Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 158: Unknown reserve force

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A few days later.

Xing Yue was still unconscious.

Fei Jun, who had removed the plaster from his right arm, had to take over the task of leading the Nine-Layered Pagoda.

It was naturally the person who gave the order.

At this moment, behind the desk in front of Fei Jun dressed in black, that person was like every time Fei Jun had seen him, with a faint smile on his face.

Fei Jun knew exactly what that person was going to say.

This time, they can be described as "a disgraceful defeat."

The members of the Nine Heaven Towers sent out are all "elite".

All seven heavenly towers were dispatched, and at the same time they brought 92 C-class transcendents and 342 D-class transcendents.

However, there were only six heavenly towers, 41 C-class and 270 D-class transcendents died.

Even Li Wei of the sixth day tower died due to his injuries.

Xing Yue, who was the tower on the first day, suffered severe head injuries and was in a coma.

It can be said that the Nineth Heaven Pagoda suffered a fatal loss this time!

As for the ordinary soldiers, more than a thousand people died this time, most of them suffered injuries of varying degrees.

The B and other demon spirit crusade, which had attracted much attention before and the whole world was watching, had achieved a humiliating defeat in the face of these casualties.

Now that Xing Yue was in a coma, Fei Jun was taken as a substitute, and he was immediately summoned in front of that person.

At this time, in the huge office, there are only the subtle sounds of the turning of the hour, minute, and second hands of the grandfather clock.

Sweat spread on the standing Fei Jun's forehead.

Before, it was Xing Yue alone and that person doing various reports on the Nine Heavens Pagoda.

For a deputy like him, the chances of seeing that person are very few.

Not to mention, at this time, in a face-to-face form, I'm here to talk to that person alone.

That man, since he blasted everyone out ten minutes ago, he didn't say a word.

Even the teacup in front of him has not been picked up.

He just stared at Fei Jun's face and sat behind his desk with his back.

Stare, stare.

Fei Jun felt that the look in his eyes had the weight of a thousand gold, as if he was pressing a mountain on him.

His sweat began to drip down his forehead and face down on the ground.

One drop, two drops.

"you guys……"

I don't know how long I waited, that person finally made a sound.

Fei Jun looked up like a drowning man grabbing a straw and instantly raised his head: "Yes!"

"well done."


For a moment, Fei Jun thought he had heard something wrong.

He looked at the person's face and found the rumorous smile on the upper layer.

"I've checked your report many times." The man continued, his voice low and steady, "Before the sudden appearance of the strange beasts swallowed the Pill Pill, you did quite well."

"Yes!" Fei Jun didn't know why that person didn't get angry, or announced some punishment documents against them.

At this time, they said they did a good job?

Why on earth?

You know, this time they not only suffered heavy casualties, but also completely defeated the meaning of this time, and it should even cause extremely negative effects.

It's about human beings losing the battle of confidence after the eruption of the spiritual rain, then...

"This time, the results you have achieved are brilliant. It shows the attitude of humans when facing mutant creatures and the self-confidence of human beings when facing mutant creatures. At the same time, it encourages human beings all over the world. After the eruption of the rain of spirits, The significance of victory in this battle is extremely far-reaching. You did a great job."

The man spoke unhurriedly.

But Fei Jun's mind has more and more questions.

"Yes." He replied.

"This victory is destined to be written in the history of mankind's heroic struggle when facing mutant creatures. It has extremely positive meaning."


"As for the alien beast, this is a development that no one has thought of before, and the serious losses caused by it are also something we don't want to see." The man said, picked up the teacup, and took a sip.


"As for that strange beast, it suddenly disappeared after attacking you. Did you make this report?" The man asked a pile of information gently.

"Yes. At that time, I was the only one who got up, but found that the alien beast had already disappeared, and the direction it fleeed was..."

"The route to the southeast is almost straight. It's just that it disappeared less than one hundred and sixty kilometers away from Rongcheng." The person looked at the information in front of him and said.

Later, the helicopter that went to rescue the extraordinary and the soldiers shot almost in a straight line, leaving a very straight path, but after reaching that place, it stopped abruptly.

"Where did it go?" Fei Jun couldn't help asking.

"It's not clear. But for so many days, this monster has not attacked any of our cities, nor has it gone to any place in the world to do the same thing. It just disappeared like air." The man drank. After taking a sip of tea, he said softly, "Next, Fei Jun, you have a lot to do."

"Yes!" Fei Jun stood straight.

"Now the Ninth Heaven Pagoda has been hit hard, Xing Yue is also in a coma, and the alien beasts are missing. The worries of the mutant creatures that were originally threats have not been relieved. As for the entire Tang Dynasty and the entire world, it has not been since the last spiritual rain. Recovered from the burst of pain."


"Your victory over the B and other demon spirits by the Nine-Layered Pagoda is a boost to all mankind at present. There is no doubt that it is of great significance. After this, you will replace Xing Yue and attend quite a few. Meetings and related press conferences. And, you also have to start to prepare the entire Nine Heaven Tower. To absorb more and more energetic new forces!"

"Yes!" Fei Jun knew very well that the burden on his shoulders would be heavy.

But what he didn't expect was that what he had to do was to prepare the entire nine-story tower and absorb new forces.

Where did this new force come from?

Seeing his puzzled gaze, the man smiled lightly: "The Transcendent Research Center, have you been to this place?"

"Extraordinary...Research Center?" Fei Jun has never heard of such an institution, but when did the institution bear this name be established?

"Yes, after the Nineth Floor Pagoda sacrificed a lot of fighters for various We have also considered the reserve force here, so there is such a special organization, Absorbing and cultivating the extraordinary seedlings found from various places, now, after the outbreak of the rain and this tragedy, the Nineth Heaven Pagoda also urgently needs to replenish fresh blood. Isn't it?"

As the man said, he looked up at Fei Jun again.

Fei Jun nodded: "It is true, the number of our existing transcendents is too small, but..."

"Then, someone will take you to the Transcendental Research Center in the afternoon, and then you can listen to instructions. That's it for today, Fei Jun, and then, the Nineth Heaven Pagoda will rely on you."

"Yes!" Fei Jun bowed, he turned and left with a complex mood of doubts, and more worries and hopes about the Nine Heaven Tower.

However, as usual, Fei Jun came to the central hospital where Xing Yue was located, but unexpectedly discovered that Xing Yue had disappeared.

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