The more you know about the situation, the more you will be exposed.

Misunderstandings are usually caused by unequal information errors between the two parties.

Qianmo never intended to deliberately hide the fact that she was a subhuman vampire, so she planned to tell Suya and Regis something about herself directly.

Qianmo pulled up the scarf under her collar, and after covering half of her face, she took off the cognitive obstruction hat, revealing the pair of white cat ears.

"I am actually a man-made subhuman vampire"

Regis fell silent after seeing Suya's ears.

Suya on the side was full of astonishment. Although Qianmo had told her before that he was a subhuman vampire, Suya had never thought that Qianmo was a life bred and transformed by forbidden life technology.

"I was born in a research institute, where there are many people in white coats, and the blood family factor in my body was injected into me by them."

After Qianmo finished speaking, he waited for the two of them to ask questions.

There was silence for a moment, and finally it was Regis who spoke first.

"As far as I know, the blood family factor that can be carried in the human body must not exceed two, otherwise it will explode and die"

"And sub-humans are born with two blood family factors, so if they are bitten by vampires, they will definitely die"

"Qianmo, how did you survive?"

After Qianmo put his hat back on, he said: "Because it is difficult for me to die, every time death overwhelms me, there is a hand to pull me back. Maybe... I am a person cursed by life?"

Being bound to the life extension system and gaining the ability to be difficult to die, isn't this a curse?

Perhaps only when the body is completely annihilated can Qianmo die in the true sense.

"Yes, whether it is eternal life or the ability to resurrect from the dead, it is not a blessing, but a curse. Even the goddess herself has admitted this."

Suya's voice was not loud, but her tone was serious, and every word seemed to hit people's hearts.

"Qianmo, do you still remember the location of that research institute?"

"I don't remember. When I escaped, I was so happy that I didn't have the mind to remember the way... No, that's not right."

Qianmo was stunned for a while and said, "Although I don't remember, the people who escaped with me remember!"

"Who is that person? Where is he now?"

Reges looked calm, but his tone was a little anxious.

"Uh... To be precise, it's not a person, but a dog... Ahem, it's a wolf!"


Yue Ling, who was playing with the two-headed dog near Doles Castle, sneezed.


In the dark laboratory, a woman with messy long hair shuttled in the dimness, and the experimental equipment in her hand flashed a strange light, reflecting her indifferent face.

In the dimly lit laboratory, the transparent glass jars placed next to the wall contained unrecognizable monster remains, which looked even more hideous in the shadows.

"Hehe... Hehe... Hahaha!!!"

The woman suddenly grinned and laughed, revealing a strange light in her eyes, and her smile was terrifying.

"Almost... I'm finally going to finish it... Eternal life is waving at me, I will get eternal life soon! Hahaha!"

The woman's laughter spread outside and kept echoing in the corridor.


"So, the Afield family studied the forbidden life technology to gain eternal life?"

"Then why don't they just inject the blood clan factor? Isn't becoming an undead the same as gaining eternal life?" Qianmo asked puzzledly.

"Who knows what they are thinking? Those who take risks to study this kind of thing are probably not very smart," Suya complained.

"Pumpkin seeds~ Popcorn~ Juice~ Does anyone need it?" The train attendant passed by them.

At this time, Qianmo and Suya had already boarded the train and were chatting on the way to Liping Town.

"Hey~ Suya, as the founder of the train, you have to buy a train ticket to get on the train. How do you feel about this?" Qianmo teased.

"Hehe, I can't just open other people's doors at will just because I invented the door, right?" Suya retorted.

"Suya, tell me honestly, how did you come up with the steam engine?"

Suya was a little surprised when she heard Qianmo talking about the steam engine.

"Others always ask me how I invented the train, but I didn't expect you to ask how the steam engine was invented. You are smarter than I thought."

Suya looked at Qianmo with appreciation.

Being praised by his idol, Qianmo suddenly felt a little


"Of course! I've always been very smart, I'm very smart in life!"

"Hahaha, since you're the first one to ask me this question, I'll tell you a secret"

"Hmm?! Wait, let me check if anyone is eavesdropping around me"

Qianmo looked around furtively, and returned to his seat after confirming that there was indeed no one in the carriage.

"There are only two of us in our carriage, do you need to do this?"

"Be prepared! What if there's someone around us who can turn invisible?"

"It won't be that coincidental, right?"

"What if?"

Seeing Qianmo so serious, Suya sighed helplessly, hooked her finger at her, and motioned her to come closer.

Seeing this, Qianmo bent his head and moved his cat ears closer.

Suya put her mouth close to Qianmo's cat ear and whispered:

"All my inventions you see on the market are what I learned from others"

Qianmo did not show any surprise, but showed an expression of expected.

"Who did you learn them from?"

"My sister taught me all of them"


Non-existent character!

This must be a character Suya fabricated to cover up the origin of this knowledge.

Generally, others say that grandparents taught them, but Suya was taught by her sister.

"Where is Suya's sister now?"

"My sister is not at home now, she is away on a long trip"

Appeared again!

Fabricate a reason for the non-existent character to be absent!

Qianmo now feels that she has known the whole picture, and she is now very sure that Suya is a time traveler.

Qianmo's smug look was completely seen by Suya.

What is she laughing at?

But it doesn't look like she is laughing at me, so what is she laughing at?

Suya tilted her head in confusion, and the tail behind her turned into a question mark.

Suya pulled the corner of Qianmo's clothes and asked in a low voice:

"Qianmo, what are you laughing at? Did I say something strange just now?"

Qianmo turned around and looked at the little cat girl beside him.

One of Suya's cat ears was erect, and the other was drooping. Her puzzled expression, coupled with the tail swaying behind her, looked very cute.

Qianmo felt his heart stop for a moment when he saw this scene.


What's wrong with my heart?

Is it because of the palpitations caused by Xuwumiao again?

【Ding~No, the host is now because of the dopamine and endorphins in the body...Forget it, you won't understand even if I tell you】

【In short, your situation is called love at first sight】

'Huh? You are talking nonsense, Suya and I have met more than once, how can there be love at first sight? ’

[I don’t know about feelings, after all, I haven’t been in love. Anyway, your physical changes can’t deceive people, you must like the other person! ]

When Qianmo wanted to argue with the system, Suya had already approached Qianmo.

“Qianmo—why did you suddenly stop talking?”

“Ah? Oh, because you were so cute just now, so I was stunned, haha”

Qianmo replied subconsciously.

Two seconds later, Qianmo realized what he had just said.

When Qianmo was about to explain something, Suya had already turned her head to the car window, leaving Qianmo alone in the wind.

Qianmo pulled his cat ears in annoyance, questioning why he said that kind of words, which embarrassed Suya!

Suya, who was looking at the scenery outside the window, didn’t feel embarrassed. The cat ears on her head shaking slightly could prove her mood at the moment.

Oh, by the way, there was also the blush on her face.

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