Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 217: This is just to show it

   On the outskirts of Bingcheng, in an abandoned building, hundreds of people were walking around in the rooms on each floor.

   From the outside, it looks like a row of six-story buildings in cities where thousands of people have moved.

   But there are nearly a hundred people living here who were originally the Nine-storied Pagoda.

   is different from Zheng Guodong, Xing Yue and others. They both led people directly through the pass, with the goal of fleeing the Ninth Heaven Pagoda, which had been completely in chaos, and fleeing from the control of the Fate Society that existed in the dark.

   And this suburb of Bingcheng, because of two spiritual rain eruptions, has been completely engulfed by the forest spiritual realm called Juxing'an.

  Countless demon spirits such as C are wandering in this, not only in the suburbs of Bingcheng, even Bingcheng is estimated to not last for too long.

   But for people like the original Nineth Heaven Pagoda, this place is actually an excellent hiding place.

   An old man living in the ice city possesses the magical ability to help other extraordinary people conceal their aura.

Although in the Nine Heaven Towers, this ability is of no use at all. Whether it is fighting or assisting, this ability is of no use to the truth, but at this time, it has become a new organization of less than a hundred people. Protect the barrier.

  Because only in this way can we completely avoid the fate meeting and avoid the reconnaissance of the Reiki concentration detection satellite.

   At this time, Xing Yue and Zheng Guodong are paying close attention to the many valuable information and intelligence collected from various channels.

   "Looking like this, it seems that I am going to do something recently." Zheng Guodong sighed as he looked at the pieces of information in front of him.

   "It is estimated that it should be about ten days. According to usual experience, it is about this time." Xing Yue also nodded.

   "Where are the civilians in nearby Rongcheng and several surrounding cities?" Fei Jun frowned and looked at Zheng Guodong.

"Basically it has been evacuated. You know, even in the era of aura recovery, half a month is enough to evacuate tens of millions of people, not to mention that quite a few people have already been evacuated before. It is estimated that there are no more people left in Rongcheng City. However, I always feel that something is wrong..." Xing Yue looked at a data sheet, which was the histogram report of the spiritual energy concentration value of the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm.

   is almost always a slight upward trend, but there is only this trend, there is no slight fluctuation.

"Then Demon King A, according to what you said, can also conceal the concentration of his own spiritual energy, right, but does he also have the ability to make himself completely silent?" Cheng Yu walked over, holding a form in his hand. .

The above recorded the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm from the first appearance of a strange beast to the incident involving almost all the military facilities in the giant city within a thousand kilometers. Tang Guo recorded all the various situations that occurred near Qifeng Mountain. report.

   "You mean..." Zheng Guodong looked at the report that was handed over, and after a little glance, he saw some clues, and he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"Since that time, there has been no movement in the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm. Neither the loud noise nor the strange beast has appeared again." Cheng Yu nodded, "It's too quiet, people can't help but wonder whether there is There really is the existence of the A-class Demon King."

   Zheng Guodong nodded silently.

   The A-class Demon King can run out of the Ten Thousand Bamboo Sea Spirit Realm and head to the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm.

  Will you go to another place from the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm?

   This is not impossible.

   And for more than half a month, looking at the situation on the side of Qifeng Mountain, let alone there, there has been no movement in the vast spiritual realm in the western part of Shu Province.

   Could it be that the A-class Demon King has already come out of the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm?

   Xing Yue wrinkled a cigarette and frowned between his eyebrows. He likes to think about the most pessimistic aspect of everything.

   But he discovered that the four people in this room should be thinking about the same pessimistic possibility.

   A and other demon kings, it is possible that they are no longer in the spiritual realm of Qifeng Mountain.

   If the Tang State party is now working on the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm...

   Then, when the target is not even hit, why is it the same last time, demonstrating and provoking the A-class Demon King?

   On the human side, the most powerful weapon possessed should be the nuclear bomb.

This is already at that time the B-level aura monster army led by Zhai Yu was instantly evaporated by a small-yield nuclear bomb. It can be seen that this thing regardless of how many people question its destructive power, but to be honest, it is still the most destructive. The strong presence at the top.

   After all, the thick layer of aura in the mutant creatures and the stronger body created after the mutation make them basically not afraid of ordinary bullets in the battle against humans.

   This has been proven countless times.

"There hasn’t been a witness report for a long time for the alien beast. Did you find it? Whether it was discovered by the bear country or the Amerian country, it was at the very beginning, and then the alien beast will basically be there. Going up to the western part of Shu Province, which is the Spirit Realm of Qifeng Mountain. I remember the person who persuaded us that the Demon King A was in Qifeng Mountain at the beginning, that the alien beasts were always moving around there." Fei Jun remembered that. At that time, the person under control had said everything before giving the order.

   Although many things are far-fetched, it turns out that the person, no, it should be said that the fate will be completely correct.

"It is true that the destiny of the alien beast will come out specifically to deal with the demon king of A, and if they have no movement in this aspect, then, in fact, it indirectly proves that the destiny will be very clear. I am afraid that the demon king of A is also very clear. No longer in the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm." Xing Yue nodded.

   Zheng Guodong thought for a while, then looked at the various materials in his hands.

   He flipped through, and suddenly stopped: "Wait, Xingyuan City was suddenly attacked half a month ago? Or was it not long after the incident?"

   Xing Yue suddenly raised his head: "Xingyuan City? Was it attacked?"

"Yes, what happened shortly before we left." Cheng Yu recalled, "At that time, Fei and I just thought about how to get the two of you out, and didn't care much. But even if we wanted to care, the above I won't reveal more to us, right."

   "What happened?"

"The Transcendence Research Center was destroyed ~ More than a hundred Podans that existed there were robbed." At this time, Liu Feishu walked in, "I guess I know this thing in this building, but compared to This incident, I think another incident that happened before, made me more interested."

   Liu Feishu said, sending a copy of the information to everyone.

   After Xing Yue glanced at the words on it, his heart jumped sharply: "Wh, what? The Nineth Heaven Pagoda of the Extraordinary Research Center in Luodu City was instantly poisoned?"

"Yes, there is no movement on Qifeng Mountain, but both Xingyuan City and Luodu have new conditions. If I were the Destiny Council, I would definitely connect these two things to the Demon King of the A class." Cheng Yu thought for a while, and then suddenly stunned, "Wait, if there is no such A Demon King in Qifeng Mountain, then what is going on with Tang Guohe Destiny Club now?"

   The four people fell silent, and they all felt that they knew something secret.

"Sorry, let me bother you. First of all, I didn't read your heart. I just said what I wanted." Liu Feishu coughed twice, "I'm afraid, they are doing it for the A-class Demon King, or Said that it is necessary to launch a feint attack on the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm, but the main target of the attack is elsewhere!"



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