The old man was born in a strange way.

Mingu Town, a town located by the sea, where people live a simple and happy life and have simple folk customs.

In this town, there are various races, of which the human race and the demon race are the most representative.

Among the demon race, the beast-eared girls are the most familiar and favorite. They are cute and charming, and are deeply loved by people.

So people often divide the demon race into beast-eared girls and other types.

In the forest near Mingu Town, there is a tree that has absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon for many years, and finally cultivated spiritual wisdom one day.

After the birth of spiritual wisdom, it is full of curiosity about the world around it, and can't wait to explore this colorful world.

Although it cannot walk freely like other demons, it can transfer its consciousness to other trees to achieve "action" in a certain sense.

One day, it transferred its consciousness to a tree in Mingu Town as usual.

However, the situation here today is a little unusual.

It found a young man sitting under the tree to rest, and kept talking to himself.

The tree demon knew at a glance that this was a lonely person without friends, so similar to himself!

The tree demon felt pity and also longed for a companion, so he decided to make friends with the boy, so that they would no longer be lonely.

So the tree demon tried to convey his voice to the man.

The man was stunned at first, then stood up suddenly and looked around in panic.

Seeing this scene, the tree demon couldn't help laughing.

The boy realized that the sound came from the tree in front of him. He was a little surprised at first, but soon calmed down and tried to talk to the tree demon.

The tree demon also responded to him happily.

After that, they talked to each other and became friends unknowingly.

The boy told the tree demon that his name was Yu Guyi, and after knowing that the tree demon had no name, he gave it a name - Lin Yiteng.

After that, Yu Guyi often came to Lin Yiteng to chat.

Fortunately, there was a tree in Yu Guyi's house, which provided convenience for their meeting, so they could get together and talk almost every day.

Seeing that Lin Yiteng's movements were restricted and quite inconvenient, Yu Guyi read some books that helped Lin Yiteng practice every day.

Time passed, and with the help of Yu Guyi, Lin Yiteng practiced unremittingly, and finally his efforts paid off and he practiced a human form.

However, unlike other demons, tree demons like Lin Yiteng will remain in the same place after transforming and cannot leave with him.

Therefore, if Lin Yiteng's body is discovered by the enemy during the battle, the consequences will be disastrous.

For example, now, when Lin Yiteng was fighting with Qianmo, Su Bai discovered its body through the fluctuation of magic power.

So, Su Bai took the opportunity to pick up the giant axe, came to the side of Lin Yiteng's body, and launched the woodcutting technique on it.

Lin Yiteng's body was hit by Su Bai's black giant axe, and a strong pain instantly spread throughout its body.

Its human body was also greatly affected by this, and its strength seemed to be drained in an instant. Its legs softened and it knelt on the ground.

Qianmo saw this scene, and his figure flashed and rushed towards Lin Yiteng quickly. The magic power on his legs gathered and launched a fatal blow to Lin Yiteng's *vital parts*.

A scream came from the woods, and the sound echoed in the silent forest, which was particularly shrill.


Lin Yiteng was tied to its body. It struggled hard, but all the strength in its body was sealed by the black chain tied to it.

"Give up, this is a magic lock, even if the demon king is tied up, he will be restricted by it." Su Bai looked at Lin Yiteng who was still struggling and said coldly.

Hearing this, Lin Yiteng also realized that no matter how hard he struggled, it was futile, so he simply gave up the meaningless struggle.

"How did you find my true body?" Lin Yiteng asked in confusion.

"It's very simple, you can see it with your eyes." Su Bai answered easily.

"Huh? With your eyes..." Lin Yiteng looked up at Su Bai's eyes and was stunned the moment he saw it.

"...Haha, so that's it, you are a spirit race, no wonder."

Lin Yiteng understood. He had heard before that the spirit race has special abilities and can detect things that ordinary people cannot detect. It makes sense that his true body can be discovered so easily.

"Wait, that is to say, the reason why you can

Did you run into the woods because you found my real body? "Lin Yiteng asked in disbelief, eyes wide open.

"Yes, otherwise do you think we are really stupid enough to run into the enemy's field of expertise?" Su Bai sneered and replied.

Lin Yiteng's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Just now it was still mocking Qianmo's arrogance, but it didn't expect that it was actually itself that was arrogant.

"Hey, why did you attack us?" Qianmo asked.

Lin Yiteng glanced at Qianmo, then "humphed", turned his head to the other side, and looked disdainful to answer.

"Yo! Even so, you still have a temper! I didn't want to use this trick again, but with your attitude now, haha! "

After saying that, a flash of red light flashed across Qianmo's eyes.

Lin Yiteng suddenly felt that his mouth was out of control, and a strong desire to speak surged in his heart.

This is the effect of Qianmo's newly exchanged skill - Mind Magic.

Qianmo always saw Duo Leisi using this magic before, and was a little envious, so he exchanged one from the system store.

In the battle just now, Lin Yiteng broke through the defense and lost his mind many times because of Qianmo's Mind Magic.

"Speak quickly! Why did you attack us?" Qianmo asked sternly.

"Because... I... heard... you were going to harm my friend, so... I..."

Lin Yiteng spoke with difficulty, and his words were intermittent.

"Your friend? Who is your friend?" Qianmo asked.

"My friend is... is..."

Lin Yiteng seemed to be trying to resist the control of Mind Magic, and it became more and more difficult to speak.

"Speak quickly!"

Qianmo increased the power of Mind Magic, and the red light in his eyes became stronger.

"It's... it's Yu Guyi! "Lin Yiteng said with difficulty.

"Who is Yu Guyi?" Qianmo continued to ask.

"He is my friend... the second young master of the Yu family."

"Tell us all the information about him."

"I... don't..."

Lin Yiteng tried his best to restrain his desire to speak, with a painful expression on his face.

When he raised his head, he saw a figure in the distance.

His eyes were full of fear, and he shook his head quickly, shouting hoarsely: "Don't come over! Run away! ! ! "

Qianmo quickly turned around and looked behind him.

Suddenly, a gunshot broke the silence in the woods.

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