Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 249: Above the demon king A

   Lin Ming led his subordinates, and it didn't take long for him to rush to the lakeside of Vermilion Valley, and he was able to see everything he had felt before.

  Although she had cut off contact with her, the still-strong bamboo root cage still stood there.

   But the situation inside can be described as "weird" and "horror".

Countless densely packed insects wandered inside. The nests that were originally like "single rooms" have now been completely destroyed, and the small buckets that should have been riding a lot of demon Qiong are also densely packed. Various bugs.

   The noisy and noisy sound emitted from it even overwhelmed all of the Suzaku Valley Spirit Realm, and it seemed extremely upset.

   "Master, the number of bugs in it..."

  Pangda took a closer look, then immediately backed away.

   Not only it, but all the subordinates are shocked by the number of mutant bugs that have become "disasters".

   Lin Ming didn't actually think that things would develop to such a degree in the end.

   They are fighting non-stop, devouring everything except themselves.

   Tens of thousands of insects besieged a giant insect, and after killing it, these insects immediately ate the giant insect and turned it into a new giant insect.

   Moreover, while they are constantly fighting, they are also constantly multiplying.

   In the bamboo root cage, there are crystal clear worm eggs everywhere, and those worm eggs hatch in a very short time.

   The small bugs that hatched, most of them were eaten by the same or larger bugs, and only a small part of them survived by chance.

   And they will continue to enter the arena of survival or death, and they will be eaten by other insects at some point.

   Lin Ming looked at the countless insects in the huge bamboo-root cage with a sense of threat.

   The desire to attack is extremely strong, relying on swallowing the opponent to improve the realm level, the reproduction power is extremely strong, the growth rate is fast...

   If there is an environment like this one in a certain spiritual realm, can it also breed so many abnormal and powerful insects?

   Although I haven't seen it so far, it doesn't mean there is no.

   With such a large area as the entire blue star, there may be a bunch at any corner.

   Yes, it's like the first Class B demon spirit in the Lingxiao Peak Spirit Realm—Silver Poison Sky Dragon!

   That guy actually relied on the aura of the spirit stone, evolved and mutated from a small centipede, and finally became a huge guy nearly a hundred meters long.

If you don’t find it, although there is a high probability that it will be dropped by humans with a nuclear bomb, it must be said that if there is a similar kind of spiritual stone-rich area on the Blue Star, the second , The third silver poisonous dragon will also appear with a high probability...

   Lin Ming stretched out the bamboo root and touched it again to the original bamboo root cage, and decided to do it.

  The extremely large number of bugs is precisely the important ladder for his evolutionary level to become the fourth level.

   Lin Ming has reason to believe that if all these bugs are eliminated, the aura needed for the fourth-order level will be filled in an instant.

   moved himself to the place where he had stayed before, and Lin Ming pierced the bamboo roots deeply into the soil.

   This is also to prepare for the evolution to Tier 4.

   "You guys go to a farther position and wait!"

   Lin Ming gave an order, and all his subordinates hurriedly left under him and went to various places to avoid.

   After all, the last time the level realm was promoted to Tier 4, it caused a considerable commotion. This time, it is going to be promoted to Tier 4, and I am afraid that there will be even greater movements.

   Lin Ming looked at the bamboo root cage again.

The bugs inside    did not respond to the arrival of him and his subordinates, but continued to fight and reproduce.

   In this, basically those who have reached the advanced level seven or eight, and there are very few big guys who have been besieged, but they have reached the advanced level nine.

   Although the overall level is not high, the victory lies in their large number.

   There are not hundreds of thousands, but there are also tens of thousands.

   If you kill them all...

   Bamboo roots quickly covered the entire huge bamboo root network with the ability to "create new life", and then Lin Ming directly released the dark element attack on this huge cage that was completely enclosed!

   [You killed the scarab of the sixth rank and gained 6 evolution points! 】


   The sound of the system is also refreshing crazily at this moment,

   Lin Ming also felt at the same time that a stream of tiny auras kept gathering into a larger river of auras, pouring continuously into his body!

   This feeling is too familiar to him.

   plundered the aura from the opponent, and the comfortable and joyful excitement when he became a part of himself, always made him hard to extricate himself!

   Along with this crazy influx of aura, Lin Ming also felt it, it seemed that the feeling of transformation was about to come again!

   Fourth order!

【Ding! You have reached the level limit, the evolution point has exceeded 200,000 points, you can evolve, do you evolve? 】

  The strong aura brought by the insect swarm directly helped him break through the bottleneck of the level boundary, and once again he could completely transform from the essence into something more powerful!

   Lin Ming sensed that his subordinates were far away, and after confirming that they were all at a safe distance, his consciousness moved!

   After confirming the evolution, Lin Ming also entered an ethereal state at the same time.

   But even at this time, his various abilities are still in normal operation.

The thick aura floating in the sky above Suzaku Valley gradually rotates and gathers towards the lake, and it is like pulling and pulling. The aura from the side of the Vermillion Bird Valley, or even farther away, drags and condenses together. .

   In the end, even all the auras in the entire Daqin Mountain Spirit Realm were attracted together, forming an extremely magnificent sea of ​​auras!

   After gathering the spirit sea from all directions, they became more dense, and gradually began to rotate counterclockwise around the sky above the blood-red bamboo.

   in the constant rotation, it condenses into a magnificent, extremely dense aura nebula!

   And this aura nebula, at the very center, is continuously rotating downwards, becoming an upside-down aura tornado!

  The tornado poured down into the body of the blood-red bamboo, and gradually merged into the blood-stained Chiling heart at the center of its main trunk!

   This tornado, like a giant dragon, issued a loud and long roar!

   White lights flashed through This aura dragon, located in the center of the Lingwu Nebula, went straight to the sky again!

   There was a muffled sound, madly pouring into the surface from the underground, and the land within a thousand kilometers with Suzaku Valley as the center was boiled at the same time.

   Even the entire eastern part of Yalu trembled!

At this moment, in the ethereal realm, Lin Ming felt a wave of powerful aura at the same time, which kept flowing out of Chiling's heart. When passing through the main stem, it also completely destroyed the cells in it, reorganized it, and weighed The stubborn aura is injected into it!

   Every cell, as if rejuvenated, is constantly evolving in the washing of this spiritual energy.

  These auras, after the cell reorganization, flowed back into the Chiling Heart again, and in the meantime they turned into a stronger force, flooding Lin Ming's whole body!

   The dark red bamboo body is also plated with a thicker dark red, which looks like blood jade from a distance!

   At the same time, countless roots spreading across the entire Vermillion Bird Valley Spirit Realm began to spread and grow crazily.

   They are like earth dragons turning over, burrowing in and out of the surface and underground rapidly, spreading farther and farther.

   On the land of the Blue Star, the first Tier 4 mutant creature was born!


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