The boy walked alone on the road, his figure reflected in the water on the ground, showing the appearance of a white-haired girl.

The boy continued to move forward, his steps were firm and steady, the reflection of the water swayed slightly as he moved, and the figure of the white-haired girl was also looming in the water, gradually intertwined with the boy's real figure.

Qianmo took out the small book his father gave him from his pocket and looked through the contents.

The names on the small book were all people Qianmo had made friends with, and some of them became close friends with him.

However, this book is more like a list of life and death than a list of friends.

They are all heirs of the family and the fire of the family. The real purpose of his father asking Qianmo to make friends with them is for his hegemony.

——"As long as all competitors are eliminated, I can control the entire economic lifeline alone, control the world, and then become the *king*!"

This is the heaven-defying statement that Qianmo heard from his father before he died.

He actually thought that he could do that kind of thing. Who gave him the confidence? The Qing Dynasty is gone, and there are still people who think they can dictate the world. Does he think that reality is a novel world?

[Isn't reality sometimes more magical than novels? ]

Just when Qianmo was thinking, the voice of the system suddenly appeared.

"Oh my God! Are you going to scare me to death!"


"No, isn't this the dream of my previous life? Why are you here?"

[After all, this is just a dream, not a different world. You can get in as long as you spend some time]

Qianmo looked at the system panel in front of him, thinking.

[That... Host, don't look at me like that, I'll be shy~]

Qianmo: "..."

This system is really getting more and more like a dog.

"System, if I break the law in modern times, can you help me erase the criminal record and evidence?"

[Eh? Host, do you want to commit a crime? ! ]

"Don't worry about whether I want to commit a crime or not, just tell me if you can do it"

[Well... Each system has different functions. Although I can't do it, there are indeed other systems that can do this kind of thing]

[Host, although I can't help you erase the criminal record, I can make you leave no evidence when you commit a crime, don't dislike me, 嘤QAQ]

Qianmo is a little confused about the crying system in front of him.

What the hell is this! Who said I want to commit a crime!

Qianmo glared at the system with blood-red eyes, and the system suddenly quieted down.

"I ask you to answer, don't cry and say some nonsense"

[Okay, host! 】

"Can you detect the existence of other systems?"

[Yes, but I can only detect it when other systems use their abilities to affect the world... Host, do you suspect that there is a system in your previous life's world? 】

"Hehe, sometimes you may find the answer if you have a bigger imagination. Didn't you say it before? Reality is sometimes more magical than novels"

[Oh~ Host, that...]

"If you want to say it, just say it quickly, don't be shy"

[Oh! Host, do you need my help? Although this is your dream in your previous life, my function can still be used! 】

As he said, the system displayed the skill bar in front of Qianmo.

[By the way, today's daily task is to defeat any enemy, and the reward is 1,000 violence points]

Qianmo's mouth corners slightly raised, and he thought of a good idea.

In the previous life, the dean anonymously exposed the crimes of the Wanqi family, and the reason why he was discovered was because someone reported the dean to the Wanqi family, and that person came from an orphanage like Qianmo.

"Looks like I have to go visit an old friend"


After a while, Qianmo arrived at the door of that person's house.

*Ding Dong——*

After the doorbell rang a few times, footsteps came from behind the door, and then a man opened the door.

"Um... Miss, what can I do for you?"

When Qianmo heard the man call her Miss, she realized that her hair had turned back to long white hair.

Seeing that Qianmo didn't speak, the man waved at her.

"Um, who are you?"

"... Hey, I'm your enemy, I know you very well, I know all your crimes, and I have sufficient evidence"

Qianmo certainly didn't have any evidence, but this didn't mean

It doesn't stop her from bragging.

The man naturally didn't believe Qianmo's words.

"If you come here to go crazy, I advise you to get out of here quickly, otherwise I will make you pay for it..."

Before the man finished speaking, Qianmo interrupted:

Qianmo: "The former mayor died of a sudden heart attack the day after his 60th birthday. Guess who did it?"

The man's face suddenly changed, and there was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes when he looked at Qianmo.

Qianmo took out his mobile phone from his pocket and shook it in front of the man.

"You don't really think that there was no surveillance recording that day?"

The man quickly reached out to take Qianmo's mobile phone, and Qianmo dodged the man's hand sideways.

However, the man actually took out an electric baton from his pocket and stabbed Qianmo.

After Qianmo came into contact with the electric baton, his body twitched a few times and he fainted on the ground.

Seeing this, the man immediately dragged Qianmo into his room and closed the door.

"Hmph, although I don't know where you came from, it's your bad luck to meet me... You look pretty good, I'll help you reluctantly before you die..."

When the man was about to touch Qianmo, he was suddenly thrown to the ceiling by an invisible force.

"What, what's going on?!"

The man looked at Qianmo who got up from the ground in horror.

"You... it's you! Who are you!?"

Qianmo looked at the man on the ceiling, showing a creepy smile, then raised his finger and waved at him, and the man quickly hit the wall.

[Ding! Violence points consumed * 20]

[Skill * Gravity Control * Successfully activated]

Qianmo's finger was like a baton, and the man fell wherever he pointed.

In the man's painful wailing, Qianmo also told all the crimes she knew about the man.

[Host is detected to have caused harm to others]

[Violence Points +10]

[Violence Points +10]

[Violence Points +10]


In this way, Qianmo used the man to brush up violence points for more than an hour, and obtained a total of more than 3,000 violence points. After deducting the consumption of using skills, there are still more than 2,000 points left.

[Violence Points +0.5]

[Violence Points +0.4]

"Huh? Why is it getting less and less?"

[This is a kind of fatigue value. If you keep doing the same thing, the amount of violence points you get will gradually decrease.]

"Well, okay, then this guy has no use value"

"Wait...wait...I have say"

Seeing that the man was still awake, Qianmo admired his willpower.

"You have something to say~but I don't want to listen"

Qianmo waved her hand, and the man went straight to the balcony and fell from the high building to the downstairs.

[Daily task completed, violence points*1000 credited]

Qianmo took out his phone and made a call.

[Oh~ I understand host! Are you going to call your *father* and have him use the system to eliminate your criminal evidence! ]

"What are you talking about? If something happens, of course you should call Yaoyaoling first"

[Eh? ]

"Hello! Police uncle! Someone fell from a building here! The address is..."

A few minutes later, several police cars were driving on the road, rushing to the neighborhood where the man was.

[Host, are you sure this will allow the other party to use the system? ]

"Not sure"

[Ah? ]

"It's precisely because we are uncertain that we have to try it. After all, we are not even sure whether the system really exists"

[Well, it seems that my computer thinking ability needs to be upgraded——]

[Ding! Abnormal energy fluctuations detected! ]

At the moment the system sounded, the body of the man downstairs suddenly disappeared, and most of the things in the room disappeared with it.

Qianmo had been staring at the man's body since just now, and the moment the body disappeared, Qianmo saw a faint white light appear on the back of the man's neck.

"System, can you detect the other party's location?"

[OK host, please wait——]

[Ding! Abnormal energy fluctuations detected! ]

"What did the other party do again?"

Qianmo frowned and looked around vigilantly.

[Host, this energy fluctuation comes from the outside world, that is, the real world! ]

"What did you say?"


Shamo Island——

A man in a cloak looked at the girl standing on the body of the Titan Dragon Python in front of him vigilantly.

"Who... are you?"

The girl put the black sickle in her hand on her shoulder, her snow-white long hair and cat ears swaying in the wind, and a pair of blue cat eyes emitting a faint fluorescence in the dark night.

"Just a traveler who happened to pass by~"

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