The two of them were very busy, but the two of them were busy.

"Did you get any useful information on this trip?"

"Yes, yes, yes! The leader of Gray Rose personally admitted that they stole the Core Dimension Jellyfish," Qianmo said, raising his right hand.

"Did she reveal what she was going to do with the Core Dimension Jellyfish?"

"Eh... No, but I guess she wanted to use that thing to rebel."

As soon as the voice fell, the other two stood there in a daze, as if the pause button had been pressed, with expressions of astonishment on their faces.

"Rebellion? Why did you come to this conclusion?"

"Because they are rebels. If they get a thing like the Core Dimension Jellyfish, they will probably use it to rebel. Am I wrong?"

"Wait, wait, you just said they are rebels?"

"Yeah, yeah, didn't I say that?"

Qianmo touched the back of her head and suddenly thought of something. She was sweating. She seemed to have forgotten to mention this to Suya and the others.

"Uh... well, I can explain. I forgot to tell you about this because I had too many things to do. I'm sorry."

Qianmo lowered his head, his ears drooped, his eyes showed a gloomy look, and his tail drooped listlessly.

Suya sighed helplessly.

"Qian, important information must be conveyed to partners as soon as possible to prevent yourself from not being able to convey it. Do you understand?"

The partners Suya was talking about were Su Bai and Mu Yunge who left the Grey Rose Base with Qianmo at that time.

"I know, there will never be a next time."

Suya was very satisfied with her sincere attitude of admitting her mistakes, but she still had to be punished.

"You have to be punished for doing something wrong, understand?"

Qianmo nodded and said, "I understand!"

Suya looked at Qianmo and thought for a moment, and finally decided to hand over the punishment to Duo Leisi, an experienced veteran.

When she learned that Suya was going to hand herself over to Duo Leisi, Qianmo suddenly became uneasy and shook her head like a rattle.

Duo Leisi's punishments are usually mental, so she decided to punish Qianmo in the way that hurt her self-esteem the most - wearing a skirt.

Suya had no objection to this and raised her hands to show her approval.

However, Qianmo refused, but this was a punishment and she had no right to refuse.

Although she had no right to refuse, it did not prevent her from resisting.

*Qianmo began to resist

*Suya grabbed Qianmo's arms and held her

*Duoleisi took the opportunity to unbutton Qianmo's shirt

*Qianmo resisted again

*Resistance failed

*Qianmo lost his pants!

After a while, the three sat in the lounge to discuss what to do next.

During the discussion, Suya's eyes fell on the skirt on Qianmo's thigh from time to time.

Duoleisi made Qianmo wear the school uniform of Vlaides, which was a JK uniform according to Qianmo's previous life.

The skirt was shorter than expected. Qianmo reached out to pull the skirt corners, trying to make it longer. She only felt a chill in her lower body.

"Okay, stop pulling it. If you pull it any further, the skirt will be unwearable. Then you will have to be naked."

Hearing this, Qianmo stopped what he was doing.

"Where were we talking about?"

"We were talking about the rebels."

"Oh, yes, speaking of the rebels, Qian, have you seen any sub-humans other than us in Dawn City?"

"I don't think I have," Qianmo shook his head.

"I got a piece of information from Grando before, that is, the core members of Gray Rose are all sub-humans."

"Are you saying that people in Dawn City don't like sub-humans?"

"That's not the case, but there are such people, most of them are nobles, and the laws of the Kingdom of Alangreis do not include sub-humans in the protection laws mentioned."

"So sub-humans have very few rights and interests in the Kingdom of Alangreis, so few that they can almost be ignored."

"I think this is one of the reasons why they want to rebel."

Suya is very supportive of Gray Rose's idea of ​​rebellion. After all, even she herself can't stand the corruption in this country.

There are more and more people with connections in the Silver Wing Knights. If it weren't for Regis, the Silver Wing Knights would have been abolished long ago.

There is also the Royal Research Institute, which has been researching the serum for bloody python fever for almost five years, but has not achieved anything so far.

The forbidden experiment of life factor fusion can now be studied openly, and it is the royal family of the imperial city who allowed it.

Those royal families did not think of developing a panacea to benefit the people, they just wanted to use this as an excuse.

A cover to try to make an immortality drug.

Suya told the two people present all these ideas.

Qianmo had already experienced the situation of the Silver Wing Knights. After all, she had been accused of a crime by a noble before. If Suya hadn't stopped her, she would have rushed over and tore the guy to pieces.

However, when she heard the second half of Suya's words, Qianmo didn't know how to express her feelings at the moment.

It seems that whether it is an illegal research institute or a royal research institute, what they do is not a good thing.

The former is a violation of the law, and the latter is ignoring the law.

Dolores looked out the window and found that the sun was about to set.

"Let's stop here for today. Anyway, Gray Rose leader promised me that he would not use the core dimensional jellyfish to deal with us, so we don't need to be too nervous in the next period of time. Let's go to eat first."

"Well, you are right. I am a guardian, not a defender. I will take action when the disaster comes."

"Well... Su, don't you forget about the illegal system holders?"

"No, no, anyway, we are sure that the core dimensional jellyfish is not in the hands of Yingweisi, so at least we can have a good rest tonight~"

The three left the Cat Spirit Chamber of Commerce and went to a nearby restaurant. On the way, the three chatted for a while.

"Dolesi, you are so bold now, you can even sneak in front of me"

"That's right~ I have always been very bold. It only takes a little time to break the barrier, isn't it easy?"

"Su, are you tired of being a guardian? Have you ever thought about resigning?"

"Of course I am tired. I have to be assigned some things to do no matter what. It's really annoying, but I can't quit this job just because I want to."

"After those people above knew my strength, they probably feared me and kidnapped me morally and forcibly gave me the title of guardian."

"They also called it my honor~(Yin Yang Weird Qi)"

"My Cat Spirit Chamber of Commerce was at the most critical stage of development at that time, so in order to prevent my chamber of commerce from being tripped up, I had no choice but to accept this job"

"However, I would not be stupid enough to be a guardian and work hard for them. I asked them to conceal my identity as a guardian"


"It's very simple, because I don't want to be morally kidnapped. As long as others don't know my identity, they can't force me to do anything *good*. I know what the previous guardians were like"

"They were either driven out of Dawn City for not helping others in need, or their reputations were damaged by scams"

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