The sky was dark, but the sky was dark.

In the space of consciousness, Qianmo slowly opened his eyes. The surrounding scene had changed. The clear and sunny sky had become gloomy at this moment. The whole space seemed to be shrouded in a layer of gray tones. There was no previous brightness and openness, but a depressing and dull atmosphere instead.

There was only one possibility for this situation to happen, that is, Mo, who was currently the main personality, had something happen outside.

Qianmo looked at the core jellyfish on the side, only to see that it was spinning rapidly and emitting a dazzling light.

"What's going on?"

Qianmo stood up and walked quickly to the core jellyfish, raised his hand to touch it, but his hand passed through.

Qianmo said with a light "tsk", "You are the culprit who made this place like this."

The core jellyfish flashed in response.

Qianmo looked at the cloudy sky with a frown.

How did Mo solve this situation in the background before? It seems that he directly topped the account and went out to solve the problem in person.


The current situation is that I can't get out at all, and I can't help even if I want to.

Qianmo's clenched fist slowly loosened.

"I... can't do anything..."

Just then, a familiar voice sounded.

[Ding! Connection successful! ]

"System?!" Hearing this familiar voice, Qianmo was a little excited.

A virtual panel slowly appeared not far from Qianmo.

[Host! ]




One person and one leader, excitedly ran towards each other, and then hugged each other.

"System, I miss you so much!"

[Wuwuwu QAQ, host, me too! ]

They cried for a while.

After a while, Qianmo began to ask about the situation outside the system.

"System, what's the situation outside now? What happened to the other me?"

[I don't know, I was posting daily tasks as usual, but I suddenly got offline! ]

[I was really scared to death, I thought the host didn't want me anymore, wuwuwu...]

Qianmo hugged the system panel, patted it gently, and comforted: "It's okay, it's okay, I won't give up on you, never!"

[Wuwuwu... Really? ]

"Really! I swear on my life!" Qianmo raised four fingers to the sky with a serious expression.


The system pounced on Qianmo, and pixel tears splashed directly from the system panel.

Qianmo felt a little distressed when he saw the system like this. He began to reflect on whether he had treated the system too badly in the past, and secretly vowed to treat it well in the future.

As the latest system developed, it came to this world as soon as it was born and was bound to Qianmo. It can be said that it is a child who is not even one year old in the true sense.

Qianmo held the system and came to the side of the Xinwei jellyfish.

"System, can you help me see what it is like now?"

[Well... it is now in the startup state. According to the test results, it has a great responsibility for this space to become like this]

"I don't know how Suya and Sister Dolores are doing now"

Qianmo is now completely disconnected from the outside world. Her memory has not been synchronized with Mo for a long time.

"Speaking of which, I implanted a memory anchor point for Suya before, and I don't know if it can be used"

[Of course it can! Although the other host behaved no different from the usual host outside these days, and even I was almost deceived, her personality is still different from the host, so I still found the problem! 】

"Then you went offline?"

[Yeah, that's right... Having said that, even if the Core Dimension Jellyfish can eliminate Suya and the others' doubts, there will definitely be problems over time...]

"Wait a minute, didn't the Core Dimension Jellyfish swap Mo and my identities? Why does Mo still act like me?"

[Host, what are you talking about? You haven't been fooled by some bad guy, have you?]

"How is that possible? I'm smart, look at this on the task list"

Qianmo pointed to the pop-up window of the punishment task.

[...Host, there are no other tasks on the task list except the daily tasks]

"What are you talking about? Can't you see these four obvious words?"

[But, I really didn't put it on the task list

The task other than the daily task is detected in the table. Host, when did the task you mentioned appear? 】

"I received it from the God of Order when I took Suya to find the gods, and then a few days ago, I met Buri and officially carried it out..."

Qianmo's voice became smaller and smaller, and he gradually lost confidence.

Now thinking back, when she received this task and when she updated the task from Buri, the system never appeared, only a system panel showing the font.

The most important thing is that when Buri updated the task, her words appeared on the system panel synchronously. At that time, she didn't feel strange about that situation, but now that she looks carefully, the problem is big.

Why can gods and gods issue tasks through the system panel? This is not a game world, this is reality. Did they invade the system? If that's the case, why did the system say that it didn't detect the so-called punishment task.

Then, there is only one answer.


【What's wrong, host? 】

"Check my brain"

[OK, the scanning program is ready]

[Start scanning the brain...]


[Scan completed, abnormal brain waves detected in the host, unknown external interference, now start the antivirus program...]

A sudden feeling of dizziness came over her, and the pop-up window of the punishment task in front of her was slowly blurring with the system's antivirus. This scene made Qianmo feel a chill slowly climbing up her spine. This might be how Suya and the others felt after learning that their memories were tampered with.

[Antivirus completed]

[Ding! The host's amygdala activity was detected to have increased significantly...]

[Host, what's wrong with you? ]

Qianmo's legs seemed to have lost all their strength, and she involuntarily collapsed to the ground, holding the system panel tightly with her arms, and curled up into a ball.

[Host, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me...]

"I... I'm fine, just a little dizzy..."

[Ding ding ding! An unknown force has been detected in the host! ]

[How could this happen?! Didn't I clear it?! ]

[Execute the mandatory antivirus program! Clear all foreign objects! ]

The sky in the consciousness space gradually twisted, and a huge vortex gradually appeared. In the center of the vortex, a faint gray-white light slowly descended.

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