The old man was so angry that he was not happy.

When he saw the word "Legend" on the system panel, Qianmo's eyes shrank into a vertical shape instantly.

Since the system panel was displayed in front of Yue Ling, Qianmo's sudden change in pupils frightened Yue Ling, causing her to tremble and take a few steps back.

Su Ya looked at Yue Ling's reaction, tilted her head in confusion, walked to Qianmo, and gently poked her shoulder with her finger.

"Qian, what's wrong with you?"

Qianmo's attention left the system panel and looked at Su Ya.

"It's okay, I was just scared"

"Ouch!" (Who is scaring who?)

If it hadn't been able to feel Qianmo's emotions, it would have really thought Qianmo was going to do something to it.

It can only be said that the fight with Qianmo in the laboratory left a big psychological shadow on it.

Qianmo smiled awkwardly, then squatted down and reached out to touch Yue Ling's head.

"Sorry, I scared you"

"Awoo!" (I was not scared!)

"So, did you see something on the system?" Suya asked.

"Yeah" Qianmo picked up Yue Ling and stood up.

"My system has added the function of cultivating beasts. I just saw a race called Phantom Moon Wolf on Yue Ling's evolutionary path"

"Phantom Moon Wolf... I haven't heard of it"

Suya tried hard to look for wolf-shaped monsters in various books she had read in her mind, but no matter how she thought about it, there was no relevant information about Phantom Moon Wolf.


Dolores coughed twice to attract their attention.

"What's wrong, Sister Dolores?"

"Ah~ Suya, you just rely too much on modern books. You should read those old books occasionally."

"Ah? What do you mean?"

"It means that most of the books you read are the latest editions. Some information is not useful to modern people, so it is naturally not recorded in them. It can only be found in the old editions of books."

As she said, Dolores reached into the White Rabbit and took out a thick book.

"Let me see... where is it..."

Dorres muttered and quickly flipped the pages in her hand.

After a while, she found it.

"Oh, I found it!"

Hearing this, Suya and Qianmo walked quickly to Dolores' side, leaned over, and looked at the contents of the book together.

There are image references for other monsters in the book, but only the Phantom Moon Wolf does not.

According to the content of the book, Qianmo and others learned that the Phantom Moon Wolf is a rare species born from the Night Wolf Pack, and it is possible to be born in hundreds or even thousands of years.

All the information about the Phantom Moon Wolf came from the followers of the Night Wolf, the wolf tribe sub-people called the Night Wolf Clan.

Because there were only rumors and no physical evidence, after the Night Wolf "extincted", the information about the Phantom Moon Wolf was deleted as a lie.

But now, Qianmo's system shows the evolutionary path of the Phantom Moon Wolf, which proves that the Phantom Moon Wolf did exist.

Qianmo looked at Yue Ling in his hand, sighed softly, and exclaimed: "No wonder it is a legendary monster, and even the proof of its existence can only be passed on by word of mouth"

"Qian! How can Yue Ling evolve into a Phantom Moon Wolf?"

Su Ya's eyes lit up and asked excitedly.

"Uh, let me see"

Qianmo opened the beast training panel and chose to view the evolution requirements.

[Evolution route: Night Wolf → Phantom Moon Wolf]

[Evolution requirements are as follows:]

[Level reaches Overlord level]

[One special ice magic crystal]

[A blood activator]

"There are only three conditions for evolving into a Phantom Moon Wolf..."

Qianmo told Suya and Duo Leisi what was displayed on the system panel truthfully.

"Ice magic crystal, maybe there is one in my prop box, I'll go and look for it"

After that, Duo Leisi went to look for something in the prop box.

"This... is not it, this... is not it..."

Looking at the increasing number of props on the ground, Qianmo looked at Duo Leisi's prop box with more and more curiosity.

How many things are in her box?


"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Doesn't your system have a store? Why don't you go there and take a look?"

"Eh? Yell!"

Qianmo then realized that he could still buy the materials he needed from the system store.

Qianmo immediately opened the system store and searched for the two items.

After a while, Qianmo found them, but the price was a bit outrageous.

[Super Ice Magic Crystal


[Bloodline Activation Potion (17W)]

"Damn it! System, you are robbing me!"

[Host, please use polite language]

"Do you think this price is reasonable?"

[System stores always have clear prices, and they have always been this price. They will never raise prices at will.]

[You should think about it first. Have you worked hard to earn violence points during this period of time...]

The system started to mutter its rhetoric again.

"What's going on? Have you found those materials in your system?" Dolores came over and asked.

Qianmo shook his head and smiled bitterly:

"No, I guess I have to kill me to afford it."

Qianmo was not joking when he said this.

If you want to collect so many points in a short time, you really have to experience death-level pain to get the corresponding violence points.

By the way, the same damage, the violence points obtained by hitting Qianmo himself and hitting others are different. The former can get more, while hitting dead objects gets the least.

"Haha, look at what this is"

Dolesi stretched out her fist in front of Qianmo.

"Is it a special ice magic crystal?"


Dolesi opened her palm, and saw a white crystal emitting a faint blue light lying quietly in her palm.

Qianmo stretched out his hand to take the magic crystal, but immediately retracted his hand before he touched it.

Dolesi looked at Qianmo in confusion.

"What's wrong? Isn't this a special ice magic crystal?"

Qianmo shook his head and said with a slightly lonely look: "I just suddenly realized that I have never gotten anything by myself. The last time I needed a domineering monster core, it was you, sister Dolesi, who gave it to me."

Hearing this, Dolesi nodded slightly and understood what Qianmo meant.

She reached out and gently touched Qianmo's head.

"Don't worry about it. If you really feel bad, come to my room tonight..."

Before she finished her words, Dolores felt Suya's cold gaze.

"Just give me a massage!"

"Is that all?"

"Yes, and I'm also curious about what the Phantom Moon Wolf looks like. Oh, so it seems that we haven't asked Yue Ling for his opinion yet."

The three of them turned their eyes to Yue Ling at the same time. At this time, it was stealing the things that Dolores had put on the ground when she was looking for something just now.

"Awoo?" (Why are you looking at me?)

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