Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 196: Existence above the A-class Demon King

   After a whole night of refurbishment, the subordinates who had returned from various places had gathered under Lin Ming again at this time.

   came to the new shelter, every subordinate was quite excited.

  Different from the Wanzhuhai Spiritual Realm and the Qifeng Mountain Spiritual Realm, this valley is obviously much larger than the previous habitat.

  Animals, bugs, birds, and even aquatic creatures are unimaginable.

   The aura floating above this valley is also extremely rich, which makes these mutant creatures quite comfortable.

   For them, this is almost the most suitable place to live.

   At this moment, they are all waiting for the command of their master Lin Ming, looking forward to being able to fully utilize their strength in this place, and looking forward to being able to raise their realm to a higher stage in this place!

   As the most advanced mutant biota on land in this era of aura recovery, they all want to charge for them and cut off any enemies for them under the command of their master Lin Ming!

   However, at this moment, they have just gone through battles and long journeys, and their physical strength has just recovered.

   What to do next depends on the owner Lin Ming's meaning.

   The huge, blood-colored giant tree in front of him was exuding extremely powerful aura. At this time, thick white mist was continuously gushing from its body.

   They are all very familiar with this situation.

   Everything seems to have returned to the Wanzhuhai Spiritual Realm.

   At this time, Lin Ming had already used the fog burst ability to integrate the fog he emitted into the mist rising in the valley.

   The mist filled the valley, gradually submerging the lower terrain, and also shrouded countless giant trees to hide it.

   After a short while, the rumbling sound gradually rose, and several reconnaissance planes flew past high in the sky, and then headed towards the far end.

   The Vermillion Bird Valley Spirit Realm is just a small corner in the general scope of the Great Qin Mountain Spirit Realm.

  In the perception of humans, even though there are some C-level demon spirits here, they are nothing compared to other places with higher aura concentration in the Daqin Mountain Spirit Realm.

   Nowadays, A and other demon kings have appeared, and all the center of gravity of mankind has decentralized from the past, and gradually gathered in the spiritual realm of Qifeng Mountain, which is 60 kilometers northwest of Rongcheng.

   And a large number of Reiki detection satellites, at this time, are focusing on there almost 24 hours a day.

   On the human side, the current strength is not enough to challenge A and other Demon Kings, and they are constantly accumulating strength. When A and other Demon Kings are not in trouble and they are attacking, they pile up their own strength as much as possible.

   Lin Ming knows exactly what human beings are thinking.

   He also knows very well what humans will do next.

   Although some important areas in Beijing cannot be perceived by myself, Lin Ming's actions in other places can be seen clearly.

   At this moment, dozens of areas where nuclear bombs can be launched have been completely aimed at the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm.

   All the nearby cities, including Rongcheng City, are also continuing to move people.

   Its purpose is nothing more than preparation.

   After all, A and other demon kings are the existence that all mankind is afraid of.

   However, they had never imagined that A and other Demon Kings had already arrived at the Vermillion Bird Valley Spirit Realm thousands of kilometers away from the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm in a short period of time, right?

   Even, he came to the central hinterland of Tang State, monitoring their every move.

   And when human beings suddenly attacked and fired those nuclear bombs into the spiritual realm of Qifeng Mountain, then that time would also be the beginning of their demise.

   But before that, Lin Ming also wanted to take advantage of this period of time to raise his strength to Tier 4.

   Fourth-order, there is no description in the human power system regarding the classification of aura concentration.

   even said that their description of the power of the Demon King such as A is completely blank.

  For humans, the existence of B-level demon spirits is already quite terrifying, enough to destroy cities, while A-level demon kings can destroy a wider area.

  A and so on are the third order.

What about   ?

If    is the fourth order, how do you classify it?

   Lin Ming didn't know how the humans would divide the fourth-order mutant creatures, but he knew very well that he was striding forward in that direction.

   After reaching the fourth level, you can really watch sentient beings.

   However, Lin Ming also understood very well that the aura revival that occurred on this planet urged all things to evolve and mutate continuously, and also made everything possible.

   is like Zixuesha, a mutant plant that can hide its breath just like itself. Maybe there are so many in this world.

   And in the ocean, especially in the mutant creatures living in the deep ocean, how many B etc. are there, no one knows.

  A and so on, maybe they are not legends.

   After all, compared to land, the ocean is broader, richer in resources, and less affected by humans.

   On the human side, there has not yet been invented an aura concentration measuring device that can see through to a kilometer above the ocean, and it seems that it will not be manufactured in a short time.

   They care more now, and are more afraid of the A-class Demon King on this land.

   Although humans still occupy a vast land area in the world, with billions of people, there are also huge cities that are unimaginable.

   But their status is already precarious.

   In the era of aura recovery when the aura is deepening, maybe after an opportunity, they will become a small force on this planet, or even disappear directly.

   But on the contrary, if they can give up all struggles and concentrate on their own crisis, maybe they will explode with a strong fighting power, it may also be possible.

As a mutant plant with a strong sense of crisis, Lin Ming feels that what he should do most at this time is to develop his power as soon as possible, so as to prepare for more complex and changeable changes in form, and always remain the same as now. status.

   Looking at the remaining subordinates, Lin Ming actually had some plans and ideas for their division of labor after careful consideration.

   First, start with the pack of wolves.

   They have the largest number, and the task is naturally the most important.

   Two hundred and forty-seven wolves, plus the seven wolves headed by Feng Xiao, are quite good in combat effectiveness, and they are suitable for being placed in the surrounding areas to monitor various locations in the valley.

"Wind whistle, wind blast, wind yan, rock place, thunder loneliness, flame grazing, poisonous 靥 you each lead thirty-five wolves to guard in every direction of the valley, and monitor all suspicious movements at the same time! "

   "Yes! Master!" Feng Xiao and other seven wolves, as the subordinates who followed Lin Ming from the beginning, knew the importance of this task.

   Although Lin Ming can realize everything in this valley, he still can't cover everything.

   In case of a battle, they can also directly lead a pack of wolves to attack and defend from all directions, outwards.

   What's more, their other task this time is to lead the pack of wolves to improve their realm level.

   If these two hundred forty-seven wolves can be promoted to the level of the first order, then they can really become his powerful combat power.

   The pack of wolves set off in an instant, making Lin Ming's body more than half empty in an instant.

After the pack of wolves left, Lin Ming looked at the other subordinates again.

   However, just when he wanted to continue to give orders, he suddenly felt the fluctuations of several familiar auras from Shangjing!

   Especially one of the red auras that resembled a burning flame made Lin Ming also surprised.

   It's him.



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