The teacher was very happy.

"The teacher is here! The teacher is here! Everyone, please sit down!"

The teacher was the one who was speaking.

The students were used to this funny character.

"I've kept you waiting for a long time. You must have missed me!"

"No, I don't..."

"Not bad, not bad. You really missed me. It seems that you really like me~"

Obviously, the teacher only heard the latter part.

"Then, everyone, please follow me to the training ground!"


After the teacher called out a name, a giant transparent jellyfish appeared behind him.

Tunisia was so big that it enveloped the entire classroom of students.

After the light faded, everyone came to the empty training ground.

[Ding! Detected a space monster——Nether Jellyfish]

‘Huh? You can also detect monsters? Why didn’t I have it when I fought monsters before? ’

[Because the host complained that it was useless before, I made various updates, such as this function of detecting monsters]

‘I wonder why you are getting more and more emotional when you talk, it turns out that you have updated it’

[Then is the host satisfied with me now? ]

‘Hmph, it’s just… that’


Su Ya gently poked Qian Mo’s little head.

“Qian Mo, what’s wrong? You haven’t moved since just now,” Su Ya asked worriedly.

“Is there any side effect of the transformation magic?”

Qian Mo shook his head.

“It’s good that you are fine. We will test the reaction of the familiar later. Just do it as you wish and don’t worry about other problems”

Qian Mo nodded.

Qian Mo was the first to go on stage as Su Ya’s familiar.

The test is to intercept the tentacles of the netherworld jellyfish and then touch the teacher.

The tentacles of the jellyfish are thick and big, but this is a cat-sized beast, which gives Qianmo a higher advantage when facing this kind of monster.


Suya: ‘Qianmo, can you hear me? ’

Qianmo: ‘Eh? Is this telepathy? ’

Suya: ‘Well, if there is anything later, I will remind you’

Qianmo: ‘Okay, I know’

“So, classmate Suya, are you and your familiar ready?” The teacher shouted from a distance.


“Okay! Then I will start the countdown!”


Qianmo retreated with his left hind foot and prepared to exert force.


The red magic power gradually boiled up like water.



As the teacher shouted the start, Qianmo instantly activated the *Blood Ring*, and his body shot out like a bullet.

The tentacles of the Nether Jellyfish couldn't keep up with Qianmo's speed at all, and they always fell behind Qianmo.

Seeing this, the teacher immediately ordered the Nether Jellyfish to block the tentacles in front of Qianmo to form a barrier.

The height of the barrier was a little higher than Qianmo's highest jumping height, but that was not a problem.

The biggest feature of the *Life Blood Ring* is that it can break the rules of physics!

Qianmo jumped up, and before he was about to fall, he burst out with powerful magic power, and kicked up in the air to achieve a true *double jump*.

The teacher was stunned when he saw this scene, but he quickly reacted and ordered the Nether Jellyfish to attack Qianmo with all its tentacles.

*Double jump* was Qianmo's first attempt, so she couldn't do it in succession, so she was now completely in a desperate situation in the air... right?

As a magician, how could she just stand by and watch her familiar act alone?

Suya quickly threw a card at Qianmo.

The flying speed of the card was faster than the tentacles of the Nether Jellyfish, and it instantly flew to Qianmo's side to form a barrier.

Qianmo understood, and used the barrier as a fulcrum to jump towards the teacher.

A white figure hit the teacher like a bullet, and directly knocked the teacher out 5 meters away.

"Cough cough... cough cough cough!"

The teacher did not fall down, but just coughed a few times, then stood up straight and showed the armor under his coat.

"Humph! I knew this would happen, fortunately I was prepared!"

Qianmo covered her head, her steps were a little drunk, and she only felt that there were many little stars in front of her eyes.

"I was wondering why he dared to use himself as a test subject, it turns out that he was wearing anti-armor!"

"Tsk! I wanted to take this opportunity to take revenge on him"

"This guy is really

Still as cunning as ever!"

Classmates were complaining not far away.

Suya walked to Qianmo and picked her up.


Suya: 'Does it hurt?'

Qianmo: 'It's okay, just a little dizzy'

Suya reached out and rubbed Qianmo's head, and took her to the waiting area.

While other students were taking tests, Qianmo and Suya were not idle either. They began to exchange information about wild vampires.

After Suya finished talking about the bloody python fever infected person, Qianmo just felt a headache. She didn't expect that the wild vampire's deeds had been exposed.

In other words, they now not only have to get rid of the vampire, but also We need to collect evidence that the vampires have nothing to do with this matter.

Currently, only the Knights know that there are vampires in Dawn City, so the matter has not reached a particularly serious level.

But if it is expanded to be known by the entire Dawn City, it will be difficult for the vampires to clear themselves. You know, public opinion is not a simple thing.

It's like a drop of ink dripping into water. It doesn't seem to change, but you can't get the drop of ink out, and it may get worse.

If the vampire's contract is destroyed, who knows what will happen.

Suya: "Qianmo, how do vampires sense each other?"

Qianmo: "It's a bit difficult to explain. Just think of it as a vampire with a breath that only the same kind can feel."

"Even if a vampire can hide its own breath, if it smells the smell of blood, it will be directly exposed..."

Qianmo stopped talking.

"Qianmo? What's wrong? "

Suya looked at Qianmo with some doubt.

"I feel... the breath of the same kind"

Qianmo looked straight ahead.

Hearing Qianmo's words, Suya's eyes changed instantly.


"Behind us!"

Suya immediately launched directional magic perception and scanned in the direction Qianmo said.

In that direction, there happened to be other classes in class.

The smaller the range of magic perception, the higher the accuracy of perception.

Although the difference is almost negligible, Suya still found the alien.

When Liya came to the waiting area after the test, Suya had disappeared.

On the other side, Suya walked into the class, but no one noticed Suya.

Suya walked behind the man and engraved a tracking mark on him.

Next, it was time to wait for the ants to return to the nest.

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