The two of them had a long and difficult time.


After returning to Wuxu, Duo Leisi helped Qianmo apply for a place to become an orthodox vampire, and to become a true orthodox vampire, one needs to pass the trial.

There is less than a month left before the orthodox vampire trial, so before that, Qianmo needs to make sufficient preparations to deal with the upcoming trial.

- There are still 20 days left before the orthodox vampire trial.

In the corridor, Duo Leisi was carrying breakfast to Qianmo's room.

The door was gently pushed open, and the woman quietly slipped into the room, her footsteps as light as a feather falling to the ground.

Dolores walked to the bed, looked at the two girls sleeping soundly on the bed, took out a cat girl earmuff, and tiptoed to put it on Suya's cat ears.

After doing this series of actions, Dolores took out a big speaker from somewhere, and she looked at Qianmo with a malicious expression.

"Qianmo! Get up!!!"

However, Qianmo did not wake up.

Dolores called a few more times, but Qianmo just turned over and continued to sleep with Suya in his arms.

Dolores did not say anything, but silently adjusted the volume of the speaker, and then took a deep breath-

"Get up!!! Big lazy cat!!!"

The voice was so loud that even the birds a few kilometers away from the castle were scared away.

Suya was still sleeping quietly in bed. Dolores showed a bright smile and looked at Qianmo who was attached to the ceiling.

"You...what are you doing! Scared the meow to death!"

Qianmo complained to Dolores.

"Hahaha~ Sorry, sorry, sister is wrong, come down quickly"

Dolesi reached out to catch Qianmo who fell from the ceiling.

"I reminded you to get up early before going to bed last night, but I couldn't wake you up just now, so I used a rough method"

"What time is it now? Do you have to wake up so early?"

"It's not early, it's almost 9 o'clock"

Dolesi took Qianmo to the bathroom.

"Hurry up, we still have a lot of things to do today"

"Well... I know"

After washing up, Qianmo sat at the table in the room to eat breakfast, and at the same time looked at Suya who was sleeping on the bed.

"Do you like Suya so much? Even watching her while eating"

Dolesi smiled like an aunt.

"I call this a beauty"

After eating, the two left the room and came to the training ground in the backyard of the castle.

"Qianmo, your basic physical quality can be said to be ahead of most vampire newborns. Do you know what you lack most now?"

"Is it practical experience?" Qianmo answered after thinking for a moment.

"Yes, it is practical experience!"

"Your weapon is a sickle, so next I will teach you all the fighting skills I know about the sickle."

As she said, a bloody sickle suddenly appeared in Dora's hand.

After seeing Dora's sickle, Qianmo took out a black key from his pocket.

The black key in the girl's hand began to rotate, and then gradually deformed, and in an instant it turned into a black sickle taller than the girl.

"The simplest way to use a sickle is to swing and chop, and attack the enemy by chopping."

As she said, Dora demonstrated to Qianmo how to use a sickle to chop.

Qianmo tried it according to Dora's movements. At the beginning, the first few movements were still a little unfamiliar, but after a while, he could skillfully use the sickle to swing and chop.

Dora nodded with satisfaction.

"Then the next step is hooking, cutting, stabbing, etc. This requires you to use the curved part of the sickle to hook, cut, stab, etc."

"These movements will be somewhat segmented, so you need to combine the rotation technique to form a coherent movement, with the wrist as the axis, quickly rotate the sickle, combine hooking, cutting, stabbing, and at the same time increase the attack range and strength."

Under the guidance of Duo Lei Si, Qian Mo quickly learned all the movements except rotation.

"Strange, is it difficult to turn the sickle? It only took me a few hours to learn it at the beginning," Duo Lei Si wondered.

"Sister, how old were you when you learned to turn the sickle? I mean the height."

"Well... it seems to be about the same as now."

Qian Mo was silent for a moment, walked to Duo Lei Si's side, and compared his hand with hers.

Obviously, Qian Mo's hand is half the size of Duo Lei Si's.

"Sister, it's hard for my fingers to turn such a thick thing."

"'Ah~ I didn't expect that little Qian Mo's hands are so small, it's my sister's negligence."

In the following time,

Qianmo did various pen spinning exercises. At first, he was spinning chopsticks, but then he turned to sticks unconsciously, and then...

After Suya got up, she found that Qianmo was not around, so she found the training ground in the backyard of the castle.

Then she saw a scene that she would never forget in her life-

In the sky, Qianmo's right hand was spinning something, and the speed of rotation was comparable to that of a propeller. The whole person was suspended in the air like a helicopter.

Suya rubbed her eyes to make sure she was not dizzy.

Qianmo noticed Suya coming, and quickly stopped spinning the pen and came down from the sky.

"Su~ You're awake~"

Suya was stunned and nodded.

"Qian, what happened to you just now?"

"Why are you flying in the air? Here~"

Qianmo handed Suya an oversized bamboo dragonfly fan without a stick.

"I just used gravity to control myself to become lighter, and then used the wind generated by the rotation of this thing to fly into the sky"

"You... are quite imaginative"

Suya looked at the fan blades in her hand, thinking...

One day in the future, at a helicopter press conference, a reporter asked Suya how she invented the helicopter.

Suya replied: "A friend who is super good at spinning a pen gave me inspiration"

Of course, this is all later~

"By the way, are you doing some weird training? How did you fly into the sky?"

Suya tilted her head and asked in confusion.

"I'm practicing spinning a pen... No, I'm spinning a sickle"

"Spin a sickle?"

"Well, sister Doris said that the trick to using a sickle is to spin it. As long as I spin it fast and hard enough, the enemy can't judge my attack!"

"Well... in a sense, any attack can actually make the enemy unable to react as long as it is fast enough, right?"

"Huh? That's right!"

Qianmo suddenly realized.

"Suya, you're here, do you want to spar with Qianmo?" Duo Leisi came over and suggested.

"Spar? That's fine, I haven't fought for a long time, it's a good opportunity to get a feel for it"

"What weapon do you want to use? I have all kinds of weapons here"

"Magic gun"

"...Are you serious? (⊙x⊙;)"

Qianmo was shocked.

"Hahaha, I'm kidding, I can just use a spear, it's just about the same attack range as the sickle"

Duo Leisi took out an exquisite spear from the prop box and handed it to Suya.

"The hardness of this spear is just about the same as Qianmo's sickle, it shouldn't be easily cut off"

"Well, I'll try it out first"

Suya took the spear and walked to the open space.

The girl flashed, and the spear in her hand swung, drawing one strong arc after another.

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