Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 59: Spirit Stone Power

   Lin Ming looked at the gadgets in the panda's fat palm, and was quite surprised.

   There is only one small tortoise the size of a football, with a blue-gray hard shell.

   "Master, it's very special." said the big fat, he put the little tortoise on the ground, but he didn't place it properly.

   Lin Ming is speechless, this is it?

   However, at this moment.

Xiao Wu on the side of    came over and accidentally kicked a small stone, which happened to hit the little turtle on the back.

With a bang, the little tortoise was unharmed, and even turned over with this force!

   The stone splashed into the soil and sank ten centimeters in!

   Lin Ming was surprised, what kind of operation is this?

   He saw that there was only a shallow white mark on the shell of the little turtle!

   This... luck is a little bit better?

   Xiaowu is the first-order strength, kicking a pebble is enough for this gadget to be carried directly by the dog, right?

   Lin Ming looked at the property panel of this little guy with questions.

  [Race: Mutant Turtle]

  【Realm: Level One】

   [Ability: Shell Shield lv1: It can defend against some damage, but it is very fragile.

   Roll lv1, after retracting into the shell, use strength to roll and attack the enemy, the power is very low. 】

   [Special ability: Tianju lv5, when facing danger, half of the time can turn good luck. 】

   Ah, this...

   God's favor

   This ability really made Lin Ming envy.

   No wonder this stone that can almost be carried by the dog in an instant was avoided by leaving a small white mark on the shell.

   God, in a sense, this is a bit buggy.

   If you have such an ability, you can reach the full level, relying on this alone, you can reach the full level without being remembered by humans.

   "You are doing a good job." Lin Ming felt that he was very satisfied with the new subordinate brought back by Da Pang.

   Although the current strength is still at the advanced level, it is terribly scumbag, but at any rate there is a good ability, and it is also worth training.

   When the realm of this little tortoise has risen to the first level, maybe something more surprising will happen to him.

   Little Meng Snake, Big Fat and Blue Peach Red Peach Green Peach, the small team responsible for the search, completed the task extremely successfully, and Lin Ming was very pleased.

   But they didn't seem to be able to rest right away. They had to go to the Lingxiao Peak spiritual realm again, where Xiaoyi they had said that they had a brighter stone with spiritual energy, and Lin Ming couldn't ignore it.

   But this time, Lin Ming decided to dispatch all his subordinates around him.

   They are familiar with the terrain and are highly maneuverable, while the hyena is a big climber with excellent weight-bearing ability. Egrets and red-crowned cranes have air superiority.

   Little Meng Snakes, these smart and intelligent, can easily reach their destinations with the help of their companions.

   As for this little turtle...

   Lin Ming saw that after drinking the spiritual liquid he had just handed over, the little guy suddenly climbed to the feet of the panda fat, arching and arching it vigorously, as if it was very sticky.

   really is a panda, everyone likes it.

   Then, this little guy will go with him.

   "Little one, I order you to lead them to where the cave was before!"

   "Master...understand!" Xiaoyi lowered his head. Although his intelligence is still quite poor, it is the most powerful in terms of execution.

   "Little cute snake, big fat, you guys should pay attention to bringing back some of the stones mentioned by the little one. In addition, if there is any noteworthy place in the cave, send some egrets to tell me immediately."

   "Master, understand!" Fatty took his orders.

   Lin Ming was also at this time. In order to remember it more clearly, he named the two egrets and the two red-crowned cranes.

   Two egrets, one with a hint of blush on the tail feathers, is called a red shadow, and the other wings with a few beautifully colored and shiny feathers are called Xuejin.

   Two red-crowned cranes, one with nearly black wings, is called ink armor, and the other has long red hair on the head, called ocher feathers.

   As for the hyena, Lin Ming didn't think about it for the time being, so he would talk about it with the little turtle first.

   "You take these spirit fruits and eat them when you encounter special circumstances."

   Lingguo staying here is completely useless, Lin Ming didn't point to these things as a meal, and simply rewarded them to his subordinates.

   The fat panda took the lead, and let the three of them embrace these arms together.

   They don't have the ability to perceive aura, but they can also perceive the power contained in these fruits.

   Lin Ming hangs down the bamboo branches and feeds his subordinates before setting off, in case of special circumstances.

   "Okay, let's go!"

   After a while, Lin Ming finally gave the order to set off, and his subordinates rushed towards Lingxiao Peak with the fastest speed!

   After finishing this, what Lin Ming should do next is to wait for feedback from his subordinates on their tasks.

   The bamboo sticks were so light that they picked up the few stones on the ground with only a hint of spiritual energy. With a movement of Lin Ming's consciousness, the blood blade flew by, instantly cutting them in half!

  The cutting surface is extremely flat and smooth, like a mirror surface.

   Lin Ming discovered that in the center of the rock, there was a very tiny crystalline object, and that spiritual energy overflowed from it.

   A stone rich in aura, is it a spiritual stone...

   This kind of thing is quite amazing.

   If there are spirit stones that are more powerful than these auras, then there is indeed a reasonable explanation for the appearance of the Silver Poison Heavenly Dragon.

   Moreover, the improvement of the human realm seems to be justified.

   But if this is the case, it would not be good news for Lin Ming.

   Mutated creatures can absorb a large amount of spiritual energy in areas with abundant spiritual stones to improve their realm. I believe that more silver poisonous dragons will appear soon.

   And human beings can rely on these spirit stones, and like mutant creatures, continue to improve their own How many places in the world have these spirit stones?

  Since aura is thin and thick, is there a level of spiritual stone?

   is like the division of spiritual realm and mutant creatures by human beings, there is a difference from F to A?

   There is a high probability.

   Lin Ming felt that if this spirit stone could be controlled by humans, then maybe the current situation they are suppressed by mutant creatures might be a subversive reversal!

  The biggest advantage of mutant creatures is that they can absorb the aura between heaven and earth and continuously improve their realm.

   There are also some of them, and when they reach a certain level, they rise to the first level.

   On the human side, the highest at present is the so-called C-level pinnacle. This is an important piece of information that Lin Ming has explored since those people arrived last time.

   The C-level peak corresponds to the C of the spirit creature, but in terms of specific battles, there is a huge difference.

   Although humans can have stronger strength and physique, they can even control the elements.

   But when faced with a mutant monster that is also a C-rank with elemental attributes, he did not take any advantage.

   At its root, mutant monsters have fangs, sharp mouths, sharp claws, poisonous gas, huge size, etc., which are completely different from many humans, and can be said to be the most dominant basic qualities.

   For example, now Xiao Wu, who can also use the fire element, fights Captain Zheng, there is almost no accident, Xiao Wu will win.

   What's more, there are not only Xiao Wu and Tier 1 subordinates around him, and even the little cute snakes and giant pandas who have not entered the first order can let humans know what suppression is.

   But, everything is based on the fact that the effect of this spirit stone is not as strong as I imagined.

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