The time goes back to half an hour ago——

After Suya followed Bai Lian into the secret room, Mo Gui could no longer sense her presence.

Mo Gui, who had failed to find her, began to think about why Suya came to the brothel, and finally came to the conclusion that Qianmo had let Suya down, so Suya came to a place like a brothel.

Originally, Mo Gui, based on his understanding of Qianmo, that is, his understanding of another self, would never do something like letting Suya down.

But what if?

After all, she and Qianmo had been separated for a long time, maybe Qianmo had changed his mind during this time?

Mo Gui knew very well how much he was obsessed with Su Ya. Because of this, she was convinced that it was after she left Qian Mo that Qian Mo lost the characteristic of "obsession with Su Ya".

Very good, the theory is established, it must be Qian Mo's fault!

Mo Gui never thought whether it was Su Ya's problem. She would rather suspect that it was Qian Mo's problem than Su Ya's problem.

In short, after "thinking it through", Mo Gui immediately flew to the inn and broke into the inn through the window.

At this time, Qian Mo's attention was focused on the system, so she didn't notice anyone approaching at all until the window was broken.

*Window broken*

"What the hell!? What's going on!?"

Qian Mo immediately took out the blood clan weapons and prepared for battle.

However, when she saw that the person coming was Mo Gui, her little head suddenly crashed.

"... Mo---Hmm!"

Mo Gui rushed towards Qian Mo without saying a word.

Before Qianmo could react, Mogui's hands pressed her shoulders tightly and pressed her down on the bed.

Qianmo's body sank slightly into the mattress, with a look of surprise on her face.

Mogui looked down at her, his mouth slightly open, revealing two sharp fangs.

"You, you... what are you doing!"

"Fuck you."


Then, Mogui raised his right fist suddenly and hit her without hesitation.

Seeing this, Qianmo immediately tilted his head to avoid it.

The fist landed heavily on the bed, making a "bang" sound, and the whole bed trembled a few times.

"No! What are you going to do! Why do you want to hit me as soon as you come back!?"

"I'm asking you, have you eaten?" The girl tilted her head, with a half-smile on her face.

"Huh? Still... haven't eaten yet..."

Faced with this sudden question, Qianmo was a little confused.

"You haven't eaten yet? If you haven't eaten yet, take my punch first!"

After saying that, Mo Gui raised his right fist again, the muscles on his arm instantly tightened, and his fist hit hard.

Qian Mo's pupils suddenly contracted, and he quickly stretched out his hands and crossed them in front of him.

She didn't care why Mo Gui wanted to hit her now. At this moment, she had only one thought in her mind-since she was going to fight, she couldn't just stand there and take the beating.

Fighting with another self, this absurd and novel experience is the first time.

When Qian Mo was about to raise her foot to kick Mo Gui away, her thigh was grabbed by Mo Gui.

"Don't forget, we are essentially the same person. I am very familiar with all your attack habits."

Mo Gui had a smug smile on his face, and that smile was a bit cunning and confident.

Her fingers tightly clasped Qian Mo's thigh, so hard that Qian Mo felt a burst of pain instantly.

"How about this!"

Qian Mo's eyes flashed a red light.

However, three seconds later, nothing happened.


"You want to use gravity control, right? What do you think will happen when two people of equal strength use gravity control at the same time?"

"You, you didn't use the counter-effect, did you?"

"Guessed it right~ I'll give you a punch!" Mo Gui's voice was not finished, and his fist was swung out like a gust of wind.

"You meow!" Qianmo was so angry that he cursed.

However, before the fist touched Qianmo's face, it was firmly grasped by another white and powerful hand.

Mo Gui looked at the girl who suddenly appeared on the side, with a little surprise in his eyes.

"Yue Ling?"

Yue Ling was confused at this time. She was resting quietly in the beast control space, but after sensing that Qianmo was attacked, she rushed out.

But after blocking a punch, she looked closely and was stunned instantly.

Because the one who attacked Qianmo was another Qianmo! ?

Yue Ling blinked her eyes, trying to sort out the chaotic situation, but her little head was like an overloaded machine.

All can't be loaded.

Mo Gui gently touched Yue Ling's head with a seemingly gentle smile on his face.

"Be good~ Go out first, we have some private matters."

Her fingers gently stroked Yue Ling's hair, her movements were gentle, but her eyes were cold.

Looking at Mo Gui's blood-red eyes, Yue Ling shuddered involuntarily, and a chill instantly rose from her spine and quickly spread to her whole body.

The last time she had this creepy feeling was when she was fighting with Qian Mo.

"Xiao Yue, you go out first, we have some private matters, the kind that you can't listen to."

Qian Mo asked Yue Ling to leave first because she knew that Mo Gui was beating her now, so if Yue Ling stayed here, she would definitely be beaten.

Yue Ling was just simple, but not stupid.

How could she not see what was going on now, because this posture didn't look like there was a private matter to discuss!

But what could she do?

She was just a little monster that had just transformed. How could she stop two lord-level vampires from fighting?

So, she decided to ask for help.

"Qian, Qianmo! I will definitely come back!"

After saying that, Yue Ling rushed out of the room.

A few seconds later, she came back and closed the door.

Yue Ling came to the door of the next room. Just when she was about to knock on the door, she heard a strange sound coming from the room.

Again, Yue Ling was just simple, not stupid, because she knew very well what the sound was coming from Doles' room.


But she seemed to be doing something important.

Clearly, she had complained about Qianmo and Suya not taking safety measures (silent magic) before, but now she had forgotten it...

No! Now is not the time to care about this!

Since Doles's side is not working, then Su Bai and Mu Yunge's side...

They went out.

For the first time in her life, Yue Ling felt helpless.

Because she and Qianmo had a beast control contract, she could at least be sure that Qianmo's life was not threatened.

*Bang! *

At the same time, there was a vibration in Qianmo's room, and then there was no movement at all.

Yue Ling came downstairs in despair and sat in the dining area, waiting for a miracle to happen.

The waiter sat at the counter, holding a book in his hand, and occasionally cast his eyes to the second floor.

"Tsk tsk tsk ~ the young people nowadays are really having fun."

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