When a person experiences the boundary between life and death, he will sigh that life is not easy to come by.

However, when a person keeps jumping back and forth on that boundary, he will only feel that life is nothing more than that.

To be honest, when Qianmo crawled out of the giant python's mouth, she not only lost her initial anger, but even felt relaxed all over.

In just a few days, she experienced so many threats from death.

However, she had a life extension system, so she didn't have to worry about dying at all.

Every day after that, Qianmo continued to challenge various monsters.

Qianmo didn't know what the group of people in white coats wanted to do. If fighting was what they wanted to see, then she would satisfy them!

The researchers did not give Qianmo any weapons, so Qianmo could only fight barehanded every time.

Qianmo skillfully opened the iron gate, which had been opened countless times.

This time the opponent was a black unicorn, and Qianmo looked at the *beautiful* creature in front of him with interest.

Suddenly, Qianmo rushed out like an arrow from a string, rushing straight towards the unicorn

In the past, the monsters always attacked Qianmo first, but this time it was Qianmo who took the initiative to attack.

Seeing Qianmo rushing towards him, the unicorn quickly aimed its horn at Qianmo, then kicked and stabbed straight at him.

In these days of fighting, Qianmo successfully learned how to use the *Life Blood Ring*.

As the red magic power burst out, Qianmo's eyes were stained with blood.

Qianmo jumped lightly, grabbed the horn of the unicorn while avoiding its attack, and then rode on the unicorn.

The unicorn began to struggle hard, trying to throw Qianmo off.

However, the more it struggled, the more excited Qianmo became!

A girl's laughter came from the room, and those who didn't know thought it was a little girl playing.

The researchers felt scared when they saw Qianmo like this.

The girl's blood-red eyes had no highlights, and the corners of her mouth were very unnatural.

——"Her... mental state seems a little strange"

——"Really? Isn't she smiling happily?"

There are still a few normal people among the researchers, and they may have regarded Qianmo as a human being.

But now, they only think that the girl in front of them is a dangerous monster.

Not long after, the unicorn lay in a pool of blood, with several blood holes on its body.

Qianmo looked at the unicorn on the ground quietly, playing with the unicorn's horn in her hand. It was a gift given to her by the unicorn before it died.

"It's so beautiful. This is the first time I have received a gift. Thank you~"

Qianmo touched the unicorn's head.

Unicorn: ...Hehe, you're welcome!


The guard opened the iron gate and came in, holding a weapon in his hand and pointing it at Qianmo.

"Throw away the things in your hand...quickly!"

The guard tried to speak in a stern tone, but in fact, his voice was trembling when he said it.

Qianmo tilted his head and looked at the guard in confusion.

"Why? This is a gift from my new friend"

"I said! Throw it away!"

"I don't want it. This is a gift from my friend. I won't throw it away without its permission!"

Qianmo looked very determined, with a momentum of *what can you do to me*.

"Then what do you have to do to throw that thing away?" The guard tried to ask patiently.

Qianmo pointed to the unicorn on the ground and said, "If you can convince it to allow me to throw it away, then I will throw it away"


The guard looked at the unicorn lying in a pool of blood, his expression a little broken.

The doctor had allowed him to use violence to subdue some disobedient people.

Seeing that Qianmo was so unruly, the guard had to use weapons to give Qianmo a taste of pain.

His weapon was a magic rifle, which could be set to decide which bullet to use.

According to regulations, the guard should have used tranquilizer bullets in this situation, but he deliberately set it to a very lethal magic bullet.

Anyway, when the doctor blames him, he will say that he accidentally set the wrong bullet.

This is not the first time that the guard *accidentally* set the bullet to a magic bullet.

Just as he was about to pull the trigger, Qianmo came in front of him in an instant and kicked the weapon in his hand away.

Qianmo is a very vengeful person. Now he has a weapon he got from a friend in his hand, so why not hurry up and kill him?

Take the opportunity to repay him?

Qianmo kicked the guard to the ground, then sat on him. In the guard's astonished eyes, Qianmo raised the unicorn's horn high, and then stabbed it down without hesitation!

"Help--!!!" The guard shouted for help in fear.

——[Level 3 electric shock!!!]


The unicorn's horn pierced the guard's head--the floor next to it.

So, is the guard safe?

No--because Qianmo sat on him, all the electric shocks also affected him.

After a period of electric shock, the guard was already foaming at the mouth and unconscious.

Qianmo sat up as if nothing had happened, looked at the doctor who walked into the room, and complained with a pout:

"Doctor, why are you disturbing me, I almost completed the first human kill just now!"

The doctor rubbed his eyebrows, then waved his hand to signal other guards to take Qianmo away.

"Fortunately, you acted in time, otherwise the guard would have been shot in the head," said the young researcher who was following the doctor.

Doctor: "Go pull out the unicorn horn."

Researcher: "Oh, OK, doctor."

The researcher squatted down to pull out the unicorn horn, but after trying several times, he couldn't pull it out.

"Hey, weird, why can't you pull it out?"

"Take a good look at how much of the horn is left outside."

The researcher visually measured the extent of the horn, and was surprised to find that two-thirds of the unicorn horn was inserted into the ground.

"Bo, doctor, this..."

"Humph, it's obvious that it can reach this level, how could it be affected by a mere electric shock and be inserted off track?"

Qianmo's growth rate is amazing, which makes the researchers very surprised, which is undoubtedly good news for their research project.

But some of them began to worry, because Qianmo is now able to resist them.

But apart from attacking the guard who often bullied her, she did nothing else.

What was she waiting for?


As usual in the morning, the guard walked to Qianmo's door as usual.

Just as the guard was about to knock on the door, the door *banged* open!

And it just happened to hit his nose.

"Good morning! Guard brother!"

Qianmo greeted the guard carelessly.

"Morning, good morning"

The guard was a little confused at this time and answered subconsciously.

"Well! Then I'll go to the lab first!"

Looking at Qianmo's back as he left, the guard looked at Qianmo's door with some confusion, and finally realized what was wrong.

Qianmo's door should open inwards, but it opened outwards just now!

The guard looked at the deformed door hinge and sweated on his face.

"I heard that a colleague who often bullied 9527 was retaliated against. I shouldn't have done anything to let her down, right?"

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