The two of them were so surprised that they couldn't help but pick out two men's clothes.

Seeing how stunning Qianmo was, Duo Leisi and Su Ya couldn't hold back their impulse and each picked out two men's clothes.

The proprietress quickly started to dress them up.

After a busy period, Duo Leisi and Su Ya were also dressed up.

Compared with the three of them, no matter how you look at it, Qianmo's style is still better.

Who made her the only one among them who had been a boy?

The temperament is well grasped.

After the three of them learned from the proprietress about the store where they could buy exotic beast materials, they left the clothing store.

After arriving at the center of the street, they saw a bustling crowd and hawking sounds one after another.

Looking up, they saw a tall building standing there, which was particularly conspicuous.

This building has flying eaves, brackets, carved beams and painted buildings, and is extraordinary.

There is a huge plaque hanging at the door, with the four characters "Wanming's Home" written on it. This is the shop that Qianmo and the others are looking for to buy exotic beast materials.

The three of them walked in through the wide door together, and the sun shone behind them.

The moment they entered the door, everything around them seemed to slow down. The waiter at the door bowed respectfully, and the customers in the store cast curious eyes.

The breeze blew gently, ruffling their hair. At this moment, it felt like they were acting in a movie, as if time had frozen for them.

Of course, all the above scenes were made up by Qianmo alone.

The truth is that everyone just took a look and then went about their own business.

At this time, a waiter walked over with a brisk step.

He was wearing a neat short coat, with a professional smile on his face and a clever look in his eyes.

He bowed slightly, clasped his hands together, and said politely: "Three distinguished guests, welcome to our store. How can I help you?"

Qianmo took out a list, which recorded the materials needed to make blood activation potion.

Seeing this, the clerk hurriedly came forward and looked at the list. He still had a smile on his face, but he was quickly calculating the inventory in the store in his mind.

The clerk looked up and quickly scanned the list in Qianmo's hand, then said with a smile on his face: "Sir, most of the materials on this list are available in our store, but there is one that is quite rare and is currently only available at auctions."

The clerk stretched out a finger and gently tapped the word "dragon blood" on the list, saying: "It is this dragon blood. Such rare things usually only appear at auctions..."

"What a coincidence! Our Wanming Family will have this dragon blood at the auction later, but the competition for such a treasure will be quite fierce, so you have to be prepared, sir."

"Then... what is the starting price of dragon blood?"

The clerk raised three fingers.

Qianmo asked tentatively: "Three hundred thousand?"

The clerk shook his head.

Qianmo thought for a moment and spoke again: "Thirty million?"

The clerk pretended to be surprised, but a hint of appreciation flashed in his eyes, and he nodded slightly, indicating that Qianmo guessed correctly.

Thirty million, although it is not beyond Qianmo's reach, it is indeed not a small amount.

Moreover, this is only the starting price.

Thinking that in the system store, dragon blood requires 50W violence points, Qianmo could not help but frown and fell into deep thought.

She couldn't always think of asking Dolores and Suya to help her, right?

If she always relied on them like this, she would really be a useless person who only knows how to eat gigolo.

[Host, don't think so, you are not a waste~]


However, before Qianmo was moved, the next sentence of the system petrified Qianmo.

[How can the host be a waste? It should be a vase~]

'... Thank you for your compliment'

For Qianmo, her appearance seems to have only the function of seducing Suya.

After thinking about it, Qianmo decided to go to the auction to have a look.

Maybe no one actually needs the dragon blood?

Even if there was only a glimmer of hope, she would give it a try.

At the same time, Dolores was listening to a waiter's introduction, looking at the various strange things in the display cabinet.

Some of those items emitted strange lights, and some had strange shapes that made people puzzled.

Dolores listened to the waiter's introduction and nodded from time to time, seeming to have a strong interest in some of them.

Suya stood not far away, her eyes always on Qianmo.

On the way here, Qianmo said that she wanted to rely on herself this time, so Suya chose to

Watching her silently beside.

After a while, the waiter hurried over with several exquisite wooden boxes in his hands, bringing all the materials except dragon blood.

He gently put down the wooden box, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said: "Sir, the materials you want are all here, please take a look."

After Qianmo confirmed that everything was correct, the waiter smiled and handed a small and exquisite box to Qianmo.

"Sir, this is a promotional activity of our Wanming Home. After the single purchase amount reaches a certain value, we will give you a storage ring."

Qianmo took the box and opened it.

There was a silver ring inside.

The ring flashed softly under the light, and the lines of the ring body were smooth and the craftsmanship was exquisite.

Qianmo put the ring on the index finger of her left hand, and then gently turned the roller on it.

Then, her magic flowed from the index finger into the ring.

Qianmo put his hand on the box containing the materials, and saw a flash of light, and then the boxes disappeared instantly and entered the ring.

Qianmo looked at the waiter beside him and asked how to participate in the auction.

The waiter said that participating in the auction requires introduction by acquaintances or people with reputation.

These rules are mainly to prevent people with bad intentions from taking the opportunity to rob.

Although there are many masters in Wanming House, they still need to be careful.

Qianmo sighed.

It seems that this dragon blood can only be dealt with in another way.

At this moment, a hand patted her shoulder.

Qianmo thought it was Suya and the others, but when she turned around, she saw Xiaoqian who she saw last night.

Xiaoqian was still wearing a hood, and the shadow covered most of her face, revealing only her beautiful chin and slightly upturned lips.

"Xiao Qian?"

"Oh, what a coincidence, Qianmo, you are here to buy things too"


Xiao Qian looked at Qianmo's clothes and was a little surprised.

"Wow, you look good today~"

"Haha, thank you for the compliment"

Qianmo looked at Xiao Qian, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The other party must have lived here for a long time, maybe there is a way to enter the auction, or a way to get dragon blood.

Xiao Qian looked at Qianmo's eyes, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

"You want to enter the auction, right?"

Qianmo didn't bother to think about how Xiao Qian knew what she was thinking, and nodded hurriedly.

"Haha, it's true, but it's a pity that I'm not qualified to take you in~" Xiao Qian shrugged and said.

Qianmo's originally expectant eyes dimmed instantly, and the cat ears on her head drooped down.

"But I know someone who can help you."

Hearing this, Qianmo's cat ears that were originally drooping suddenly stood up, and he asked expectantly: "Who is it?"

"She is right behind me~"

Xiao Qian smiled and turned sideways.

A black girl with long straight hair and a purple ancient style long skirt appeared in front of him.

"Let me introduce my friend, Miss Yu - Yu Mengyuan"

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