Today, the ship docked.

So who will be the first to go ashore?

Let's look at it from a first-person perspective!

After staying on the ship for so many days, I finally saw the shore.

I stood at the bow, feeling the breeze, my eyes fixed on the land getting closer and closer.

As the ship slowly approached the shore, a surge of excitement surged in my heart.

I gathered my strength, kicked my hind legs hard, and my body soared into the air, jumping high from the ship.

At that moment in the air, I seemed to feel the breath of freedom calling me.

My feet touched the solid ground, and I landed steadily on the shore, my heart full of excitement and joy, I finally stepped on the land!

That's right, the first one to come ashore was the little wolf - Yue Ling!

"Yue Ling! Go!"

Suya threw the cable, Yue Ling jumped up and grabbed it, then ran around a thick tree for a few laps and tied the cable firmly to it.

Duo Lei Si and Qian Mo also followed Suya off the boat.

Suya flew to the sky and looked down at the island from above.

From a distance, the island was covered with lush vegetation, and a vibrant green stretched from the seaside to the top of the mountain.

Tall and dense palm trees swayed in the sea breeze, and the peaks on the island towered into the clouds, surrounded by clouds and mist.

The snow-white beach on the seaside was delicate and soft, and sparkled with golden light under the sunshine.

Suya nodded with satisfaction. This place is very suitable for vacation no matter how you look at it.

While Suya was observing the island in the sky, Duo Lei Si was not idle either.

She took out a lot of things from the prop box, including parasols, beach chairs, sunscreen, swimsuits, sunglasses, bath towels, beach shoes, sun hats, drinks, snacks, cameras, inflatable toys, mosquito repellent, tents...

Qianmo, who was standing by, was stunned as he watched Duo Leisi take out things like a blue fat man.

It was not surprising that Duo Leisi could take out so many things, but it was surprising that these things were all taken out from White Rabbit!

Is this something a human can do? ? ?

Oh, yes, she is a vampire.

Duo Leisi just picked up the parasol when she saw Qianmo walking in front of her.

"Um, sister Duo Leisi, is there anything I can help with?"

Looking at Qianmo's cautious look, Duo Leisi stretched out her right hand and gently placed it on her head.

"There's a tent over there, can you set it up?"

Qianmo followed Duo Leisi's line of sight and looked at the tent on the ground.


Qianmo nodded quickly, then trotted over and picked up the tent.

Suya also flew down at this time.

"What are you doing?"



Suya looked at the things on the ground, picked up a bottle of water, and looked at the label on it.

Hmm... I can't understand it at all.

"What country's language is this? The strokes are so complicated"

"Oh~ our elementary school bully also doesn't know something~" Duo Leisi teased.

"Then please tell me, the ignorant sister Duo Leisi, what is written on it"

"Oh, oh~ Since you are so sincere, I will tell you reluctantly!"

Duo Leisi pointed to the words on the label and translated them one by one...

Suya, who had originally looked calm, blushed after listening to Duo Leisi's translation.

"You, you, you... Who would take out such a thing on vacation!"

"Me~" Duo Leisi pointed at herself and said.

"It's confiscated!" Suya put it in her pocket.

At the same time, Qianmo had set up the tent and was about to show it to Dolores when she saw Suya taking something from Dolores.

"Sister Dolores, the tent is set up!"

After hearing Qianmo's voice, the two walked over.

Dolores checked the tent.

It's very sturdy!

Even a typhoon wouldn't be a problem!

"Not bad, not bad, it's set up very well, Qianmo has a talent for setting up tents!"


Hearing Dolores' praise, the cat ears on Qianmo's head shook unconsciously.

"By the way, Su, did you see anything in the sky just now?"

"Yes, there is a waterfall deep in the woods!"

Hearing the waterfall, Dolores became interested.

"Then let's go to the waterfall and take a look!"

"Eh? Now?"

"If not now, when?"

"Then these things on the ground..."

"Don't worry, this is an uninhabited island, no one will come to steal things"

After hearing what Dolores said, Qianmo suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

I hope it's an illusion.

Suya took a few bottles of drinks from the ground, and then set off with them to the waterfall.

The three of them walked there. If they flew, they would miss a lot of scenery and fun things.

The trees in the woods are tall and dense, and the sun shines through the gaps in the leaves, forming patches of mottled light and shadow.

The temperature on the island is a bit high, which is nothing for Qianmo and Dolores, two vampires.

But for Suya, it is a bit high, which also led her to think of taking off all the clothes on her body.

Suya told the two of them this idea.

"Take it off~ Anyway, there are only three of us here, you can run naked~" Dolores said with a smirk.

"Su, it's okay... If a fourth person sees your body, I will dig out his eyes."

Qianmo's expression was normal when he said the first half of the sentence, but his eyes became colder when he said the second half.

It didn't feel like he was joking.

"No, no, I suddenly feel much cooler, ahaha..."

She wasn't joking, and there was a chill on her back.

"Okay, if you need me, you can call me anytime~"

"Okay, okay"

Qianmo stretched out his right hand to Suya.

"My hand temperature is low, which can also relieve it a little bit"

Suya was slightly stunned, looking at Qianmo's expectant eyes, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and she stretched out her hand to hold it.

Dolores walked in front, she firmly believed that as long as she didn't look back, the cat food would not be fed to her mouth.

Ah ah ah! I really want to stick with Buli!

The three of them were completely immersed in their own little worlds, and they didn't even notice the poisonous snake on the tree.

As luck would have it, a blind venomous snake fell down, and the direction it fell was exactly towards Suya.

Qianmo quickly caught the venomous snake, but was still bitten.

Looking at the venomous snake biting his wrist, Qianmo launched the blood explosion technique expressionlessly.

The venomous snake just died in the flames.

Suya grabbed Qianmo's wrist and checked the wound.

"It's okay, the flame just now has removed the poison, and besides, a vampire of my level is not afraid of poisoning."

Suya glanced at Qianmo faintly.

"Then what about you being paralyzed by the venom of the giant octopus before?"

"Maybe it's because... its level is too high?"

Thinking of the incident of jumping into the sea without permission before, Qianmo's voice became smaller and smaller.

Suya also realized that she shouldn't mention that matter, so the two of them tacitly shut up and continued walking.

As they walked, the sound of gurgling water came faintly from the front.

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