The two of them were in a mess, but the two of them were in a mess.

Dolece felt very strange because she was sandwiched between Qianmo and Suya.

Logically, at this time, she should be either under the bed or outside the window, so how could she be on the bed?

Of course, this is just a metaphor and has no special meaning.

The sudden accident just now caused the projection screen to pause, so Qianmo saw two familiar figures appearing in the screen.

One of the people in the screen was Yu Guyi, whom Qianmo had just met, and the other person, if she guessed correctly, should be the person behind Yu Guyi.

Just 10 minutes ago, Qianmo and Su Bai met Yu Guyi in the forest.

And a subsystem derived from the illegal system was found on Yu Guyi.

Su Bai asked Qianmo to use mind magic to control Yu Guyi to contact the main system.

However, it ended in failure.

The illegal system owner seemed to have expected that someone would use mind control to find Yu Guyi, so he never told Yu Guyi his identity, whereabouts and contact information.

And Yu Guyi's impression of that person always stayed on the chat channel of the subsystem.

In the end, Qianmo could only delete Yu Guyi and Lin Yiteng's memories of her and Su Bai, and then leave.

In order to save time, Su Bai took Qianmo and teleported directly back to the inn.

After returning to the room, the two saw Su Ya and the others sitting together, and thought they were watching a horror movie, so Qianmo reached out to scare Su Ya.

As for the result, Mu Yunge raised his sword and stabbed Su Bai.

Yes, the sword did not stab Qianmo, but stabbed Su Bai on the side.

Su Bai: It was an unexpected disaster, and I almost reincarnated on the spot.

After treating Su Bai's wound, Qianmo turned her eyes to the projection screen in the air.

Then she noticed that Yu Guyi appeared in the screen.

After Mu Yunge unpaused the projection, he returned to Su Bai's side.

The other three sat together to watch the projection.

In the screen, Yu Guyi came to the factory that made the black gun and met the "factory director" of the factory.

The true identity of the other person in the screen remains to be investigated, but at least it can be confirmed that the person is the leader of the black gun factory.

Yu Guyi's arrival in this factory seemed to surprise the "factory director".

It is natural to feel surprised. After all, Yu Guyi is the second son of the Yu family. If he needs guns, why not ask his family? Why take the risk to come to the black gun factory?

In this regard, Yu Guyi explained that the family's supervision of guns is a bit strict, and even family members cannot hold multiple guns.

The "factory manager" nodded upon hearing this, and then took him to choose a gun.

The selection process was just like buying something in the market. The "factory manager" introduced various types of guns while talking about the prices.

When introducing a pistol, Yu Guyi also took out a pistol from his body for comparison.

When Qianmo saw him take out the pistol, he found that the pistol looked familiar, and it looked like the one that was confiscated from the pirates.

"Sister Mu! Come here quickly!"

At this time, Mu Yunge was still flirting with Su Bai, and then heard Qianmo calling.

"What's wrong?"

"Use your magic to trace this gun." Qianmo said, holding the pistol confiscated from the pirates.

Hearing this, Mu Yunge stood up, left the bed, and walked over.

After putting the gun on the table, Mu Yunge began to repeat the previous operation and applied the tracing magic to the pistol.

After a while, a projection appeared in the air.

The gunman in the picture happened to be Yu Guyi, and what he was doing was giving his gun to someone.

And that person was none other than the pirate who was robbed by Qianmo.

"In this way, some things are connected."

"From the current information, Yu Guyi may have formed gangs everywhere to create his own power, brought together a group of illegal groups, and armed them with guns.

But because he couldn't get a large number of guns from his home, he purchased guns from the black gun factory. When he delivered those guns to the black forces, he gave his guns to the pirates to express his sincerity."

For the answer summarized by Qianmo, everyone raised their hands and gave her a thumbs up.

"By the way, there is a piece of information that I almost forgot to say."


Mo looked at the projection, pointed at Yu Guyi and said, "Sister Su and I met Yu Guyi in the woods today, and we found a subsystem derived from an illegal system on him."

Hearing this, everyone except Su Bai looked solemn.

Su Ya looked at the projection and sighed.

"Alas, I've already gone abroad, but I can still meet these guys. This is really good luck.

Hey, Sister Su, what type of illegal system is this time?"

"It is initially inferred to be a reputation system. By distributing subsystems to others, and then indirectly obtaining reputation points through their influence on society."

"How is the subsystem... implanted into others?"

"If it is implanted out of thin air, it will be troublesome to investigate, but if it is implanted by physical contact, it will be much simpler. Just let your sister Mu step on Yu Guyi."

Everyone looked at Mu Yunge.

Mu Yunge asked in confusion, "Why step on it?"

"If you want to touch a strange man with your hands, just ignore what I said." Su Bai's tone was a little cold.

Hearing this, Mu Yunge immediately raised three fingers and said righteously: "I swear, I will never touch strange men, of course, strange women too!

I mean, it's the same even for strange little girls and boys, and of course the same for old people..."

Mu Yunge talked nonstop, and Qianmo beside him was stunned.

She moved to Suya's side and whispered: "Why do I feel like Sister Mu is a henpecked husband?"

Suya trembled subconsciously at Qianmo's sudden approach.

Seeing Suya's reaction, Qianmo was a little confused.

"Su? What's wrong with you?" While speaking, he leaned towards Suya.

Seeing this, Suya hurriedly covered her neck and said a little stutteringly: "No, no, no... I'm fine! Maybe... a little cold... ah ha ha..."

"Cold? Speaking of which, the temperature here has indeed dropped recently, and it may snow soon."

Qianmo put his arm around Suya's waist and held her in his arms.

"Is it better now?"

"Very good... much better, thank you... for your concern..."

Suya's cheeks flushed slightly, one hand rested on Qianmo's arm holding her, and the other hand tightly protected her neck.

Qianmo didn't know Suya's mental state at the moment, and thought she was shy, so he kissed her as a prank, and Suya trembled.

Dolores floated to the ceiling at some point, looking down, Mu Yunge and Su Bai were on the bed, Qianmo and Suya were on the table, and she was alone.

I miss Buli so much...

When Dolores missed Buli, Buli, who was far away in a foreign country, just sneezed.


Mogui, who heard the sneeze, handed over a pack of toilet paper.

"Thank you, but I don't have a runny nose."

Seeing that Buli didn't need it, Mogui took the toilet paper back.

"The snow has been getting heavier recently, and some people in the Revolutionary Army have caught a cold. What do you think?"

"Use your eyes to see. In two days, you will take a team to the City of Dawn."

"What for?"

"Robbery of a batch of medical supplies."

"But if we do that, what will the people of the City of Dawn do?"

"You don't think that the goods will be distributed to civilians after they arrive in the city?"


"So, instead of expecting those guys to distribute supplies to civilians, it's better for us to rob them and distribute them to them. This will also increase the reputation of the Revolutionary Army."

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