Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 211: The manipulator behind the marionette

In the old car, the originally spacious back seat is now crowded with three people.

   The co-pilot's Fei Jun glanced at the newcomer sitting in the middle from the rearview mirror, and then quickly shifted his gaze to the desolate scenery passing by the window.

"Feitian Tower, don't be so guarded against me. I won't use my own abilities against my companions." The beard smiled awkwardly, and looked at Zheng Guodong next to him, "Old Zheng, help me talk. Is my style so bad?"

   Zheng Guodong opened his mouth and shook his head again without speaking.

   And Cheng Yu, who held the steering wheel in front, pretended not to hear it.

   The beard looked at Xing Yue again: "Xingtian Tower?"

"Uh, it's true. Xiao Liuzi won't use abilities against our acquaintances. Don't be so defensive. But to be honest, if he wants to think about how you put aura to his head, if he wants to read, he can still read it. "Xing Yue yawned, frowned and looked at a huge ruin in the distance, "This side is also abandoned..."

   Liu Feishu scratched his head and sighed: "Are you so indifferent to the savior? Alas, if it weren't for me, you would have been taken away now. You must know the aura shielding device..."

   "Brother Liu, Brother Liu, of course we thank you so much, hahaha, but no one thought how did you get to that level?" Cheng Yu saw that the atmosphere was embarrassing and hurriedly ended the game.

"Hey, Cheng Tianta, it's better for you to treat me well, these people are too indifferent, alas." Liu Feishu shook his head helplessly, "After Lao Xing was locked up, I was thrown here as a gatekeeper, don't you? know……"

   Xing Yue patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, I know you are amazing, but what exactly is this aura shielding device, will the destiny come out?"

"Who else besides them? But the makeup level of you few is too bad, thinking that sticking a beard and getting a smoky makeup can easily break through wherever you are, you are drunk. After all, Destiny will not have that person as a spokesperson now, But in fact, except for that person, everything else is operating normally." Liu Feishu laughed.

   "Everything is running normally? So is the Transcendental Research Center?" Fei Jun's eyebrows were tightly closed, and he thought of the new transcendents who would not listen to his instructions at all, and whose abilities were extremely peculiar.

   "Isn't that certain."

   "Oh? Extraordinary Research Center, how can those things continue?" Xing Yue was also taken aback, but he also knew the existence of this thing.

"Lao Xing, where do you know? I thought you and Lao Zheng didn’t know at all, but I don’t know whether there are more extraordinary people a good thing or a bad thing. Destiny will tell the truth and it’s quite ridiculous. Not bad." Liu Feishu shook his head.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Human, man-made extraordinary?" Cheng Yu's voice changed, "Fuck, what are you talking about? How can I not understand?"

   The expressions of Xing Yue and Zheng Guodong also changed.

   Quite a lot seems to have happened in places they didn't know.

"In short, it's an experiment to use aura to produce fluids and stabilizers to turn an ordinary person into a transcendent, and the Transcendent Center does this." Fei Jun sighed, "I didn't spend much time at all. Time has obtained this information, which shows how unscrupulous Fate will be. At that time, I feel that the extraordinary people newly added to the team will not listen to my instructions at all, just like puppets. So I went to the suburbs of Shangjing for a while. The Transcendent Research Center in China, as a result, obtained this information easily."

   Cheng Yu's face is not good anymore, he feels that his worldview is about to collapse.

   "What is fate and destiny going to do?" He shivered, "Making transcendents? Transcendents are not in this era of aura recovery, and their bodies have adapted to the aura..."

   "Huh? So I knew Feitian Pagoda and I? I thought you knew Lao Xing too." Liu Feishu was also surprised.

"I just know that this thing exists. After all, when that person set up this thing in a slightly more remote city such as Xingcheng City, I was still there. However, at that time, I was told that this thing is a study of the power of the transcendent. He will assist the transcendents to fight by making various things. But I didn't expect..." Xing Yue's face was grim, this is really crazy.

  Man made extraordinary...

   Will ordinary people become transcendents with aura like them...

"Hey, that's it, but it's true. Later, before the mass-produced transcendents came out, Lao Xing, you and Lao Zheng were imprisoned in that underground cage. No wonder you didn't know." Liu Feishu coughed slightly, this The atmosphere in the small carriage has become almost suffocating.

   Now everyone’s face is full of anxiety and anxiety, and more, they are worried about the future of mankind.

   If this development continues, everything will become more chaotic.

   And Xing Yue's face became redder and red, and the color of anger overflowed on the table.

"No, I'm going back, I'm going to destroy those research centers! What's so special, isn't this a prank? Create transcendents? What do you think of us transcendents!" Xing Yue suddenly shouted, his voice great!

"Brother Xing, you're right! We've smashed this broken research center!" Cheng Yu yelled and slammed the car to the side of the road. "Take us like dogs." Forget it, it's not even a dog anymore, is it?!"

   "I agree." Fei Jun took a deep breath.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Hey, hey, what are you doing? Are you going crazy? Go back? Go back...Old Zheng, you talk about them, it's a mess Do you want to play?" Liu Feishu quickly looked at Zheng Guodong. He didn't expect that these big guys would have such a big reaction!

   And, want to go back? Where is the turning back now?

   They just passed the level, and they waste a lot of effort. If it weren't for him there, this group of people would now have to be held by the soldiers with their guns against their heads and directly detained with the aura shielding device. The game is completely finished!

   He ran over with them, also because he wanted to go to the ice city with them, to leave the place where he was the gate, instead of running back to die!

   Transcendents are very powerful, but ordinary people know the weaknesses of too many transcendents. If they go back, only one will die.

   He ran to the ice city with these four people, didn't he also abandon everything?

   "Little I ask you." Zheng Guodong, who has not spoken, said, "As far as you know, how many transcendental research centers are in Tang State?"

   "How many? You should ask me if there are any other cities in Tang Dynasty! The whole world is special! Do you think that if you destroy a few, you can't finish it? You can't finish it if you are exhausted! Destiny will..."

   "Okay, the answer has come out, continue driving, don't go back." Zheng Guodong yawned, "I will be impulsive when you encounter problems. You can still be the Tower of Nine Heavens, I am also drunk."

"Fuck, Brother Zheng, you are not qualified to say this..." Cheng Yu sighed heavily as he finished speaking. He glanced at Fei Jun, who was silent next to him, and his face flushed in the back seat. Xing Yue, knowing that things have progressed to this point, even if they go back impulsively, nothing can be changed.

   Human beings seem to be striding forward in the direction of destruction.

   The world is creating extraordinary people.

   These puppet-like transcendents are controlled by the giant hands of the Destiny Society, replacing the original transcendents who appear naturally but don't want to listen to them.

   For their ambitions, continue to provoke disputes between humans.

   Until, completely build a world with only extraordinary people...

   The car continued to move forward, and after more than an hour of deathly silence, it gradually stopped by a bridge.

   The four people got out of the car at the same time and looked at the big river flowing to the southeast and the endless mountain range with numerous towering trees. .

   "Changshan Spirit Realm, here it is."

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