Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 291: Realm level breakthrough

"Wu Gou Shuang Xueming!"

With a long roar, cold light passed by!

Hundreds of mutant creatures that were already close to the first line of defense in Shangjing City, suddenly their heads were in a different place, and blood spattered!

And with the roar of a long roar, more mutant creatures became a mixture of flesh and blood!

"Niu Bian! Ashamed of my Fei brother! Pretend to be like the wind! I'll try it too!" While Cheng Yu cheered loudly, he turned his whole body aura, and hundreds of air cannons that stirred the air out of layers of spiral ripples were also there. Explode in the ocean of mutant creatures!

For a time, flesh and blood splattered!

Several mutant bison the size of an elephant rushed out of it, and a huge fire dragon wandering in the air instantly burned it into black coal!

The fire dragon kept falling more small flames, exploding like a bomb among the mutant creatures, and spreading the flames into the tide of the dense mutant creatures!

Zheng Guodong completely drilled the fire dragon into the position of the densest mutant creature, and quickly detonated it!


There was a loud noise, and hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of mutant creatures kept turning into corpses!

The three of them are now floating in the air, and what they step on under their feet is exactly the bearer transformed by the transformation of the ink droplet's form.

This is a new ability created by Xing Yue.

And Xing Yue also covered the three-layer enchantment made by ink drops on the four people, including him. Even if they rush into the beast tide, they will definitely not be affected by those who are less than the second-order at most. Mutant creatures can easily penetrate!

The four of them had already entered the Snow Mountain Spirit Realm in the eastern direction of Bingcheng with their vehicles.

But what I didn't expect was that the man didn't know how to find their location, and he personally took a helicopter and came to them.

Facing that person's plea, they, who had "all the people" in their hearts, decided to follow that person back to Beijing.

But except for the four of them, no one else followed, but continued to move towards the destination.

The four are not stupid people. They know how important it is to keep the cards.

Although it is said that there was suffering in Beijing, who knows exactly why it became like this?

Faced with the person who can be said to be the representative among ordinary people, they could have refused.

After all, no one knew where the Demon King of the S class was and whether he would join the battle.

Moreover, they don't know what the situation of the person who was once controlled by fate is now.

They couldn't believe anyone, let alone that person.

However, as transcendents such as B, they still have the ideal of "one person to ensure the peace of all people" in their hearts, and they should rush to support them when this is a matter of life and death for the destiny of mankind.

All four of them knew that it was possible that they would die there this time.

But they still embarked on a helicopter heading to Beijing.

Not only for ideals, they also want to know how much their own strength can reach!

Along the way, on the helicopter, they could also see a wave of mutant creatures like mountains and seas, sweeping everything and going straight towards Beijing.

Although it is said that there are not too many mutated creatures with a level realm or even a first-order level, in terms of the number, it is almost impossible for everyone to simply break the game.

After arriving in Shangjing, they immediately set up a battle in the outermost direction due to the north.

The other transcendents and ordinary troops were also prepared in other directions at this time.

The bombers and fighters that Tang Guo took off from various places also began to drop a large number of incendiary bombs and other weapons at the place where the mutant creatures gathered.

What's more, even though some of the missiles launched in cities that were not attacked by Demon Kings like S were burned to death, for the overall mutant creatures, it was a drop in the bucket.

After all, outside of the aura shielding device, the aura shield on their bodies can isolate most bullets and general thermal weapons attacks, and the number is too much.

That person said that if they couldn't resist it, let the four of them leave using their abilities, and would never hold them accountable.

But when the four of them saw the almost infinite mutant creatures pressed by the mountains and the sea, they still didn't hesitate at all, each carrying a large pile of spirit stones and rushing towards those mutant creatures!

The Tang State party is also fully prepared for the air.

With such a large number of mutant creatures, there are also extraordinary support transferred from almost all over the country.

In case, like last time, fate will launch the white fog bomb that can turn the extraordinary into a giant monster from somewhere, I am afraid it will cause a considerable tragedy.

Therefore, Tang Guo has been using the ground-to-air defense system, paying close attention to all directions. As long as there are similar flying objects, they must not be allowed to come!

"Brother Fei, do you think we are being used?" After exhausting almost the whole body's aura and turning thousands of mutated creatures into flesh and blood residues, Cheng Yu glanced at them and continued to enchant them. Xing Yue of Xing Yue, Wen Xiang appeared next to him in an instant, and just like him, he picked up a spiritual stone and absorbed all the spiritual energy in it, and his spirit was stunned!

"Use? It doesn't matter!"

Fei Jun dressed in black and turned into a black streamer!

"One Sword Frost and Cold Fourteen States!"

He roared, releasing all his aura instantly!

Hundreds of mutant creatures with huge size, although all have the strength of about one rank, under this awe-inspiring sword aura, together with the surrounding thousands of mutant creatures that have just entered the ranks, they have become fragments!

However, although the attack power of this move is extremely superior, it is also extremely aura. Basically, after swinging this sword, Fei Jun can't move it far.

He flashed to Cheng Yu's side, barely supporting and absorbing the aura in a spiritual stone.

"I'm just carrying out the righteousness in my heart!" He growled, shaking his whole body, "Whether ordinary people or extraordinary people, labor and capital are going to destroy all these **** mutant creatures! Even if I pay my life, burn them. It doesn't matter if it's all!"

Xing Yue was beside him, silently turning the ink drops into countless spears, bursting into the tide of mutant creatures!

Thousands of mutant creatures were turned into sludge, and the mutant creatures that went on ignoring them were trampled by the mutant creatures behind.

And they were ignited by a fire dragon and turned into ashes...


Once upon a time, Xing Yue compared himself to all the nine-story pagodas as dogs.

There is no dignity, no rights, only pale orders and empty slogans.

Obviously we can do better, but every time Xing Yue will find that everything they do is meaningless.

The Nine-fold Sky Pagoda is basically an organization of transcendents from the Association of Transcendents, directly belonging to Tang State, or even that person.

The order of that person determines everything in the Nine-Layered Sky Pagoda.

Among the nine heavenly pagodas, Zheng Guodong was crazy and Xue Yuming died. No one knows what happened to them, except for the nine-layered heavenly pagoda.

As for the companions who were sacrificed or seriously injured in countless battles, even their loved ones knew nothing about what happened to them.

They only know that they are constantly performing the tasks set by that person. They only know that every day except for eating, sleeping and going out.

The original ideal of "with one person's power to ensure the peace of all people" has gradually faded in the meaningless battles.

Moreover, after learning about the existence of the alien beast by accident, it seemed that the person had created it with acquiescence, and Xing Yue couldn't trust that person even more.

Whatever the owner asked him to do, he would do whatever he wanted, and when he was injured and useless, he would throw it aside, regardless of life or death.

Even Xing Yue remembered that at the end of the day, he didn't know the meaning of fighting for it, and no one told him, telling Jiuzhongtian Pagoda that what they did was meaningful.

There is no way to know the truth, let alone the so-called dignity.

This is not a dog, what is it?

Until he was imprisoned by that person, he and Zheng Guodong, who had been in contact with the madman, learned through various things that whether it is the Association of Transcendents or the Nine Heavens Tower, alien beasts and everything are owned by a person named Destiny Society. After manipulation.

Xing Yue finally understood that whether he is good or the Nine Heaven Tower, even a dog is inferior.

It's just that they are used when they are useful, and when they are not useful, they are used as chess pieces to attack the demon spirits such as B, and then make a part of the waste of the so-called extremely huge alien beast.

Xing Yue didn't know why he should fight.

In other words, he didn't know what was the meaning of fighting and what was the meaning of his own existence.

After being rescued by Fei Jun and Cheng Yu from deep underground, they went all the way to the ice city, and after re-establishing the Nine Heaven Tower in the ice city, he seemed to have found the meaning of existence again.

Like dogs, this kind of thinking has gradually disappeared.

When that person suddenly appeared in front of them, Xing Yue was a bit resisted to be honest.

That person was once controlled by the capable person of Destiny, and once made him lose his goal and direction.

But now that the person who had gotten rid of his control said that Shangjing City had become the target of all mutant creatures, he thought of his once ideals again.

Together with Fei Jun, Cheng Yu, and Zheng Guodong, they boarded the helicopter without hesitation. After the person went to Beijing for rescue, Xing Yue now controls the ink drops and looks at Fei Jun.

Yeah, what about being used.

Ordinary people and extraordinary people are fundamentally different in this era of aura recovery.

They are stronger and more capable, no matter where they are, they are ten or a hundred times stronger than ordinary people!

They may be the one who should survive the most in this era of spiritual energy recovery.

Even Xing Yue once thought that the ridiculous dream pursued by the Destiny Club may be right or maybe.

But at this time.

S and other demon kings are raging.

Dozens of cities were devastated and destroyed.

Not only Tang Guo, but the entire mankind is in crisis.

Now, millions, or even tens of millions of mutant creatures, inexplicably rushed towards the city of Shangjing, which can already be called the strongest fortress of mankind, hoping to completely destroy it.

Fear and despair.

Let's not talk about how many mutant creatures there are in the ocean and how high the level of mutant creatures are.

These alone on land can already plunge mankind into a doomsday crisis!

However, the greatness of mankind is nothing more than calmness in the face of fear and despair.

Shangjing City must not be conquered, and even in this situation, it must not be flattened!

As a human being, even the relationship between the extraordinary and ordinary people, there is now an insurmountable gap.

Even if you think that ordinary people should be ruled under the extraordinary.

Xing Yue also felt that he could no longer think about transcendents and ordinary people, but to revive the era of spiritual energy, which has fallen into the absolutely disadvantaged side of humanity, and regained the position of dominance!

"Mo Yuan·Unlimited Refining!"

With a roar, countless black ink drops suddenly rushed into the sky, and then turned into countless ink guns, pouring down like a rainstorm!

Under the extremely precise control of Xing Yue, the ink gun has become the sharpest thing in the world. They harvest the lives of tens of thousands of mutant creatures on the ground like a giant sickle swung by the **** of death!

Countless auras, along with this extreme ability burst, harvested the lives of the mutant creatures, poured into Xing Yue's body.

It was also at this time that an aura that soared to the sky also detonated on him!

"This, this is..."

Cheng Yu, who had just released dozens of sonic booms, looked at Xing Yue, who was like a black death god, with a great amount of spiritual energy flowing out of his body, and couldn't believe his eyes for a while.

"Breakthrough! Xing Yue, I didn't expect you to be the first..." Zheng Guodong watched countless ink drops pouring down like a rainstorm, turning all the mutant creatures in front of him into pus, he also knew that the new A and other extraordinary people, And it was born!

Originally, Zheng Guodong thought that he would be the first one of the four to break through, but now he did not expect that he was preempted by this Xing Yue!

However, after he has eliminated quite a few mutant creatures, he will also usher in this qualitative breakthrough!


With a bang straight into the sky, Zheng Guodong condensed a strong spiritual energy, instantly gushing from his side, becoming dozens of fierce and fierce dragons!

And Zheng Guodong took one of them and went straight to the sea of ​​mutant creatures that had gathered in the distance, turning it into ashes!

"Let you see, we, as extraordinary, as the pride of mankind!"

Zheng Guodong made a long roar, and his whole person turned into a huge fire dragon, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com rushed forward, and poured hot flames into countless mutant creatures!

After traveling for dozens of kilometers,

Zheng Guodong let out another roar. With him as the center, everything within a few kilometers was completely surrounded by violent fire!

"Fuck, what a breakthrough!"

There were no living mutant creatures in front of him. Looking at the soaring flames in the distance, Cheng Yu knew that he had seen with his own eyes a human being born out of an A-class supernatural being!

"We seem to be holding back." Fei Jun said with a smile.

Cheng Yu nodded.

The two companions successfully broke through to the A level, and the battle seemed a lot easier.

However, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

After the siege of Shanghai is truly resolved, perhaps the real test will come.

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