everyone, and then settled down in this little Lizhuang.

   The rain continued to flow, and the subsequent troops did not immediately move in. Now even if they want to enter the mountain in a hurry, there is absolutely no way.

   After all, people like them really can't carry the heavy weapons needed to deal with monsters with thousands of spiritual strengths into the village, and it will be over if they scare the villagers.

   What's more, if there are monsters with thousands of spiritual strengths, these villagers may no longer be able to stand here.

   The existence of transcendents is not at the level that can be announced to ordinary people. Of course, the same is true for the spirit beasts in the mountains.

   got up and walked outside, Zheng Guodong frowned as he listened to the vibrations from the valley direction.

   In this valley, what kind of mutant spirit beast is it that can keep making such big movements?

   Is it true that things are going in the worst direction?

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