Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 9: Savage evolution

   After Xiao Meng Snake swallowed the spiritual liquid, he suddenly paused, which made Lin Ming a little worried.

   However, after seeing it followed the bamboo branches and went down to the ground looking for the spirit of the little wolf cubs playing, Lin Ming put a little snack.

   Lin Ming observed carefully for a while, and after seeing that there was nothing unusual about the little Meng Snake, he finally relaxed.

   From the perspective of this, does this spirit only enhance vitality? It didn't seem to have any side effects, but rather energetic.

Lin Ming completely let go of his heart, and produced a few drops of spiritual liquid, and fed them to the little wolf pups who were eager to drink. After watching them drink it, they looked quite enjoyable. Lin Ming also did not stop playing with bamboo sticks. They come.


   Before I knew it, a month passed quickly.

   Since moving to this small lake, Lin Ming also deliberately recorded the time.

  The way, that is, I was embarrassed by a huge boulder not far from him.

   Every day, Lin Ming would use a bamboo whip that had become much stronger to draw a deep gully on it. Later, after he used the bamboo whip more skillfully, he simply carved it directly on the stone.

   After Lin Ming was by the lake, he no longer controlled his growth. His growth rate could be described as "barbaric"!

   Today, he is nearly forty meters tall, with a diameter of close to 30 centimeters. Although there is still a lot of difference from the giant bamboos in the bamboo forest before, it is still quite huge.

   From bottom to top, the color of the bamboo internodes of the last section of the main trunk gradually changes from dark green to fresh green. Above nearly a hundred branches, tens of thousands of emerald green bamboo leaves are blowing in the wind.

   Now, after accumulating a lot of evolution points, Lin Ming has also completed the evolution of all the branches.

   With his own growth, they have nearly doubled in length than before, reaching nearly six meters!

   Now, he can even control nearly a hundred branches at the same time, making actions such as curling and twisting together, and he can also draw out the bamboo whip at the same time, making a sound of shaking mountains and valleys!

   Of course, Lin Ming had tested the destructive power of this bamboo whip.

   Just a day ago, he used a very powerful taproot to expose the other half of the soil, and some obtrusive boulders were dug out of the soil.

   After the bamboo branches curled up to the extreme, the gust of wind slammed a blow!

   That extremely hard boulder was bombarded in half by this blow!

   Being powerful does not mean being strong, it is truly powerful if you can control it perfectly.

   Lin Ming can now use bamboo sticks to engrave the boulder, and it can also be torn apart. The power control is skillful and comfortable, and it is not weak.

   His main root also penetrated deep underground at this time.

   Different from ordinary bamboo, Lin Ming did not use bamboo’s biggest weapon to "take the stem".

   The so-called "stem walking" is a way of reproduction of bamboo.

   The stem grows horizontally, slightly empty in the middle, and there are knots and many and dense, with many fibrous roots and buds growing on the knots. Some buds develop into bamboo shoots that burrow out of the ground and grow into bamboos, while others do not grow out of the ground, but grow horizontally and develop into new underground stems.

   Because of this, bamboo grows into forests.

   The reason why Lin Ming didn't develop this function was because he chose the "mobile type" among the selection branches provided by the system at that meeting.

   This is actually a lot more beneficial than normal.

For example, if Lin Ming had chosen the "strong type" at the beginning, he would be imprisoned in the place where he started and absorb the very thin spiritual energy there, even if all the giant bamboos around were uprooted, I am afraid not. How much development will there be.

   As the saying goes, the tree is moved to die, and the person is moved to live, but now Lin Ming has moved to this small lake with strong spiritual energy through a total of two movements, which can be regarded as "moving to live".

  Because of this "mobile" root, he can't develop "stalking". Although it is a pity, it is not unacceptable after careful consideration.

   Continue to strengthen itself, become bigger, become stronger, that is the direction that should be developed.

   Even though it had rained for a long time during this month, Lin Ming's almost completely degraded "stalking" did not react at all.

   Lin Ming didn't have any hope for this. Instead, he extended the main root deeper into the ground. Even those extremely hard rocks could not resist his development.

  Small rocks don't care, while the large ones are dug out from deep underground and thrown into the distance.

   Soon, his taproot broke through a depth of one hundred meters and touched the cold underground water veins!

   "Hmm, this feeling is... aura?"

   Lin Ming suddenly felt that the inexplicable substance absorbed by the main root from the underground river was also quite rich.

   "It seems that I came to the most spiritual place in a valley..."

   Thinking of this, Lin Ming finally decided that if there are no special circumstances, he would first take root in this place and strengthen himself.

   "His hiss..."

   The little cute snake occupies the tip of a bamboo branch, looking up at the sky, not knowing what it is looking at.

   The little cute snake has grown a lot during this month.

   From the beginning, it was more than an earthworm, but now it is about five centimeters in thickness, and it's one meter long. The change is not small.

   The scales on its body have now completely become white, very dazzling in the sun, reflecting silver light, and under the ruby-like eyes, there are two more emerald greens. UU reading

   The sharp snake teeth are almost invisible at ordinary times, but they are definitely extremely sharp.

Little Meng Snake now eats without Lin Ming's help. It will dig through the soil to find bugs or catch some grasshoppers. It can even go to places twenty or thirty meters away by itself, occasionally catching rabbit-sized ones. The mouse came back to enjoy.

   I didn't know if it was because of the spiritual liquid. Lin Ming always felt that this little cute snake seemed to be much smarter than before.

   Sometimes, this little guy would put prey under his main trunk, as if he also wanted to share this thing with Lin Ming.

   looked at the little wolves again.

   Today they can no longer be regarded as "wolf cubs".

   has reached 1.5 meters in length, and his body shape is like an adult wolf. The gray-black long hair is soft and shiny. The white long hair on the face, abdomen and legs are now more like satin.

   Moreover, on their gray foreheads, there is an extra white diamond-shaped hair, which looks a little weird.

   Their fangs are extremely sharp, especially the two canine teeth, which stick out of their mouths, which are extremely deterrent and offensive.

   And those golden pupils also bring more fierceness and fierceness, which is completely different from the cuteness before.

   The seven little wolves nowadays, day or night, as long as they are hungry, they will go to the forest to find food in groups. Lin Ming can hear their loud howls, echoing in the valley from time to time. And after the hunt, he would return to Lin Ming to sleep and play.

   Now, Lin Ming didn't know whether the rapid changes in Little Meng Snake and Little Wolf in a short period of time were related to the fact that they had to drink some spiritual liquid from themselves every day.

   But he understood that they were fundamentally different from the snakes and wolves he knew.


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