After a long question and answer session, Suya was basically sure that the thieves who appeared in the Royal Research Institute were from Gray Rose.

"Hmph... I have to say, you are better than that blue-eyed cat girl"

"Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Grando, you are also the hardest-mouthed person I have ever seen in my life"

Suya really admires Grando, because this guy actually used up the effect of the truth potion with the drug resistance of the sub-human race.


Dolece pushed in, pushing a dining cart in her hand.

"Ahaha~ supper is here~"


"Yes, when I went out just now, I found that it was already 2:30. I thought you guys came here without dinner, so I prepared some supper."

Dorae opened the lid of the dining car, and on it were some foods from China.

"Recently I got a Chinese recipe book, and I made these according to the recipe. You can try it."

Suya picked up a bun and took a bite.

As soon as the bun entered the mouth, a strong fragrance spread out. The dough was soft and elastic, the filling inside was delicious and juicy, the saltiness was appropriate, and the flavor of the meat and the seasoning were just right.

"How is it? How does it taste?"

"Well... I want to eat another one"

A simple sentence, although it did not directly say how it tasted, it made people understand its meaning.

In fact, Dolores had tasted it, and she thought it tasted good, but the demi-humans had richer taste buds and were natural gourmets. If she could get their approval, it would undoubtedly prove her cooking skills.

Adhering to the principle of three for everything, Dolores felt that only by letting three demi-humans taste it could she get the most perfect evaluation.

So she looked at Grando, picked up a bun and walked over.

"Mr. Grando, I don't think I've brought you food today. How about you try this first? Come on~ open your mouth~"

"I think I can eat it by myself-hmm"

"How does it taste?"

"Hmm...still thirsty (okay)"

Suya walked to Qianmo with the bun.

"Qian, eat something"

"Hmm? Oh, okay"

Qianmo took the bun, took a bite casually, and continued to watch the video.

Dolores teleported over.

"How is it? How does it taste?"

"Yeah, it's delicious"

"Hey~ So perfunctory, what are you looking at so intently?"

Doraes followed Qianmo's line of sight and looked at a frozen projection.

Suya also saw the shadow of the cat in the picture.

"Su, is it possible that a cat will appear in the Royal Research Institute?"

"No, the animals that appear there are only experimental subjects"

"Did the sisters tell you that the leader of Gray Rose has a gray and white kitten?"

"No, because of the illegal system holder, they only told me a few things about Carter, and then left in a hurry"

"What happened to the cat? Do you suspect that the cat in the video is the cat you have seen?"

"Well, if you see it, remember to pay attention. I suspect that the cat has become a spirit"

Suya smiled indifferently and touched her head.

"Okay~ I will pay attention"

Although I don't understand why Qianmo wants to pay attention to a cat by herself, since she said so, then pay attention.

As the saying goes, it is better to believe it than not to believe it.

Qianmo stood up and walked to Grando, and the other two followed.

"Hi~ Mr. Grando"


Grando did not reply, but just looked at Qianmo quietly. After a while, he asked:

"You... are taboos?"

"Taboo? Do you mean my race, or something else?"

"... No, just ignore me. Ask me whatever you want to ask me, and I will answer as much as possible."

Grando's attitude towards Qianmo was completely different from his previous stubbornness, which made Suya a little unhappy.

"Hey, why do I have to use potions when I ask you questions when we ask the same questions?"

"... You are different"

"What's the difference? We look the same!"

Grando ignored Suya and turned his attention back to Qianmo.

"Excuse me, does the gray and white kitten next to Miss Carter have any special identity?"

"Maybe, she has always kept the cat with her since I met her"

"Oh~ So that's how it is"

"Now that you've asked, can I ask you a question?"

"Okay, what is the question?


"I smell the scent of a wolf on you. Can you tell me where the wolf that left the scent on you is?"

Qianmo raised his hand and smelled it, and found that there was indeed a smell, which should be left when Yue Ling licked him during the day.

"Why are you asking this?"

"I really want to know, so please tell me."

Grondo's eyes were very sincere, as if he had found something important.

"Tell me first, why are you looking for it? ”

Qianmo would not casually reveal Yue Ling’s information to others. After all, it is a living fossil and can easily attract envy.

“It is the totem of my tribe, and even more so the…god of my tribe”

The three people present were shocked. That silly-looking Yue Ling was actually the god of another tribe?!

“The ancestors of my tribe were once protected by the Night Wolf, so we are called the Night Wolf Tribe”

“Hundreds of years ago, the Night Wolf disappeared overnight. Even though we no longer need their protection, they have long become our family. So after they disappeared, we would send powerful tribesmen to look for their footprints every year”

“And I am one of them, so please tell me where it is!”

Qianmo did not answer Grando immediately. She pulled Suya and Dolores out of the door. After Dolores cast the mute magic, Qianmo spoke:

“Do you think what he said is true?”

“Whether it is true or not, you can know it by trying it with the truth potion? ”

“I think it’s true. According to the habits of the Night Wolves, they will indeed take actions to protect a certain race”

“I think we can use Yue Ling as a bargaining chip to let Grando take the initiative to reveal the information”

The three nodded in unison, thinking that this idea was great.

On one side is the trust of the organization, and on the other side is the faith of the family. How should Grando choose?

It doesn’t matter what he chooses. Anyway, in terms of the result, Qianmo and the others will definitely not lose.

In the end, Qianmo and the others asked Grando for ten pieces of information in exchange for “meeting Yue Ling”...

But because the price was too outrageous, Grando refused decisively without thinking. After a fierce bargaining, he only got one.

Grando is so damn good at bargaining!

“Okay, tell us what the information is”

“No, let me see it first”

“Tell me first, and I’ll let you meet”

“No, who knows if you will regret it”

“We will be honest! ”

“Then drink a sip of the potion, and then say something”

“…Okay! Su, give me the potion!”

Su Ya handed the potion to Qian Mo, and just as he was about to drink it, Grando stopped Qian Mo.


“What’s wrong?”

“Let me smell it first to see if it tastes right.”

After Grando’s identification, Qian Mo drank the potion and said that he would keep his word, and Grando finally told the information.

“Our leader of the Grey Rose, Bry Carter, is not one person”

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