Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 186: Violent arrogance

   Without the guards of layers of transcendents and soldiers, the defense of that huge building is useless.

   At this time, the night has gradually entered.

   Because of the power outage in the underground space, Xingyuan City is now completely chaotic.

   All the armed forces rushed towards the underground space, the city was full of chaos, and the crowd ran into the streets.

   just happens to be a good time for an attack.

   A very strong black shadow rushed in this dark night.

   In the land under its feet, the same rushing is Lin Ming's bamboo roots.

   Lin Ming’s bamboo roots cannot be

   Panda Pangda accepted Lin Ming's order. At this time, he had already turned his body's aura and headed to the direction of that huge building at full speed!

It rushed at a very fast speed from the spiritual realm to a few meters away from the very high and very long wall on the outermost layer. It hit the ground with its toes and turned into a black whirlwind, directly from the obstacle of more than 20 meters. Flying over!

   Humans think that they are extremely strong and insurmountable walls. For this B-class demon spirit, it is nothing at all.

   After crossing the ten-story protective wall in a row, Pangda also arrived in the urban area of ​​Xingyuan City.

   According to Lin Ming's guidance, it evaded all monitoring facilities and immediately reached the huge metal building.

   "Pangda, there are dozens of people inside, they have reached the gate, you..."

   However, Lin Ming hadn't finished speaking. Before his bamboo roots even protruded from the surface, he sensed that his subordinate had turned those dozens of people into fleshy flesh with bullet fists in an instant!

   They didn't even make a scream, they were bombarded with blood foam by the thousands of punches they wielded in this short period of time, and they were all over.

   "Master, it has been resolved." Pang Da suddenly pulled open the door of the heavy building, and threw aside the metal object that had become distorted under this tremendous force.

   "Nice work." Lin Ming's bamboo roots retracted under the ground again. Originally, he just wanted to use a toxin burst to directly kill these people who were in the way, but he didn't expect Fatty to shoot faster.

   This guy is also quite decisive, and he doesn't hesitate because the opponent is a human.

   Lin Ming remembered that when this guy first joined, he was in the Myriad Bamboo Sea Spirit Realm, and the two transcendents brought by Zheng Guodong were dropped without any hesitation.

   Later, during the Ling Xiaofeng incident, he rushed to the forefront and killed a lot of extraordinary people.

   This guy seems to never know what "sit down", this is very similar to him.

  For Lin Ming, killing ordinary people won't get any evolution points, but it doesn't mean he won't do it.

   If ordinary people get in the way, he will do it without hesitation, just like before.

  Neither he nor his subordinates can be seen by anyone.

   If you see it, then only by completely obliterating them can you guarantee that his existence is still in the dark.

   After all, in human cognition, that A-class Demon King should still be in the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm, and shouldn't be something that appeared here.

   "Master, what do you do next?" Pangda asked again after punching out the flames with a bullet punch and cleaning up the surroundings.

   Lin Ming sensed everything around him, easily invaded the taproot from the pipe of the building, and then completely cut off the power supply inside.

   At this time, there are no human beings in the huge building.

   After the power is cut off, things like the camera are completely useless.

   "After you go in, just ask me to find the guy and find it, besides..."

   Lin Ming looked at the four blood-luans who had already flown out, and gave another order: "Bring over all of the mutant birds, not one left. If anyone resists, just kill them."

   "Subordinates understand!" Panda Pangda and Xueluan responded immediately.

   But at this time, Lin Ming let the bamboo roots enter this huge building so lightly, and quickly found the place where the mutant birds and aquatic creatures were kept.

   They were sealed like a seal at this time, enclosed in those rooms with steel plates nearly one meter thick.

   Lin Ming had never thought before that humans could actually catch mutant creatures and then lock them in such a place.

   After all, for humans, everything about mutant creatures is enough to endanger life.

  Although the abilities of these birds and aquatic creatures are now only at an advanced level, their size and attack power are completely different from the original species.

  The human beings who can catch them are not cruel.

   must have paid a considerable price, and the purpose is very clear.

   Humans are also eager to know the secrets contained in these mutant creatures, right?

   After all, under the aura recovery, the "evolution" speed of human beings is much slower than that of these mutant creatures.

   They still don’t know what is the reason for this inconsistent speed.

   Moreover, they don't know why almost all living things are mutants, and among human beings, only a few are extraordinary.

   This research institution in Xingyuan City is subordinate to the "Extraordinary Research Center."

   Lin Ming knew this because he had fully sensed the conversations among the researchers in this research institution before the attack, and had speculated quite a lot of facts.

   And the Transcendent Research Center, it seems that it is not here to study the "Transcendent."

   They studied more of these mutant creatures.

   The extremely strong bamboo root did not use brute force this time, but used a dark elemental attack to directly wipe out the entire metal door!

   "Master, I have found it." At this time, Panda Panda found the subordinate Lin Ming wanted most from another hidden place, held it in both hands, and reported to him.

   "Pangda, you did a great job."

   At this time, the four blood luans also flew into the research center.

   Lin Ming used bamboo roots to open the cages to release the mutant bird creatures inside.

   And the four **** lunars that entered the darkness and flew around in front of their eyes, the flock of birds immediately followed them and flew out of the research center.

   "Master, what are we going to do next?" Pangda put the little guy in his hand on his broad shoulders, waiting for the next order.

   After Lin Ming’s bamboo branches searched in those pools, six of them were found to be mutated creatures with good intelligence and capable of breathing in the air.

   He went around again and found that there was nothing left, and then gave the next order to Fatty.

   "Come and destroy this place with me!"

   "Master, this is my honour." After panda Pangda confirmed the position and safety of the little guy on his shoulders, he also got a violent aura in an instant!

   Its palms were suddenly covered with a layer of translucent purple-red spiritual flame, and with its continuous aura, the color became deeper and deeper!

   "Master, please take a look at how powerful I, as one of your strongest combat powers, really is!"

  Pangda suddenly roared, and then, a burst of arrogance rose to the sky!

   Boom! ! !



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