The bathtub was covered with misty steam, and in the water, there was a woman who fulfilled all men's dreams - hugging each other.

Duo Leisi hugged Qianmo with her left hand and Suya with her right hand, with a satisfied smile on her face.

Qianmo blushed and looked at her hands in disbelief. She still couldn't believe what her hands had just experienced.

She looked at Suya on the other side, and saw that Suya immediately turned her head to the other side after seeing her.

Duo Leisi's punishment was not a punishment for Qianmo at all, but a reward, but it was unclear what it meant to Suya.

"Qianmo, have you read the letter I sent you?"

"No, I just found out about the letter this morning."

"Forget it, I can tell you now."

"I went back to Wuxu, the territory of the blood clan, a few days ago. When I went back, I casually applied for a place for you to register as an orthodox blood clan."

"Of course, this is not mandatory. If you don't want to go, you can cancel it at any time."

Doraes said it easily, as if this place was something that could be applied for at will.

"Does this orthodox blood clan identity have any special meaning?"

"Of course, after becoming an orthodox blood clan, I can bring you to Wuxu openly and show off to others~"

Qianmo: "..."

Seeing Qianmo looking at her expressionlessly, Doraes stopped joking.

"The blood clan has its own rules. Every blood clan member will be engraved with a blood mark when they are born. This blood mark is a kind of supervision and protection."

"Blood clan members without blood marks are wild vampires. Unrecognized vampires will be attacked by other blood clan members."

"After all, we don't want anyone to do something that damages the reputation of the blood clan in the name of the blood clan."

"Qianmo, I actually hope you can register, so that I have a reason to... not kill you."

After Dolores said the last sentence, the scene fell into silence.

Su Ya sat aside, quietly looking at the reflection on the water, with the cat ear on the left slightly erected.

Dolores still looked calm, as if it was not her who said that she would not kill Qianmo just now.

Qianmo looked up at the bat logo engraved on the ceiling. After thinking for a while, he slowly said:

"If I really don't go, will you really kill me? Sister Dolores"

Dolores paused.

"I... I won't kill you. I will hide you so that those people won't notice you."

After hearing Dolores' answer, Qianmo's mouth corners slightly raised, and Suya on the other side sighed, as if she had known this result long ago.

"Sister Dolores, are you going to break the rules for me?"

Dolores raised her hand and gently tapped Qianmo's head.

"As long as you are not discovered, it is not considered a violation of the rules"

"Eh~ I thought sister would say 'rules are meant to be broken'"

"I would like to do this, but some of the rules of the blood clan are still made by me. If I break them, what will others think?"

With that, Dolores got up and walked out of the bathtub.

"Sister, aren't you going to take a bath?"

"No, I have to find a fake death prop for you now. The sooner you die, the less suspicious you will be"

Just then, Qianmo grabbed Dolores' hand.

"No need, since my sister cares so much about me, how can I trouble her?"

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"I'll take the registration quota for this orthodox blood clan!"

Doraes smiled with relief and reached out to touch Qianmo's head.

"Good job, you are worthy of my favoring the cat girl! It seems that I can't put a collar on you, hahaha"

"Hahaha, yes..."

Meow? Collar? ? ?

Looking at Doraes's slightly regretful expression, Qianmo decided not to ask more questions, after all, curiosity killed the cat girl.

Suya on the side obviously understood what the collar in Doraes's mouth meant.

When she was a child, she accidentally broke into Doraes's house and was caught by Doraes and raised as a pet for a few days.

At that time, Suya was still very young, so she didn't understand what it meant to be raised as a pet. She just felt that Doraes was very good to her, although she always made some strange requests, such as touching, sticking, and making love.

Although Dolores put a collar on Suya to block her senses, she was still found by Suya's sister a few days later.

, in the end Dolece had no choice but to give Su Ya back.

It wasn't until one day when Su Ya grew up that she suddenly understood the meaning of Dolesi's touching of her those days, and a sense of shame suddenly came to Su Ya's heart.

So that every time Doris approached Dawn City, Suya would attack her with the most powerful holy light magic with "heart".

All in all, all in all, Dorece is a cat girl!

If Qian Mo rejects the orthodox vampire's application, then Dolece will have an excuse to put on Qian Mo the collar that can block his perception.

After the three of them took a shower, they went to have dinner.

At the dinner table, Qian Mo asked Doris a question that she had always wanted to know.

"Sister, why are you so nice to me? We haven't known each other for long, right?"

"Am I nice to you? Didn't I just help you get an application quota?"

"You promised me food and accommodation before, but now you still give me pocket money every month."


Suddenly, the knife and fork in Suya's hand fell on the table.

"Qian, what do you think your situation is now?"

"Ah? What's going on?"

Qian Mo was a little confused about Su Ya's question.

"To be honest, you feel as if you are being taken care of by Doris now."


This time it was Qian Mo's turn to drop the knife and fork on the table.

Qian Mo trembled and turned to look at Dolece.

"Sister Doris... could it be possible that you actually treat me like..."

Seeing their reactions, Doris was a little bit dumbfounded.

"What are you thinking about? I am a cat girl, not a pervert. I will not take action against you...Qian Mo."

"Why did you omit Su Ya just now?! Could it be that you want Su Ya? No, have you already given Su Ya to...!?"

"Stop, stop, stop! Stop, stop!"

Su Ya covered Qian Mo's mouth.

"I wasn't attracted by her...I just...forget it. It's up to you to explain!"

Because what happened back then was too shameful and she couldn't remember it clearly, Suya didn't know what to say, so she could only let Doris tell it.

"Okay, okay, I promised you in advance that everything I tell is true, and once I start speaking, no one can stop me~"

Su Ya looked at Qian Mo who was curious and nodded slightly.

In fact, she herself wanted to know the details of that year, but she never mentioned it because of face.

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