Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 164: The consequences of angering the demon king like A

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"Good job, human."

After three consecutive missile attacks, Lin Ming simultaneously manifested the soaring fire in his mind, and he couldn't help but also affirmed the human performance this time.

They should have guessed the existence of his A-class demon spirit, and maybe even guessed that he lives in the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm.

Otherwise, the three attacks of burning petrol bombs would not keep approaching him in this direction every time.

Today, the soaring fire caused by the gasoline bomb has wiped out everything in the vast spiritual realm from nearly 50 kilometers away to 200 kilometers away, and it continues to expand to the surroundings.

In the vast area that was completely turned into black charcoal, there were not only giant trees that once towered to the sky, but also countless mutant creatures who had no time to escape.

In this action, the human beings didn't care at all, just for their goal, and used technological weapons that only they could use.

When Lin Ming saw those missiles, he was also in this vast field of consciousness, ordering all his subordinates to act at the same time.

For those wolves who had been assigned to a hundred kilometers away, Lin Ming let these weaker ones continue to move farther, avoid the coming disaster and escape to a safer place.

As for the subordinates within a hundred kilometers, Lin Ming used the ability to rebuild the aura of all things to realize where they were, and then sent each one to him with bamboo roots.

After ensuring the safety of all subordinates.

Lin Ming waited for the next action of mankind.

These incendiary petrol bombs are tentative attacks by mankind, and the purpose is definitely to "force him out."

Human beings still have no way of knowing that the A-class demon spirit they imagined is actually a mutant bamboo.

They are still limited in their own thinking, thinking that the Demon King like A should be a beast, formed through continuous improvement of the realm.

What human beings are thinking about now is probably to have a head-on battle with the A and other demon spirits they imagined.


How overbearing!

Lin Ming couldn't help but sigh, this time the actions of human beings can be described as "low intelligence" and "no strategy"!

How long has it been since the last spiritual rain erupted?

The tide of mutant creatures almost destroyed the cities they had worked so hard to build and survive on, and countless human lives were also brought to an end.

Based on Lin Ming's understanding of the human beings in the city he can perceive and realize, they are still in a stage of waiting to be thrived.

Only a few days have passed since the last time human beings slumped in the giant alien beast, the Nine Heaven Tower lost almost half of its elites?

The injury was not clear yet, so he came to provoke the A-class Demon King they identified in such anxiousness. The human wisdom who made this decision really made Lin Ming unable to understand.

You must know that the current strength of human beings is only to the extent that they have gathered a large number of nine-layered sky towers to barely kill a B-level demon spirit.

Even that giant alien beast can easily crush them.

But facing an A-class Demon King, instead of accumulating strength first, he used the tactics of burning petrol bombs to provoke him, which really made him puzzled.

After all, Lin Ming felt that these humans were actually very smart.

They can even infer the existence of his A-class Demon King through only a few clues and some strange phenomena before and after, and even have a general understanding of the specific location.

But later with this stupid action...

Lin Ming felt that these humans must know how overpowered they were and what they did was to shake the tree!

He looked at the attribute panel and had soared to nearly 90,000 evolution points.

When the burning petrol bomb hit the target of Linhai in the spiritual realm that humans were about to hit, Lin Ming used the bamboo roots to release toxins and exploded, killing all nearby mutant creatures that had no time to escape.

After that, with the arrival of the second and third waves of burning petrol bombs released by mankind, Lin Ming also continued to harvest the lives of those mutant creatures at the same time.

Anyway, they are also unable to escape the flame storm caused by the horrible weapons made by humans, so it is better to let them become their own strength.

With a movement of consciousness, the shielding ability of the aura force field soon went from lv3 to lv5!

[You can selectively shield the aura concentration of any creature within a thousand kilometers with the body as the center, and there is no maximum limit]

One thousand kilometers!

It seems, quite enough, then...

Lin Ming looked at him, the subordinates who were ready for battle at this time.

With their already very intelligent and intelligent, they know very well what is happening now.

Among them, many have had experience in fighting with humans several times.

However, after the Wanzhuhai Spirit Realm came out, they had not yet started a battle with humans!

At this time, it was them that showed him their power!

"Red Shadow, Snow Brocade, Ink Armor, Ochre Feather!"

"Master!" Four giant bird demon spirits the size of fighter jets obediently awaited orders under Lin Ming.

"Using your light crystal reflection ability, according to the position I told you, all the flying metal birds in the sky will be completely destroyed for me!"

"Yes, master!"

The four giant birds screamed loudly, unfolding their huge wings, and at the same time turning into four whirlwinds, soaring into the sky!

Their figures instantly turned into four black-clad death gods under the shadow of black clouds like ink stains!

The mission of Chi Ying is to destroy all the reconnaissance gunships dropped by humans in this vast area, the high-speed reconnaissance planes that swoop down from time to time in the sky, and the bomber squadrons about to take off from Rongcheng City!

With the ability to reflect light crystals, they can ignore human reconnaissance in the air.

But Lin Ming's ability to shield more of the aura field at this time can hide their aura concentration within a thousand kilometers!

This means that what humans have to face is to approach like ghosts, possessing terrifying B-class demon spirits that can destroy everything!

Humans, if you want to play with me...

Then let your eyes here be blinded!

Pull out your fangs one by one!

However, this alone is not enough.

"Jingji, guardian, guardian!" Lin Ming looked at his subordinates who were always waiting for orders, and continued to give orders.

"Yes! Master!" The three terrifying and strange looking behemoths bowed their heads.

"You go to a human city, destroy exactly the buildings I told you, and destroy the humans there!"

"Yes! Master!"

A white, two brown-black streamers disappeared in the forest sea instantly, and went straight to the most important places in Rongcheng City!

They will continue to receive direction commands in Lin Ming’s field of consciousness. Under the shield of the aura field, they will use extremely fast speeds to assassinate those extraordinary people and ordinary people with important positions in various locations in Rongcheng City, and they will possess Rongcheng City. Destroy all warehouses and airports with many threatening weapons!

After giving orders to them, Lin Ming felt that the initial counterattack was a little worse.

He looked at the three giant wolves, Feng Xiao, Feng Ji, and Feng Yan.

"The three of you, you have to separate, go to three places separately, destroy the important goals there, can you complete the task?"

"Master! The subordinates will definitely return after completing the mission!" The three giant wolves roared in a low voice and went straight to the goal requested by Lin Ming!

Raindrops, also at this moment, suddenly fell from the air and hit Lin Ming's blood-red bamboo leaves.

The fiercely burning fire in the distance still didn't mean to stop.

The humans who made them have never imagined that these raging fires would burn them on their bodies, and then completely burn them into black charcoal, and be blown away by the wind!

Annoy an A-class Demon King...

What are the consequences, then, wait and see.

The counterattack has just begun.

There are many surprises in the back.

Wait and see!

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