Although the illegal system can give the holder great power, at the same time, it will constantly amplify the holder's inner desires. This amplification effect is like an invisible vortex, gradually devouring the holder's reason and judgment, making them sink deeper and deeper in the quagmire of desire and unable to extricate themselves. As time goes by, the holders of illegal systems may be driven by endlessly expanding desires to do some extreme or even unreasonable behaviors, gradually lose themselves in the pursuit of power, be dominated by desires, and may even hurt others. And their extreme behavior may cause serious interference and impact on the normal operation of the entire world. In this case, the originally stable and orderly operation trajectory of the world will be disrupted, just like a huge rock thrown into the calm water, causing ripples, causing the original timeline to deviate from the established track, gradually deviate, and move towards an unknown direction, thus triggering a series of unpredictable and uncontrollable consequences, bringing turmoil and unrest to the whole world.

If you want to solve it, there are only two ways, either rely on the time and space police to delete the illegal system, or directly kill the illegal system holder.

From the current development trend, the series of actions taken by the emperor have already had a very serious impact on the normal operation of the world.

Now that such a situation has occurred, it should be handled by the time and space police, but the actual situation is that Su Bai and Mu Yunge, who are time and space police, are now imprisoned by the "Law" for interfering with the operation of the world.

So the only way left is to deal with the illegal system holder.

If the emperor is solved at this moment, then this war may be avoided.

In this way, countless lives and homes will not be affected by the war, and people will not have to suffer the pain and disaster brought by the war. This is exactly what Suya is thinking about now. As a guardian angel, she naturally has the desire to avoid the innocent death of many lives in this war.

Suya told Qianmo and Dolores this idea frankly, but Dolores decisively denied her idea.

Dolores pointed out that if the emperor is solved now, the next emperor will appear soon.

Even if all the royal family members are solved, the situation will still be the same, after all, there are still nobles.

Unless the current social system can be completely overturned directly, otherwise, this situation will be difficult to change fundamentally.

After Dolores said this, Qianmo couldn't help but think of a person, that is, the leader of the Gray Rose-Carter.

What Carter wants to do is to carry out a revolution to overthrow the current social system.

Why did Dolores suddenly say such a thing?

Qianmo secretly speculated in his heart, could it be because of that ex?

Could that ex actually be someone from Gray Rose?

Qianmo couldn't help but have such questions and guesses in her mind. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this was possible. Otherwise, how could Duo Leisi know so much about these situations and analyze the current situation so deeply, as if she knew everything.

After thinking for a moment, Qianmo decided to ask Duo Leisi directly.

"Sister Duo Leisi, your ex is not someone from Gray Rose, right?"

Hearing Qianmo's words, Duo Leisi was stunned for a moment, then a faint smile appeared on her face, and she nodded slowly.

"Well, forget it, since you all grew up under my watch, I won't hide it from you"

Suya didn't think there was anything wrong with Duo Leisi's words, but Qianmo held a different opinion.

"I haven't even been born for a year yet, how can you have watched me grow up?"

"Hahaha~ Isn't it the same if you start watching me from now on?"

"Ahem, let's get back to the point. As for my ex, you should have seen her..."

"It's the cat girl with long gray hair, right?"

"Guess... huh?"

Doraes originally wanted to keep it a secret and tease Qianmo, but she didn't expect her to give the correct answer right away.

"How did you know?!"

"It's very simple. Your ex is from Gray Rose, and you are a cat girl. The only one who meets these two characteristics is the kitten next to Gray Rose leader Carter who can only transform into a cat girl."

Qianmo had seen Buri transform in front of her before, and there is no such thing in the world.

What a coincidence, so the gray and white kitten that turned into a cat girl must be the one next to Carter!

Suya, who was sandwiched between the two, seemed a little confused at the moment, and couldn't keep up with the rhythm of their conversation.

Although she had heard about the Gray Rose leader from Qianmo and the others before, she had never seen him in person or the kitten next to him, and she was completely lacking in visual information, which made it very difficult for her to understand their conversation.

Suya slowly raised her hand and asked, "Well, can you tell me what's going on with the cat that can only transform into a cat girl?"

After that, Qianmo began to tell Suya in detail about the gray and white kitten...

Dolece: Ah, the topic has gone off track, let's get back to it-

"In short, what Gray Rose wants to do is to intervene in the war between the royal family and the nobles at this stage when they are about to go to war, and interfere in the upcoming war"

"In other words, they want to find a more appropriate reason for themselves to launch an uprising, so that the rebels can truly transform into a revolutionary army"

If the war between the royal family and the nobles is regarded as a gamble on the card table, then what Gray Rose wants to do is not just to participate in this card table, but to overturn this card table completely.

Extremely different class systems?

Is it a tyrant ruling or a tyrant in power?

Or is it a corrupt government?

In the eyes of the leader of Gray Rose, these problems are caused by the fact that the rules at the bottom foundation are not properly formulated.

After overthrowing the current feudal hierarchy, they will rebuild a new order and establish a truly democratic centralist country.

And to achieve all this, this war is inevitable.

*Ding ding ding*

Suya's communication props made a sound.

——[Hello, hello, president, we have received a large order for a batch of magic guns, and we need you to review it]

"Okay, I know"

After hanging up the call, Suya stared at the communicator in her hand, and then cast her eyes on Duo Leisi.

At this juncture, receiving the order for magic guns, no matter how you think about it, you know what it is used for.

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