Red Shadow, Xuejin, and Ink Armor, each took some of their subordinates, and went to the destination Lin Ming ordered them to go to prepare for an attack on fate.

   The defense of those hidden locations is actually not too weak. For example, Fenglin City, which is located on the edge of the spiritual realm, is disguised as the location of the fate of a factory, and it has a considerable degree of armed.

   These weapons are made up of transcendents, well-trained and not well-trained Lin Ming is not clear, but each of them possesses a C-level aura.

   Their strength is enough to ensure that even under the invasion and attack of the tide of mutant creatures caused by the eruption of the rain, the so-called "factory" can be protected.

   But in the face of four or five B-level demon spirits who are about to rise to A level, it is estimated that they will not be able to play.

   This is almost always the case in several other places.

   Although the party of the Destiny Society hides quite well, it still shows a lot of horses. The mouths of the researchers at the Transcendent Research Centers everywhere are not glued to it.

   Lin Ming also obtained quite a lot of intelligence based on the long-term surveillance at these transcendental research centers.

   Although they are all scattered, but after being aggregated, you can get some quite interesting information.

  For example, Fenglin City, Zhuoke City, etc., the destiny will be in the territory of Tang, and there will be multiple strongholds.

   They seem to be constantly researching more black technology like the kind of machine that can neutralize aura in each stronghold.

   Lin Ming actually wanted to know how these black technologies were made.

  Especially the machine that can neutralize the aura of him and his subordinates, no matter how you think about it, it feels too powerful.

   There are also the metal bullets that can create enchantments, the white fog bullets that can turn mutant creatures and transcendents into alien beasts and creepy beasts, etc., which are all too advanced inventions.

   However, the headquarters of the Destiny Society is obviously not here, but should exist in other countries and places.

   For Lin Ming, if the organization of the Destiny Society was completely eliminated, the threat to him would not be known when it would disappear.

   After all, it was only a matter of time for him to destroy all human beings within a radius of one thousand kilometers, but those who are a thousand kilometers away can only move again, or assign subordinates.

   Lin Ming remembered, it seemed that the same was true in the Tier 3 era. At that time, his attack radius was 100 kilometers, but now it has only expanded ten times, but the problems and limitations he faced are not much different.

   It seems that Tier 4 is not enough...

   If Tier 5 can extend the attack radius ten times...Wait, how many kilometers do you circle the blue star?

   In fact, all this is easy to say. It is Tier 4 now. If you want to attack a place a thousand kilometers away, Lin Ming only needs to cut off the bamboo roots and start moving to the target location...

   Ah, it feels so troublesome.

   Lin Ming felt that it was not a problem that he could not handle, but his potential trouble-fearing personality was a drag at this time.

   After all, think about it, it would be really troublesome to just cut off the bamboo roots and then go step by step at a speed of less than 20 kilometers in an hour.

   If you can have the ability to instantly move to any place within this blue star, just like that A-class transcendent, that would be cool.

   However, this kind of thought is just a thought.

   Currently, there is no trend or change in this ability.

   At least the property panel is still the same.

   "Zhe Yu, you take the three-tailed fox Xuanhuo, giant monkey ice soul, and Huaikui, and follow the ink armor to your destination!"

   Lin Ming continued to give orders. For him, it would be impossible for him not to pull out the strongholds of these destiny clubs.

   "Yes! Master!" The last flying giant bird spread its wings, and in the pouring rain, it quickly got into the dark clouds with its companions!


   While Lin Ming was waiting for Chi Ying and the others to return, he also gave new orders.

   The first thing he looked at was the wolves who had grown tremendously during this battle.

   These wolves have gained a lot of experience among the artificial transcendents who have not turned into monsters, and this time many have grown to the first level.

   Lin Ming looked at it. Among the nearly two hundred wolves, 30 have reached the first level, and the rest have basically reached the ninth level, and they have grown into reliable subordinates.

   "Crossing the mountain, Bai Qi, the giant bear full moon, and the rock wolf rock place, you will each lead a team of about fifty wolves to four directions, and follow my instructions to attack at any time!"

   Lin Ming gave an order, and behind the four subordinates who were about to enter Tier 3, they all led the wolf squad to the direction of the destination according to his instructions.

   This time Lin Ming had some thoughts.

   Those cities that are not covered by aura shielding machines have no offensive value, and it is estimated that a lot of them can be destroyed under the eruption of the spiritual rain.

For those with these devices, what these subordinates have to do is to follow his instructions to see if there are any breakthroughs or the like, and then train them to deal with the technologies that will be greatly used by humans in the future. Push the human side to desperation faster.

   Lin Ming looked at his subordinates again.

   The three wind wolves, Fengxiao, Fengji and Fengyan, have reached the second rank and ninth rank.

   After defeating those monsters one by one, they gained a lot of spiritual energy and finally got huge progress.

  The distance has become the third-order degree of the A and other Demon Kings, and they are only a little bit.

   If there are Tier 3 subordinates, then Lin Ming can really imagine what kind of performance they will have after they have greatly increased their strength.

   But now, their respective tasks are quite important.

   "Feng Xiao, you go to Dongping City, and wait for my further instructions when you arrive at your destination!"

   "Yes! Master, the subordinates will definitely bring back outstanding results!" Feng Xiao rushed into the rain curtain, turning into a blue streamer and disappeared.

  Dongping City is a city where fate will launch those who don’t know if it’s a white fog bomb.

Although it is now protected by those black aura shielding devices, it is not impossible to break Fengji, Fengyan, you two head to the direction of Nandu, after arriving, I will have Instructions for the next step! "

   There must be no mistakes in every next step. The advantage that the human side has just established, Lin Ming doesn't want it to continue to expand.

   is not only Tang Guo, other places that have not been taken into consideration will be affected later.

   Like the bear country, the American country has the same high-tech place as the Tang country, and it must be affected as soon as possible.

   After all, there is more than one Tang country on this blue planet that has humans and transcendents, let alone fate.

   Speaking of other countries...

   Spicy White Country was completely submerged by the tsunami along with the Philippines not long ago.

   By those demon kings and demon spirits in the ocean, at the same time.

   It's the same as what happened to the Poisonous Nation and the American Nation last time.

   My fellows, it seems to be doing a good job, so we can't lag behind!

   "Pangda, Xueya, I give you an important task!"

   Lin Ming sensed the direction of Xiahu City, and ordered the two subordinates!



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