After taking a bath, Qianmo stood in front of the mirror in a bathrobe, looking at herself in the mirror. Her cheeks were flushed, like a ripe apple, her red eyes were clear and bright, and the cat ears on her head were drooping on both sides of her head, playful and cute.

"Well, you are really a beautiful girl!"

Qianmo opened the bathroom door and walked out, but she forgot something very important.

At this time, Suya was at the table, drawing drawings carefully, with documents and materials piled up beside her.

"What are you busy with?"

"The design of magic props, or the design of magic weapons"

"Can I take a look?"

"You can see these drawings on the left"

Suya pointed to the pile of papers on the left.

Qianmo Subai picked up one of them. Wow, it would have been fine if he hadn't looked at it. He was shocked when he saw it!

The drawings were densely packed with numbers, lines and runes, which made people dazzled.

"Suya, does the blessing of the gods on you improve intelligence?"

"No, the blessings on me are mainly blessings that increase magic power and improve physical fitness"

"You can achieve this level without the blessing of intelligence bonus. Are all the students in this school the same as you?"

"Although it may be a bit self-boasting to say this, I am indeed the best student in this school"

Suya's tone was very flat, as if she was talking about something extremely ordinary.

Suya noticed that a drop of water fell on the table.

"Remember to dry your hair, be careful not to catch a cold, and don't drip on my drawings"

"Oh, sorry"

Qianmo quickly stepped back and picked up the towel hanging around his neck to wipe his hair.

"It's getting late. You should take a shower and get ready for bed. Don't you have classes tomorrow?"

"I know, um..."

Suya stretched and finally looked away from the table.

She looked at Qianmo, who was covering her head with a towel and wiping her hair, and was a little confused.

Can she wipe her hair clean like this?

But she didn't care too much. She got up and walked into the bathroom.

After the bathroom door was closed, Qianmo realized that Suya had taken a shower.

After confirming that her hair would not drip, Qianmo walked to the table and looked at the drawings.

Qianmo picked up a few drawings, stacked them together, and then raised the lamp aimed at the ceiling.

Under the effect of light, the various lines on the drawings stacked together to form a unique pistol.

"Ha, the gun-shaped weapons that appeared in the research institute are indeed related to Suya."

"From the structural point of view, except for the appearance that is somewhat similar to the guns on Blue Star, almost all of them are Suya's own creations."

Qianmo looked towards the bathroom and smiled.

"It seems that I have to withdraw my preface. Whether Suya is a time traveler or not, from today on-"

"She is my idol!"

The so-called idol is a role model. For Qianmo, an excellent girl like Suya is of course her role model.

More importantly, Suya, who combines the three elements of white hair, loli, and cat girl, really pokes Qianmo's XP.

Qianmo looked at the mirror on the dressing table, which reflected a face exactly like Suya.

At the beginning, Qianmo even regretted one thing, that is, a beautiful girl like her was not her girlfriend, but herself.

"Now I have not only become an XP, but also have a cat girl who meets the XP requirement around me. Life is getting better and better~haha..."

Qianmo finally realized something at this time. She forgot to wear the cognitive impairment hat!

The cognitive impairment hat was in the bathroom with Suya at this time, and Qianmo had no way to get it now.


The door handle of the bathroom was shaken down, and Qianmo quickly hid in the quilt.

A pair of white long legs stepped out of the bathroom, and the hand hanging by the side was holding Qianmo's cognitive impairment hat.

Suya walked to Qianmo's bed.

"Qianmo, if you want to go to bed, blow dry your hair first?"

Qianmo didn't say anything and pretended to be asleep, but the active magic fluctuations on his body would not lie.

Although Suya didn't know why Qianmo didn't want her to see her face, everyone has their own privacy, so Suya didn't plan to ask more.

However, sleeping with wet hair is indeed bad for the body.

So Suya stuffed the hot air card and the cognitive blocking hat into Qianmo's quilt.

"This magic card will release hot air, which can help you dry your hair quickly."

After a while, a head wearing a beret appeared under the quilt.

"Well...thank you, Suya"

"After the vampire issue is resolved, I have something important to tell you, related to my face"

"Well, okay"

Suya smiled, her eyes revealed tenderness, and even her tone of voice was very kind.

Tonight, everything was silent, only the rustling sound of the breeze gently blowing through the leaves, accompanying people into sweet dreams.


The sun shone through the window, illuminating the room. Suya stretched and climbed out of the warm bed.

She looked at the empty bed beside her. Qianmo got up early and disappeared.

Suya was not worried, anyway, Qianmo still had the positioning collar she gave him.

Qianmo took advantage of Suya's class time to come to the nearby magic prop repair shop.

She came here for only one thing, that is, to find someone to help her open the iron handcuffs on her ankles.

The structure of the handcuffs is very complicated, and few people in Liping Town can open them, so Qianmo plans to try his luck in the prop repair shop in Wangcheng.

As a result, the smile remained, and the handcuffs were still on Qianmo's ankles.

Qianmo walked on the street in a daze, and suddenly remembered an important thing while walking.

"Oh, right! How could I forget Suya? With her research on magic props, she will definitely help me open this thing!"

Qianmo stood up again and trotted towards the school.

As a result, after just a few steps, Qianmo sensed the breath of vampires.

A figure rushed towards Qianmo quickly, and Qianmo hurriedly dodged the man, only to see the man raised his sword and slashed at Qianmo quickly.

This time Qianmo did not choose to dodge, but went straight up.

Are you kidding! Are you afraid of a mere sword with a life-extending curse?

Qianmo was very lucky, and the man's sword just slashed on Qianmo's collar.

Qianmo punched the attacker in the face, sending him flying ten meters away.

However, the matter was not over yet. Several more people emerged from the shadows, holding various weapons in their hands - bows and arrows, broadswords, meteor hammers, spears, daggers.

These people were wearing cloaks of different colors, and they looked professional! They were not like the assassins in novels, who wore black clothes in broad daylight.

Qianmo observed the assassins around him, clasped his hands together, and smiled.

"So, everyone, can we fight one-on-one?"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the assassins raised their weapons and rushed towards Qianmo, obviously intending to bully the minority with the majority.

"Wogan! You have no martial ethics!"

"Then don't blame me for bullying the majority with the minority!" (Too nervous to speak nonsense)

*Life Blood Ring* was activated instantly, and a red magic power rushed into the sky.

"Someone come to help!!!"

Qianmo was not a reckless man, so of course he would call for help in this situation!

Su Ya, who was sitting in the classroom, felt Qianmo's magic power and said to the teacher, "My familiar is weak" and asked for leave.

The knights around also quickly moved towards Qianmo after feeling the magic power of the vampire.

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