During the time they were waiting for Qianmo, Suya and Duolei came to the teahouse next to Wanming's house.

Suya held a teacup in her hand, and her eyes always glanced at Wanming's house unconsciously.

Duolei took a bite of the cake and then sipped the tea, looking very comfortable.

"The tea here is very good, and there are more varieties than the tea we have over there"


"Don't look at it, she just bought something, what could possibly happen?"

"On the first night we came here, a fire broke out in a restaurant. I don't think we are that lucky"

"Hahaha, it was just a coincidence. I have inquired about it. The restaurant originally wanted to set off fireworks, but accidentally threw the fire into the fireworks box, so it exploded and caught fire"

"Try this, it's delicious"

Doraes pushed the cake towards Suya.

Suya picked up a piece of mung bean cake and took a bite.

Then she looked at the Wanming House outside the window.

Suddenly, some noise came from there.

After a while, some people ran out of the Wanming House.

"Did something happen?"

"Maybe, but even if something happened, it won't be a problem with Qianmo's strength."


In the corridor, several guards in uniform were rushing to the viewing garden.

"Hurry up! The robbers are just ahead!"

When they arrived at the viewing garden, they saw the black-robed men being enveloped by a ray of light, and then disappeared.

"What happened?"

"It's a teleportation spell! Those guys can actually use teleportation spells!"

"It must be those guys from Qingyunmen! Go report to the shopkeeper!"


A guard came to the place where the black-robed man was teleported just now.

He reached out and touched the ground, and the moment he touched it, a huge magic circle instantly appeared.

"Get out of there!!!"

A guard rushed over and tried to push the guard away.

The light instantly enveloped them.

After the light dissipated, the two guards covered their eyes and looked very painful.

"Ahhh! My eyes!"

"Damn! How despicable! He actually flashed our eyes!"

Seeing that the two guards were only flashed in the eyes, the captain of the guards breathed a sigh of relief and ordered several guards to take them away.


Xiao Qian looked at the navigation on the tablet and came to the forest near Mingu Town.

After searching for a while, Xiao Qian finally found Qianmo and the black-robed people.

Qianmo saw Xiao Qian and waved at her.

After seeing Xiao Qian, the black-robed people took off their black robes and masks.

"Miss Xiao Qian, everything is here, please take a look"

The person who spoke put a sack in front of Xiao Qian.

Xiao Qian opened the sack and took a look, then nodded.

"Thank you for your hard work, this is the reward promised to you"

Xiao Qian handed a heavy bag of money to the man.

After receiving the money, they left.

Qianmo came to Xiao Qian and pointed at himself.

The look in her eyes seemed to be saying: Where's mine? Where's mine?

"Your reward is not with me now. You and I will go find Meng Yuan later. She should have gotten the dragon blood by now."

"Oh~ By the way, why don't you grab the dragon blood as well?"

"You have to ask Miss Yu about this. I'm just a task executor. Let's go. She should be waiting for us in the teahouse."


Doraesi ate the last piece of cake.

"Hmm~ This tastes really good~ What do you think?"

"Ah? Yes, it's delicious"

Su Ya said absent-mindedly.

Just now, she couldn't feel Qian Mo's breath in Wan Ming's House.

Since she and Qian Mo confirmed their relationship, they have not been apart for such a long time.

Now she felt an inexplicable restlessness in her heart, which felt very strange.

Doraesi looked at Su Ya's state, got up and sat down beside her.

Su Ya looked at her puzzledly.

"What's wrong?"

Doraesi didn't say anything, and hugged her directly.

Suya was confused by Doraesi's inexplicable behavior.

After a few seconds of stunned, she began to resist.

"You, you, you... let me go!"

Suya broke free from Doraesi's arms.

"What are you doing?"

"Divert your attention, in my opinion, you are sick now"

"Ah? How can I be sick, I have the blessing of enhanced immunity"

"I mean the heart

"It's a physical disease. I have confirmed that you have "Qianmo Syndrome"."

Suya blinked and tilted her head in confusion.

"What is it?"

"Qianmo Syndrome". Once you leave Qianmo for a period of time, Qianmo's energy will decrease, and you will feel uneasy from the bottom of your heart." Dolores said seriously.

"Ahahaha, so funny, just make it up."

"I'm not kidding. Although I named this disease, Kabu Kabu..."

Suya turned a deaf ear to Dolores's later words. She didn't believe that she had a disease that made her unable to leave Qianmo.

Are you kidding? Who is she?

How could she... just because she left someone...

Suddenly, Suya was on the street outside the window. Saw Qianmo.

She stood up suddenly, and Dolores was interrupted by her.

"Qianmo is back, I'll go see him"

After saying that, she left quickly.

Dolores looked at her back and sighed.

Alas, the condition has worsened.

As soon as Qianmo and Xiaoqian entered the teahouse, they ran into Suya walking on the stairs.

Qianmo waved to Suya.

Suya walked downstairs quickly and came to Qianmo.

Originally, she wanted to hug him directly, but there were other people around, so she had to give up.

"Qian, are you... okay?"

"Huh? I, I'm fine, why are you asking? "Qianmo touched the back of his head in confusion.

"Just now I saw a lot of people running out of Wanming's House, it seems something happened"

Hearing this, Qianmo's expression became a little unnatural.

"Ah, yes, something did happen, it seems someone robbed..."

Seeing Qianmo's reaction was a little strange, Suya looked at Xiaoqian.

Xiaoqian gave her a friendly smile.

Qianmo coughed lightly.

"Well, Su, I have to go find my employer first, I'll explain to you later."

"Okay...then you..." Suya paused.

"Hmm? What?"

"It's okay, go quickly"

"Okay, see you later~"

Qianmo waved goodbye to Suya, then turned around and followed Xiaoqian away.

Suya looked at the backs of Qianmo and Xiaoqian leaving, and her cat ears drooped a little.

"Jealous? "

A voice suddenly came, scaring Suya.

Turning to the source of the voice, she found Duo Leisi.

"Why are you jealous? Don't talk nonsense."

Duo Leisi reached out and patted her shoulder.

"If it's not jealousy, then it must be "Qianmo Syndrome", right?"

"...Okay! I admit it! I just want Qianmo to stay by my side! Are you satisfied?"

"Hahaha, why didn't you say that earlier? If you want to stay with Qianmo forever, I can give you some advice~"

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