Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 206: The bait put there deliberately (below)

   At this time, although all the problems have been solved, and the subordinates only need to wait for a while to wake up, Lin Ming can't help feeling a chill at this time.


  If the podan is the bait... Then, the person who put these podan in Xingcheng city, and the fate meeting behind that person, has it already anticipated this step?

   And if the Podan can transform a mutant creature into a different beast, then those mutant creatures before...

   Could it be said that it was "manufactured"?

   And who made these strange beasts? Will fate?

What is the purpose? And how did the alien beast know his existence, and attack it again and again?

   Lin Ming thought for a long time, but couldn't understand it.

   At this time, he deeply felt that the information he had now was still too little.

   Regarding the existence of destiny, he had only obtained information from the self-talk of the old Zhai before, and the intelligence only knew that the person and the destiny were inextricably linked.

   And this destiny is still hidden in the darkness, containing a lot of secrets.

   Are all these things done by them or by others?

   Lin Ming felt that many answers must still be sought from among Zheng Guodong's group.

   After all, these four people used to be the various sky towers of the Nine-layer Sky Tower, and even two of them were obviously locked into the ground because of "knowing something".

   Whether it is Zheng Guodong, who is not crazy at all, or Xing Yue, who has recovered from a coma from a serious injury, he has not too few secrets.

   Lin Ming used the ability to "rebuild the aura of all things" to fully realize their manifestations in their minds, and then put all their attention on them.

   However, Lin Ming didn't wait long before he sensed a series of important information!

   Destiny Club, Podan, experiment, alien beast manufacturing, the person under control, the traitor of the Nine-storied Pagoda...

  The meaning of the destiny society, the evolution of different animals...

   The more Lin Ming perceives, the more surprised.


   Under the general background of the era of aura recovery, when humans are basically at a disadvantage, how dare to make such waves?

   Lin Ming is truly incomprehensible now.

   Destiny will, the purpose is to create a world with only extraordinary people.

   They knew the existence of Podan, and used an unknown method to control that person, fostered the Association of Transcendents, and founded the Nine Heaven Pagoda.

  They used the Podan to experiment with humans and mutant creatures, and the final product they made was an alien animal.

   And one of their purposes for creating alien beasts is to kill him, the A-class Demon King.

   And another purpose?

   I’m afraid, it’s used to deal with ordinary people...

   After all, with the combat power of ordinary alien beasts, it is impossible to shake the transcendents at all. This has been fully proved.

  When dealing with ordinary people, these strange beasts will show their destructive power!

   Perceiving the conversation of the four people, Lin Ming fell into deep thought.

   All actions of the Destiny Club are based on their ultimate goal.

   They want to create a world of transcendents. If this is the case, it is obvious that there are more ways than to go around such a big circle.

   And it was said that he was going to use the alien beast to destroy his A-class Demon King, which was obviously untenable.

Lin Ming felt that, let alone how they discovered their existence, they could even confirm that he was in the Qifeng Mountain spiritual realm so simply, and that the strange beasts were almost all of the Chiling Heart that went straight to him. It was this "Pill Pill" on his body that came from.

   And whether it was the mutation of his subordinates, or the "half-exotic beasts" that the two black auras in his body had turned into, they didn't mean to pounce in the direction of his Chiling Heart.

   If the alien beasts don't have a natural desire for Chiling's heart, then they are controlled by the Destiny Club, and the purpose is the Chiling's heart in him.

   Although it is said that whether it is a strange beast or a human, it is not his opponent at present, and even said that it is not an opponent at all.

   But Lin Ming believed that since they were able to create alien beasts, and could throw severely injured transcendents into the alien beast's mouth to feed such things, they would certainly be able to do other things.

  Furthermore, the facts have also proved that the Destiny Society can control the alien beasts. Then, it also proves that in the Destiny Society, someone has the power to "control and command" the alien beasts.

   If that person is still controlled, then there is still the power to "control and command" human beings in the Fate Society.

   Let’s not talk about the human side, just the alien beast, the last time the "sea of ​​alien beasts" appeared, if you want to control so many alien beasts...

   Then, it might be possible for the transcendents in this Destiny Society to have reached the level of A.

   This probability is not too low.

   Moreover, since fate can have an A, it is not impossible to have two, three or more, right?

   Several A-class transcendents...

   Lin Ming really wants to know how many evolution points can be brought about by killing one?

   When the strange beasts struck him, he used a plan to kill the third day tower. Xue Yucheng, an extraordinary person like B, directly gave him an evolution point of 3,500 points, which would have surprised him quite a bit.

  If you can kill some A-level supernatural beings...

   Isn’t that another way to evolve?

   After all, compared to other things, such as sunlight, spirit stones, killing mutant creatures, and even later alien beasts, it is simply quite efficient.

   Even, it can be compared to the spiritual rain that does not know when it will erupt.

   However, if you want to obtain a large number of such evolution points, then you have to allow the superhuman beings to advance to the level of A.

   If this is the case, then one's realm really needs to be improved a little bit.

  Is the so-called wealth and wealth seeking in insurance?

   A lot of benefits must be accompanied by danger.

   Although the current human strength, even if it reaches the A level, it is much different from the mutant creature’s A level ~, but you can't underestimate the enemy, otherwise, you don't know when you will suffer.

   Lin Ming is now happy to see conflicts, infights, and conflicts between humans.

   Especially the emergence of this fate will undoubtedly push the future of the entire mankind further into the abyss and chaos.

   In this era of aura recovery, the aura will become more intense over time.

   Among humans, the number of extraordinary people who have adapted to this aura is extremely rare, and their original weapons and technology have gradually become incompetent in dealing with mutant creatures.

   It can be said that the human beings who have fallen far behind the mutant creatures in this race of "evolution and survival" are now falling further and further because of their own reasons.

   Lin Ming felt that it might not take too long before a new moment will begin.

   And it belongs to the era of the most blessed mutant creatures in this aura recovery, they will become stronger and stronger as the aura becomes stronger!

   This will belong to mutated animals, mutated bugs, mutated birds, and even the latest mutated plants like him.

   Even, has been in the dark, in the age of mutated marine creatures like blind spots!



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