The old man was very happy.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. Little Qianmo has grown up so much. I almost didn't recognize you." Carter said in surprise.

"I told you I'm not a child."

"No, no, no."

Carter shook his index finger and his expression became serious.

"I'm not talking about appearance, but age."


After listening to the woman's words, Qianmo stood there, expressionless, and her originally round pupils suddenly shrank into a vertical line.

She didn't remember telling Carter her age.

The scene was deadlocked for a while, and the air seemed to be frozen.

Suddenly, Carter's mouth corners slightly raised, and a soft laugh broke the silence.

"Haha~ Don't be nervous, sister, I just did some research on you, and you also got my information from my subordinates."

Hearing this, Qianmo pursed his lips unconsciously.

Dolores' eyebrows slightly raised, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes.

They didn't expect that Carter knew all the things they did before.

If she knew, why didn't she come to take Grando away? Is it because she knew she couldn't beat them?

Suddenly, Carter took a step towards Qianmo, and Dolores subconsciously moved in front of Qianmo.

Seeing this, Carter's mouth corners slightly raised.

"Sorry, I was busy talking to Qianmo just now and forgot to say hello to you. May I ask who you are...?"

Dolores didn't believe that the woman in front of her didn't know who she was. Since she had investigated Qianmo, it was impossible for her not to know who she was, but the other party asked her so politely, so she naturally had to return the courtesy.

"Hello, I'm Doris Siphia, from Qianmo..."

Doris glanced at Qianmo quietly, and with a twist of her mouth, she said something that almost made Qianmo lose his composure.

"...I'm Qianmo's guardian!"

Carter suddenly realized: "Oh! So that's the case!"

Qianmo: "..."

I'm such a big man, and I still need a guardian!

"By the way, what are you doing in the church? Are you here to see me?"

"Yes, I'm here to see you"

"Then let's go to a place where we can sit down and talk"

As soon as the voice fell, the surrounding scene changed into another appearance like a slide.

The exquisite murals, dome and benches in the church suddenly blurred and distorted and dissipated, and instantly turned into an ordinary room, with white walls and simple layout, which was amazing, as if the church just now was just an illusion.

Such a superb teleportation magic made Doris surprised. This was the first time she had seen such a perfect teleportation in her life.

Dolores was eager to understand the working principle of Carter's magic circuit, but there seemed to be an invisible barrier on Carter's body, blocking her perception.

"Please sit down, both of you"

Carter raised his hand to signal the two to sit down.

After sitting down, Carter put the kitten on the table.

Qianmo's eyes have been on the cat since just now.

"Sister Carter, does this kitten have a name?"

"Yes, you can call it Bubu~"

"Oh~ Bubu..."

Qianmo immediately grasped the key to this sentence.

"You can call it Bubu", this sentence means that "Bubu" is not a full name, but a nickname.

"What is its full name?"

"... You are really sharp, Xiao Qianmo"

Carter slowly placed his elbow on the table, gently placed his right palm on the side of his cheek, bent his fingers slightly, and put his thumb on his chin. The whole person's temperament suddenly changed.

"But sometimes being too sensitive is not a good thing."

Under the table, Dolores held Qianmo's hand tightly, so that she could take her away quickly in case of any unexpected situation.

Carter's pupils suddenly contracted and turned vertical in an instant.

Her eyes were sharp, and she was smart and cunning, which was impressive.

Dolores immediately realized that Carter was not an ordinary person, but a fox sub-human.

"Haha, don't be so nervous, I'm just teasing you, I won't turn against you just because of a name"

However, Carter's words did not dissipate the tense atmosphere at the scene.

"It seems that Grando has revealed a lot of information. When he comes back, I must reward him well"


The kitten put its head in front of Carter and called softly.

Carter touched

, and then showed the appearance of the sub-human in a straightforward manner.

As Dolores thought, Carter was indeed a fox sub-human, but Dolores always felt that Carter seemed to be hiding something.

"Let's not beat around the bush. Tell me, why did you come to me?"

"Sister Carter, I want to know if the thieves who appeared in the Royal Research Institute that night were your people?"

"Yes, they are indeed our people"

Qianmo didn't expect Carter to admit it so readily.

"Is the core jellyfish in your hands?"

"Xiao Qianmo, it seems that we are not yet at the point where we can be honest with each other?"

"... Yeah"

Carter didn't say anything wrong. She and herself had only met once, and she had no obligation to tell herself anything.

Seeing Qianmo like this, Dolores felt that it was her turn to appear.

"Miss Carter, if I want to know, can you tell me?"

Carter held his chin and looked like he was thinking.

"If Miss Dolores wants to know, then I can consider it."

After all, Dolores is the true ancestor of the blood clan, a real big shot.

"Don't think about it, I'm not asking you to tell me."

"Oh? Miss Dolores means...?"

"Don't play dumb, you know the ability of the core jellyfish, we just want to know what you are going to do with the dangerous goods, and whether what you are going to do will affect us."

"So, you... are you threatening me?"

"What if it is?"

"... Then I can only beg for mercy~"

Carter immediately put on a wronged look, so pitiful.

Unfortunately, this trick didn't work on Dolores.

However, if it was a cat girl, it would definitely be very effective.

"I swear here that I will never use the Core Dimension Jellyfish to cause any adverse effects on Miss Dolais..."

"Not just me"

"...I will never cause any adverse effects on Miss Dolais and her friends"

"Meow~" the kitten seconded.

Dolais nodded, then looked at the kitten on the table.

"Miss Dolais, my cat is very shy, be careful not to get hurt"

As soon as she finished speaking, the rebellious Dolais put her hand on the kitten's head.

Just kidding, if she doesn't do something stupid every day, she's not Dolais!

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