The old man was very happy.

"Um... May I ask why I am here?"

"Because you are a child~ dear~"

Dear... dear? !

The girl's cheeks were slightly red, and she coughed unnaturally.

"My real age is not what I look like on the outside"

"Really? I don't believe it~"

Carter picked up the kitten and held it in front of Qianmo.

"It can see through a person's real age!"

"Meow~" the kitten seconded.

"Wow~ Really? I don't believe it"

"I'm not a three-year-old kid, don't use such childish means to deceive me"

"Hahaha~ Little guy, you are so interesting, are you interested in joining us?"

"Well, let me think about it..."

The consideration is fake, Qianmo is calling the system in his heart at this time.

*System chat channel*

'System system! Are you there? Are you there? '

[Host host, I'm here~]

'Help me see if this woman is an illegal system holder'

[Sorry, host, I can't tell, I can only detect when an illegal system interferes with the world]

'Okay, I'll try to let her use the system first'

*Exit chat channel*

"Um, if you want me to join you, shouldn't you introduce yourself first, and then introduce what your organization does?"

In fact, for the woman in front of him, Qianmo already knew who she was. With gray hair, it was obvious that she was the leader of Gray Rose.

"You can call me Sister Carter~"

"Okay, Sister Carter"

"Gender: Female~"

"... Yeah"

I'm not blind!

"Our organization mainly does some *just* things, but this justice is not the same as the justice you imagine"

Although Carter said that Qianmo was a child, what he said to her was basically not something a child could understand...

It is difficult to have absolutely perfect laws in reality.

Because it is affected by human cognitive limitations and social development, there are loopholes and lags, and there will be differences and disputes in practice. Although people have been pursuing more perfect and fair laws, it is almost impossible to achieve absolute perfection.

Compared with the laws of the country where Qianmo lived in his previous life, the laws of the Kingdom of Elangeles have greater problems. The death penalty is always imposed at any time, and for most nobles and the bourgeoisie, it is even more in name only.

In addition, slavery still exists in the Kingdom of Elangeles, which makes the difference in class status more significant.

Covis Brooke-After the decline of his family, he became a disgrace to the nobility.

Facing the bullying of other nobles, he was powerless to resist. It was not that he could not, but that he really could not.

Interpersonal relationships are like a spider web, and everyone may be at the center of the spider web.

The spider web of Corvis Brooke seems solid, but it is actually fragile.

Behind him are his family and lover. He cannot resist the bullying from other nobles, otherwise it will harm the people behind him.

Days passed by, and when Esther Roman noticed it, Corvis Brooke's heartbeat had already stopped.

After learning about Corvis Brooke's experience, Grundo agreed to Esther Romane's request for revenge without hesitation, just because he had a similar experience.

Corvis Brooke's experience may also be repeated in others at this time, and he is by no means an isolated case.

After listening to Carter's statement, Qianmo roughly understood what she meant by justice.

Justice is a complex and multi-dimensional concept. At least in the eyes of Carter and others, the laws and society of the Kingdom of Elangeles are not just.

"So, is your organization going to do something that the law cannot do?"

"Yes or no"

Carter put the kitten down, and his relaxed expression gradually disappeared, his eyes became focused and firm.

"What we want to do is"


When Qianmo heard the woman say "revolution", astonishment instantly appeared on his face, as if he couldn't believe it.

Then, his brows gradually frowned, his eyes showed a light of thought, and his face was solemn.

"You... want to form a rebel army?"

"Haha~ Rebel army is so ugly, please call us the revolutionary army"

"You tell me this, is it really okay?"

"It's okay~ Anyway, you won't go to complain, right?"

Carter winked at Qianmo.

"Ah... well, you're right."

Qianmo just wants to live an ordinary life and spend time with Suya every day, so he doesn't want to get involved.

What national affairs are they involved in?

"Oh~ They are almost done with the challenge"

Qianmo put his eyes back on the projection magic.

On the projection screen, Su Bai fished the Hunis water monsters out of the pool. His method was very rough, and he seemed to be in a hurry. It might be because the other party was drilling in the water, which was very annoying.

On the other side of the projection screen, Mu Yunge was on the corpse of the sandworm, holding a platinum sword, one sandworm at a time, and there were some green blood stains on his face.

"They are both so powerful, I really want to recruit them~"


I hope you can still get away unscathed when they come back... Forget it, let's keep the body intact.

Qianmo prayed for Carter in his heart.

A few minutes later, Su Bai and Mu Yunge were teleported into the room by Carter.

When they saw Qianmo, Su Bai and Mu Yunge hurried over to check, and didn't see Carter at the side at all.

"Okay, I'm fine. Their leader treats children well."

"I'm glad you're fine. If anything happens to you, we won't know how to explain it to Xiaoya."

"Since Qianmo is fine, it's time to settle our affairs, Miss Gray Witch."

Mu Yunge turned to look at Carter, his eyes full of murderous intent, and directly drew his sword to her neck.

"How do you account for throwing me to that godforsaken place and letting me fight a group of bugs?"

"Hahaha~ Please allow me to explain~"

Carter pushed with his finger, causing Mu Yunge's sword to deflect.

However, just as the sword moved away, a sickle was placed on Carter's neck in the next second.

"You should think about how to get our forgiveness first."

Carter sighed and bowed deeply to the two of them.

"I'm very sorry for making you suffer"

"Okay, I forgive you"

"Forget it this time, I'll kill you next time"

Qianmo blinked in confusion.

No? Is it over?

The way you two were just now didn't look like it could be solved with just an apology!


Hearing these two words, Qianmo's cat ears stood up.

"The compensation you deserve must not be reduced"

"Haha, of course, I wonder what kind of compensation you two want?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, let's talk about it when we think about it"

After that, the two took Qianmo away.

After Su Bai's test, Carter was indeed not an illegal system holder. Although he was a little disappointed, the power behind her was worthy of Su Bai's close friendship. Maybe it could help him find illegal system holders in the future?

So it's better to make friends than to make enemies.

Carter thought so too. After all, the strength of Su Bai and Mu Yunge was in front of him. Only fools would make enemies.

After the three left, Carter breathed a sigh of relief and lay down on the sofa.

"I'm so tired. Those two guys are too powerful."

"Thank you for your hard work."

Another voice came from the room, and the source was the kitten next to Carter.

Under the light, the shadow of the kitten gradually grew larger, and finally turned into a cat girl with long gray hair.

"Bubu~ Hug~"

The woman threw herself into the girl's arms, and the girl touched her head.

"Okay, okay, you've worked hard today~"

The girl stared at the figures of Qianmo and the other two leaving on the projection screen, and a barely perceptible smile appeared on her lips.

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