The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

"Yue Ling escaped from the institute with me, so could it be that the Night Wolf was not extinct but was captured?"

"It's hard to say, but this possibility cannot be ruled out"

"Anyway, let Yue Ling take us to the institute first. Doraes, where did you meet Yue Ling and me before?"

"It's in the forest a few kilometers away from Dawn City. Fortunately, I have a prop to record the transmission coordinates with me!"

Doraes took out a black box and a gem.

"Just find the transmission coordinate record of that day, and then copy and paste it to the transmission gem"

After the operation was completed, Doraes handed the transmission gem to Suya.

"Teleportation gem, you should know how to use it, right?"

"Yes" Suya nodded and took the gem.

After placing the gem on the ground, a teleportation magic circle quickly took shape, but the size could only accommodate two people, so Yue Ling couldn't get in.

After a blue magic power flowed into the gem along Suya's arm, the size of the magic circle suddenly expanded to three times its original size.

Qianmo was shocked.

"What is this operation?!"

"Don't be so surprised, it's just the buff effect of the goddess' blessing"

"Eh... I also want a blessing"

Qianmo looked at Suya with envy.

"Qianmo, let's go"

"Oh, here we go! Yue Ling, let's go"

The light of the magic circle gradually enveloped them until the light dissipated...

Qianmo looked at the surrounding scenery. This was where she and Yue Ling spent their first night after escaping from the institute.

"It's so strange. I just left not long ago, but I feel like I've been away for many years."


Yue Ling rubbed Qianmo's face.

"Hahaha~ It's so itchy."

"Yue Ling, take us to that place."

Yue Ling nodded, picked up Qianmo, put him on his back, and then looked at Suya, motioning her to climb up by herself.

Suya didn't think much about it and climbed up.

Qianmo understood why Yue Ling was willing to carry Suya, probably because the two of them smelled alike. After all, from a biological point of view, they were the same person.

However, soon the genes of the two would be completely different...

[Current vampire transformation progress is 78%]

Yue Ling's figure flickered in the shade of the tree, running fast in the woods like a ghost.

After a long journey, they finally arrived at the place that had tortured Qianmo and Yue Ling.

The hole was not repaired, there were only two possibilities.

Either those people have given up this place, or they haven't noticed that this place has been destroyed.

Qianmo's eyes stayed on the hole that was once destroyed by the monsters, his lips slightly pursed, his expression heavy and serious.

After feeling the touch on his hand, Qianmo turned his head slightly, his eyes fell on the girl holding her hand beside him.

Suya's hand gently and firmly held Qianmo, conveying a reassuring power, dispelling the uneasiness in the girl's heart.

"Although I don't know how painful this place has left you with memories, but now I am here"

"I will protect you, you know, I am a messenger of God"

The girl's voice is like a gurgling stream, crisp and pleasant, revealing a gentle and reliable power.

Qianmo nodded slightly.

"Awoo~" (And me)

Yue Ling stretched the wolf head next to them.

Suya touched Yue Ling's head.

"Well~ I will protect you too"

"Awoo!" (No need!)

"Awoo!" (I'm very strong!)

"Yes, yes~ our Yue Ling is the strongest"

The original nervous mood relaxed all of a sudden.

Qianmo closed his eyes temporarily, and when he opened them again, the determination in his eyes was like a sharp sword, unstoppable.

"Let's go"

The two people and the wolf passed through the cave and entered the research institute.

Unlike when they left, the research institute was now dark, with cracks on the surrounding walls, and some dried blood and damaged experimental equipment on the ground.

"Something's wrong..."

"Is there anything wrong?"

Suya vigilantly sensed the magic power around her.

"The bodies are gone, the bodies of the researchers and guards are gone... Someone has been here"

Qianmo looked around, with fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

Suddenly, the lights in the laboratory came on, but the color of the light was red.

There was no alarm, only pure red light.

*Bang! *

With a loud bang, an iron wall sealed the hole tightly.

Yue Ling bared his teeth, growled, and stared fiercely at the depths of the corridor.

Su Ya looked in that direction with some fear.

The heavy footsteps approached from the depths of the corridor, like an invisible pressure, making people feel uneasy.

The blurred figure gradually became clearer from the depths of the corridor, making people's heartbeats speed up involuntarily.

"Qianmo, that guy's magic power... I can't feel it at all"


Qianmo looked at the person in front of him in fear.

Even Suya, the messenger of God, could not sense the other party's magic power. Could it be that the other party is the messenger of the demon god...

"A night wolf, a subhuman blood race, and... a messenger of God?"

"Wow, this really surprises me! I didn't expect there would be an unexpected gain"

Under the man's high nose bridge, his lips slightly raised, revealing a mocking smile.

"Who are you? What is your relationship with this place?" Suya asked vigilantly.

"Hmm? Who am I? Hmm... Let me think about it. In terms of the identity you are most familiar with, I should be the wild vampire, right?"

The man raised his head slightly, revealing a pair of blood-red eyes.

The moment he saw those eyes, an invisible pressure enveloped Qianmo.

What's going on? !

The body can't move! ?

At this moment, Qianmo heard a faint electromagnetic sound——

[Ding! Switched to Alpha Magic Specialization Mode]

——『Holy Light Magic·Dawn』

Instantly, the dazzling holy light enveloped the corridor.



Qianmo rubbed his eyes and asked uncertainly.

“Really, how could you randomly fire flash bombs? It almost blinded my eyes.”

The man still stood there, rubbing his eyes as if nothing had happened.

“How is this possible? Even a True Ancestor-level vampire can’t be unscathed by this magic.”

Suya looked at the man in front of her in disbelief.


There was a kind of neurotic madness in his laughter, which made people feel extremely uneasy.

“You want to hurt me with just holy light magic?”

*Bang! ! ! *

The man suddenly threw his hands at Qianmo and the others, and the ground exploded under them like a landmine as he moved.

In an instant, the entire space was filled with smoke.

"You flashed my eyes with light just now, this is my *repay* for you"

The man waved his hand casually, and the smoke around him dissipated.

As the smoke dissipated, Yue Ling opened his bloody mouth and pounced on the man.

The man seemed to have no reaction, and was thrown down by Yue Ling in an instant, and then let Yue Ling bite him without any resistance.

However, Qianmo only saw Yue Ling biting the air there.

"What did you do to it?!"

"It's just a little hint, which can only work on a beast like it, as for you——"

Su Ya raised her hand and protected Qian Mo behind her.

"It seems that if I want to touch you, I have to get past her~"

"Yes, but you should not be able to get past her... No, it is absolutely impossible!"

Su Ya's eyes were like knives, and there was a coldness in her eyes, like frost in the cold winter, which made people shudder.

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