Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 399: 0 jun 1 shot

   The scorching sun is cloudless.

   Above the azure blue ocean, there was a deafening boom.

   Shocking waves beat the waves. From time to time, a group of black objects rushed out of the magnificent sea, and after a long flight, it fell back into the ocean waters.

   In the distance, the shadow of a small island is looming in the waves, and on top of it, a volcano that soars into the clouds is extremely magnificent.

   However, if you look closely, you will find that there is an extremely large, terrifying black monster nearly one-tenth the size of the mountain, which is constantly twisting its teeth and claws.

   This dancing monster has countless soft tentacles on its body, and above these tentacles, there are countless eyes!

On the volcanic mountain, there is a huge black mark, and there are also a lot of residues of tentacles on it. They are still twisting, each of them seems to be able to live alone, which is extremely disgusting. Unbearable.

   And this mountain was also knocked down by a large part of the mountain at the same time, so that the hidden things in it were completely exposed.

   After moving over a long distance, Lin Ming only took a short time to reach the vicinity of the island.

   However, when he saw the huge crater in the middle of the island, his attention was completely attracted by another thing.

   The giant monster struggling to get up on the crater is nothing compared to this.

"what is this?"

   Lin Ming couldn't help but be surprised when he looked at the whole piece of metal that was shining with dazzling reflection under the sun.

   The original crater seems to have completely turned into an extinct volcano, and there is no sign of eruption at all.

   But after a large piece of rock hit by the huge alien beast assembly fell off the mountain outside, Lin Ming accidentally discovered a large piece of metal in it.

   Lin Ming knew that even if he didn't need to perceive it, this thing was the outermost shell of a huge machine!

   Countless bamboo roots rushed out of the sea and encountered the edge of the beach on this small island. Lin Ming carefully looked at the various things on this small island.

   He suddenly discovered that unexpectedly there were no mutant creatures on this island of tens of square kilometers.

  There are just all kinds of ordinary animals, basically flying birds that you can't see elsewhere, and countless kinds of bugs.

   This surprised Lin Ming.

   After all, these things are too difficult to appear here at the same time.

Especially in this era of aura recovery, among so many animals, none of them have auras. On the island in the ocean with extremely rich auras, it feels too much. It's impossible.

   But these things actually exist.

   Lin Ming turned his gaze back to the alien beast assembly that had fallen from the volcano's halfway to the bottom of the mountain, knowing that no matter what he wanted to do, he had to kill it first.

   Although it may not be possible that there are too many evolutionary points in the account, even a trace of aura, there is no doubt that if you don't kill it, then it will be very troublesome afterwards.

  Especially, this product is still a thing whose aura will continue to rise with the gathering of the deep-sea monsters. If you can easily return to the ocean, then waiting for yourself will be a more powerful thing.

   There are countless tentacles, and there are so many eyes on the tentacles. No matter how you look at it, they are extremely disgusting things.

   This kind of thing can't let it continue to survive on this blue star at all.

   Even Lin Ming felt that all alien beasts were not worthy to survive on this blue star.

   They were a mystery when they first appeared, and it is also a mystery that they have grown into this way.

   Regardless of whether it is the normal type or the special type, the giant type or the flying type, even the mid-sea type and the collection not far in front of them, they are actually the same.

   They all have the weird behavior of wanting to attack the strong, and they also have the weird way of survival that wants to swallow everything.

   When they were killed, they didn't have much sense of accomplishment at all, and it wouldn't make Lin Ming feel how difficult it was to kill them.

   In other words, they are not enemies at all, but they are still annoying enough.

   are like flies one after another. When you don’t hit them, they will buzz and fall on you constantly, or they will rush around vigorously.

   If you kill them, it feels like you have got your hands dirty, and at first I feel relieved after the fight, but after a long time, I feel numb, and it really feels really annoying.

   But these things are a bit better than flies.

  The number of them, or the total number of them, is actually almost within a range of numbers.

   Now, Lin Ming's perception range has reached a considerable coverage area within the total range of the entire Blue Star.

   It can be said that, except for the north and south sides of the Pacific Ocean area where he is currently located, he has indeed covered most of the places with the ghost bamboo clone.

   And this occupies nearly three-quarters of Blue Star's vast area of ​​perception, the total number of strange beasts Lin Ming perceives is actually quite small.

   Especially in this ocean, this one was supported by his bamboo roots at the bottom, and then he lifted it up suddenly, and even threw it directly out of the sea from the depths of the sea!

   After a long flight, after being thrown into a very slow parabola, this alien beast assembly was also directly thrown by Lin Ming to the towering crater of that small island.

   But the strange beasts who had been gathering toward this assembly before, after being swept by him collectively, had indeed disappeared quite a lot.

But they continue to move in this direction and gather, just as if there is something equivalent to a magnet on this alien beast assembly that attracts them, countless alien beasts, from all over the ocean at this moment In the area, it is constantly moving in this direction.

Lin Ming didn’t know if there were any alien beasts in the Southern Ocean, or the Deep Poisonous Ocean and the Great Northern Ocean. The alien beasts are absorbed into oneself, and even want to become the more terrifying king of alien beasts!

Although Lin Ming didn't know exactly what magic power this cargo possessed, it could attract the alien beasts so far away to keep moving towards it and converging towards it, but if it was allowed to develop freely, it would be for him. In fact, there is no advantage at all.

   For this reason, he also sent the Yinlong Qinchun to make it continue to attack the sea monsters in the ocean, and use his best efforts to further reduce their number.

In addition, his own bamboo roots continue to extend from where he is to a 2,000-kilometer radius centered on him, and the strange beasts that turn Yinlong Qinchun in the opposite direction are not left. The ground is wiped out in large quantities with bamboo roots.

   With the development of time, Lin Ming discovered that the number of alien beasts he eliminated did not seem to be endless as before. Now, it has become more and more rare.

   This is not because the alien beasts are not attracted by this alien beast assembly and do not come in this direction, but because the number of them is far behind the previous one.

   Now, Lin Ming couldn't kill this alien beast assembly directly.

   Let this guy act as a bait to attract all the submarine animals in the sea, and then siege the city and fight for aid, maybe it can completely cure the biggest "cancer" on the blue star, and it may be possible to completely eliminate them!

   Lin Ming really wanted to kill these strange beasts one by one.

   After all, the value of these gadgets is really lacking.

   If the entire Blue Star's submarine beasts can be completely wiped out, then it will be relatively easier for him in the future.

   Taking advantage of this moment, Lin Ming was not idle either.

   Using his bamboo roots, he immediately released dozens of layers of spiritual energy barriers near the alien beast assembly at the foot of the volcano.

   In these enchantments, almost all the elements are mixed.

   This guy, no matter how high his level is, he can't break through these barriers at all.

   It's not that Lin Ming is arrogant, but that this guy does not have this ability.

   Otherwise, how could it be possible to be thrown directly out of the ocean surface with bamboo roots and hit the volcano on this small island directly?

If    is really strong, he will definitely react immediately before he launches an attack, and then use his own abilities to counterattack or defend.

   But this guy has no such thing.

   It seems like a simple target to be hit. It stands on the bottom of the sea, waiting for more underwater beasts to approach, and then absorbs them and plunders its spiritual energy for its own use.

   Unless it's close to it a certain distance like Qin Chun, otherwise, this guy really doesn't react at all.

Moreover, the aura of this product is so abundant, and the level is even higher than him, but it seems that the means of attack are extremely scarce, and I have not seen what element power it will use. Whether it is offensive or defensive, it is the scum. Kind of level.

   That's why Lin Ming could easily shoot this product out of the water with bamboo roots and hit the volcano.

Now, this cargo is trapped in dozens of layers of barriers, and there is no simple way to break through. It can only continue to summon the submarine beasts in the ocean, and continue to attack the island. The direction is approaching.

   After Lin Ming trapped the alien beast assembly, he immediately launched the next step.

  This small island is located in the center of the Pacific Ocean. No matter which direction it is in all directions, there are no more islands or land.

   Within Lin Ming's 2,000-kilometer radius, Lin Ming also immediately arranged his spiritual bamboo clones in various directions.

   For him, if he can perceive more places with the Lingzhu clone, he can also get more information to the maximum.

   And, not only that.

   Lin Ming’s bamboo roots, from the connection of each of the spiritual bamboo clones, soon came to the vicinity of the neon country where they were located before.

   These guys are really hungry just now, he must first solve their food problems as soon as possible.

   How to fight when hungry?

   Although it is said that there are no mutant creatures in the neon country, I am afraid that something will happen.

   If the fake Fang Pingchuan is not dead, maybe he will send the black bug mother to make trouble again.

   After all, the neon area seems to be an extremely important place for the fake Fang Pingchuan.

   The so-called "anti-aura shielding device" was produced there, and the similar abilities possessed by the two weird mutant parasites with strange names gave birth to the thing.

   And the relationship between Neon here and this fake Fang Pingchuan, Lin Ming didn't believe it was just a little bit.

   If this guy knows that Neon is no longer half-human, and those parasite mutant creatures are also killed by him one by one, will he go crazy?

   However, from the current perception, it seems that this guy has not done so.

   This fake Fang Pingchuan is still as before, hidden behind the aura shielding device, hidden among the billions of people, and has no plans to come out.

  Lin Ming had originally thought that even if this product showed half of a horse's feet, it would immediately use long distances to move, abandon all the things that need to be done, and first solve this product.

   But this product is really cunning and tolerable. After so long, after the black bug emperor turned into the black bug mother was killed by him, this fake Fang Pingchuan still has no plans to come out.

   Lin Ming felt that before he returned to Tang Country, this guy might stay in hiding and would not appear easily.

   But Lin Ming felt that even so, he would definitely grab this cunning fox by the tail, let him know how unproblematic Lin Ming was with this mutant fairy bamboo.

   However, as soon as Lin Ming turned his attention to Pang Da from the Neon Country, he immediately perceives different things.

   Five A-class supernatural beings!

   There are only five transcendents in this world who can reach this level.

Wang Ce, who can move instantaneously, Cheng Yu, who can make air bombs, Xing Yue who uses ink drops to enter the realm of transformation, Zheng Guodong who is inhabited by flames, and has great control over weapons, and can also be medium-distance. Fei Jun moving teleportably.

   At this moment, in this neon land, just these few people happen to be.

Lin Ming was very surprised. Why did this group of goods come to this place? After all, there is no need for them to come These people shouldn't be to get rid of that Alan Smyk. Is it exhausting?

   Don’t stay in the doomsday territory of Tang Country, what are you doing here?


   These five supernatural beings seem to have been completely discovered by his militant subordinates, and the whole group of subordinates has already attacked in order to kill these five people.

   Lin Ming suddenly felt a headache.

   This is not easy.

   Although it is said that among the five people, there is Wang Ce who once killed one of his subordinates, the giant monkey Zhuoyuan.

   But Lin Ming now doesn't want to find this guy to settle accounts immediately.

   For the rest, whether it was Cheng Yu or Xing Yue Feijun Zheng Guodong, Lin Ming didn't want to settle the ledger with them.

   This is not the time now.

   These extraordinary people today are actually useful.

   Instead of killing them, it is obviously to let them go back, and then continue to get rid of Alans Meister and even the fake Fang Pingchuan by the way. It is a better choice.

   At this moment, the subordinates have already rushed out. Now, is it too late to stop them?



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