The old man was in a mess, but he was still in a mess.

Qianmo returned to his room, and what was different from before was that he had a pair of shackles on his ankles.

Looking at the iron shackles on his ankles, Qianmo was speechless.

It was really inexplicable.

Qianmo lay back on the bed and called the system in his heart.

‘System, are you there? ’

[Host, I’m here]

‘Tell me what you can do! ’

[Okay host, my function is very simple, which is to extend the life of the host]

Speaking of extending life, Qianmo remembered the palpitations just now.

‘System, what happened to my body? ’

[Yes, according to the results detected by the system, the host's body suffers from a disease called "Nothingness"]

[This disease will gradually dissipate the host's body until it completely disappears from this world]

[There are still 3 months before the full onset of the disease. Before that, the host's body will experience the same palpitations as before. Before the full onset of the disease, the host may also die prematurely]

Qianmo's brain crashed. She didn't expect that she would die soon after coming to this world.

If she wants to survive, the system is the only thing she can rely on.

'What can I do to cure this disease? '

[Answer: No solution]

'Huh? ? ? What does no solution mean? ! '

[Literally, this disease has no solution at the current medical level in this world]

'Then I'm done for, right? '

[Host, don't panic. The life extension system is here. Can it still kill you? 】

[Although the system cannot completely cure the void at present, it can still maintain life]

‘Okay, as long as I can survive’

At this time, Qianmo had no idea that this so-called *survival* would only make her more painful in the future.

Of course, this is all later.


Bang bang bang——

There was a knock on the door outside, and this was the guard reminding Qianmo to get up.

According to the usual practice, open your eyes, get up, brush your teeth, wash your face, go to eat, and then do experiments—be the one being experimented on.

Qianmo came to the laboratory and lay on the laboratory table as before, being scanned by various instruments.

According to the previous process, the next step should be to learn knowledge.

However, the doctor asked the guard to take her to an empty closed room.

The researchers were sitting in the observation room high up, observing Qianmo below through the glass window.

Qianmo looked up at the window, and an ominous premonition grew in his heart.

At this time, a low roar came from the iron gate opposite Qianmo. The sound was full of threats and wildness, as if it was a ferocious beast.

With a loud bang, the iron gate was ruthlessly broken by the beast. Its ferocious face and sharp fangs were looming in the darkness, which made people shudder.

In the darkness, a huge figure slowly emerged.

It was sturdy, with clear muscle lines, covered with thick black fur, and its sharp fangs flashed cold light in the darkness, like a demon walking out of an endless abyss, with wildness and ferocity.

Qianmo's face turned pale in an instant, and fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead. A trace of fear flashed in her heart, but it was quickly replaced by reason.

Qianmo's heart was full of vigilance, and she was always ready to deal with the possible attack of the beast.

After the beast saw Qianmo, his eyes stared at her closely, with a hint of curiosity and vigilance, as if judging whether the white creature in front of him would pose a threat to it.

The doctor saw the two people in a stalemate below, took out a remote control and pressed it.

Qianmo noticed that the collar on the beast's neck suddenly lit up red.

The beast's breathing became rapid, and its eyes were full of anger. It suddenly flew into the air and rushed towards Qianmo like crazy.

Qianmo dodged to the side with amazing reaction speed and barely avoided the beast's violent collision.

These lunatics!

She glanced at the researcher in the window above with resentment and cursed in her heart.

The beast roared at Qianmo, its roar was deafening, like a storm sweeping over.

It opened its bloody mouth again, revealing its sharp fangs, and rushed towards Qianmo at lightning speed.

Qianmo quickly dodged sideways and narrowly avoided the beast's attack by a hair's breadth.

The beast's claws left deep marks on the ground. If that attack had landed on Qianmo, it would probably have been enough for her.

This was not a solution, so Qianmo began to call the system.

‘System! Do you have any solution for this?

[Sorry host, the system can only prolong life, and does not have combat functions]

‘What did you say? ! My life is in danger now! As a life-extending system, shouldn’t it find a way to help me survive! ? ’

[Don’t worry, the system will promptly prolong the life of the host when the host is on the verge of death]

Qianmo’s face was full of astonishment.

The system’s words seemed to say that if she was not on the verge of death, the system would not have any reaction.

Just as Qianmo was stunned, the beast pounced on Qianmo again.

This time, Qianmo failed to dodge successfully, and her back was torn by the beast’s claws.

The beast’s claws were like sharp blades, easily cutting Qianmo’s skin, and the severe pain made her scream miserably.

The beast opened its bloody mouth and bit Qianmo’s arm fiercely, and blood gushed out immediately.

The researchers in the observation room did not intend to interfere. They just watched quietly, and the pens in their hands kept recording on the notebook.

Qianmo's consciousness began to blur, and the world in front of him became blurry.

[The host is in danger of life, and the system starts emergency treatment mode]

As the system sounded, Qianmo's consciousness suddenly returned to reality, and his originally blurred thoughts became extremely clear.

After Qianmo woke up, he gritted his teeth, used all his strength, and stabbed the beast's eyes fiercely.

The pain in the eyes came like an electric shock, causing the beast's face to twist, groan in pain, and subconsciously let go of Qianmo who was bitten by it.

Qianmo held the beast's eyeball tightly, but she was going to let it go.

With a strong pull, its eyeball was ruthlessly pulled out by Qianmo, leaving only a bloody hole.

Its body curled up and twitched constantly, as if the pain had reached its limit.

Qianmo threw away the eyeball in his hand and looked at the wound on his body.

The system did not heal her wounds. Qianmo now completely understood that the life extension system really only allowed her to live at the minimum level.

When Qianmo looked at the beast again, there was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

"It seems that today it is only you who will die."

The beast looked at Qianmo who was getting closer and closer to him, and his eyes revealed deep fear, and he kept retreating.

The researchers above saw this scene and began to discuss.

"This is the first time I have seen *Night Wolf* feel fear towards the experimental subject."

"Maybe it is the beast nature stimulated by the beast blood in 9527's body that makes it feel fear."

"But, the previous experimental subjects have never stimulated the beast nature."

"Maybe it is because the previous experimental subjects did not have souls."


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