The virus in the host's body was kept in balance in a strange state, which can be understood as "fighting poison with poison"

Qianmo didn't seem to be surprised by such a result.

Isn't this natural? This is very much like what that man would do.

Using a child's body for human experiments and injecting him with something of unknown origin is really... worse than an animal.

If Suya used modern knowledge to the fullest, then that man used the act of squeezing surplus value to the extreme.

"Hehe... We are both human beings, why is there such a big difference? How can such a person have a system?"

[Host, there is one thing I am sure of, that is, one of the systems I just detected is an illegal system]

"Illegal system?"

[Yes, that is a system made by an illegal organization. Using such a system will cause irreparable damage to the soul]

[A system like mine is officially produced, absolutely green, environmentally friendly and pollution-free! ]

"Okay, okay, green system"

While talking, the car also arrived at the destination.

When Qianmo got off the car and walked into the manor, a few people just came out.

Among those people, there was a white figure.

Qianmo stared at the other person and was stunned.

The system found that Qianmo was stunned after seeing the white-haired boy.

[Hehehe~ Host, are you a white-haired person? Don't forget that you still have Suya]

Qianmo: "... You think too much, I just saw an acquaintance, and my orientation is normal"

[The host is now a girl, with a normal orientation, so doesn't that mean she likes boys? 】

"...Get lost! I love girls!"

Qianmo turned his eyes away from the other person and continued to walk inside.

The white-haired boy seemed to have noticed Qianmo's sight, but when he turned his head to look at Qianmo, Qianmo had already walked away.

"Master, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just saw an acquaintance"

"That white-haired girl?"

"Huh? Where did the white-haired girl come from? I was talking about the black-haired boy I met just now"

The bodyguards looked at each other, and the white-haired boy ignored them and got in the car and left.

But before leaving, the boy looked in the direction of Qianmo again. In his golden eyes, Qianmo still looked like a boy in his previous life.

[Host, who is that boy to you? ]

"He is my childhood friend, and also one of my enemies"

[Enemy? But the look you gave him just now didn't look like the look of an enemy.]

"You misunderstood. Of course he is not an enemy to me. On the contrary, I am his enemy, the enemy I killed in my previous life."

Qianmo opened the *Life and Death Chart* again, and the first page on it was the information of the white-haired boy.

"Being backstabbed by your best brother must be a very uncomfortable thing..."


The system wanted to say something to comfort Qianmo, but it found that it had no experience in comforting people, so it simply shut up.

Qianmo looked at the photo of the white-haired boy in the book and recalled the past. He was not her at that time. He also had a happy time, but everything was ruined by that man... and himself.

If he could really travel back to the past, Qianmo really wanted to beat himself to death.

One is the adoptive father who used you as a tool but raised you;

The other is the brother who would stick with you and trust you until death.

Qianmo didn't know which choice was right at the beginning, but now Qianmo knows, but it's too late.

Thinking of this, Qianmo's eyes gradually became colder, and his blood-red eyes became deeper.

In the corridor, Qianmo's footsteps became more and more hurried, and the shadow reflected in the sunset changed.

[Host, the target is in the innermost room after turning left in front]

Arriving in front of the room, Qianmo flashed and kicked the door open.

After seeing the person in the room, Qianmo was shocked.

The person in the room was not the man she expected, but Madam Wanqi - Li in sunglasses.

[Host! It's her! There are traces of abnormal energy fluctuations on her body! ]

"Xiao Qian, what's wrong? So angry?"

Li in sunglasses was not angry because of Qianmo's kicking the door, but greeted Qianmo very calmly.

After hearing Li in sunglasses' voice, Qianmo felt uncomfortable all over.

In the previous life,

Qian Mo only thinks that Sun Jingli is a green tea girl, but now it seems that she is the most extraordinary person. No wonder his father would keep such a seemingly worthless person.

Sun Jingli seemed not to notice Qian Mo's expression, but was still caring about Qian Mo.

"Xiao Qian, are you learning how to dress up as a woman? Wow~ This hair looks just like the real thing~"

"Hey, can I touch the ears on your head?"

Regardless of whether Qian Mo agreed or not, the woman reached out to touch Qian Mo's cat ears. The result was obvious, Qian Mo grabbed the woman's hand tightly.

"My good *mother*, I have some questions to ask you. I wonder if you can answer them for me?"

Qian Mo's appearance at this time has completely changed back to that of a cat lady. Although he is not taller than a woman, his aura can slightly overwhelm her.

"Okay~ But can you let go of my hand first? It hurts so much."

Qian Mo ignored her words and still held her hand tightly, fearing that the woman in front of him would use some strange hand to escape.

Seeing that Qian Mo had no intention of letting her go, the woman had no choice but to give up.

"Forget it, just ask."

"Okay, first question, do you have a share in everything my father did? Or are you the mastermind behind all this?"

After hearing Qian Mo's question, the woman's expression became rigid for a moment.

Qian Mo didn't let go of this change in the woman's expression. Without the woman having to answer, Qian Mo understood what the answer was.

Before the woman could speak, Qian Mo said again: "You have a system, right?"

This was not a question. Sun Jingli could see the affirmation in Qian Mo's eyes.

Suddenly, Sun Jingli shook Qian Mo's hand away.

Qian Mo was a little shocked. Although her current body had no magic power, she was still very strong, but this woman could actually get away.

*snap bang bang*

Sunglasses Li clapped her hands and looked at Qian Mo with a meaningful look.

"It's amazing. I didn't expect that you are actually a colleague. What is your purpose? Let me tell you first, even if you are a colleague, you can't disturb our Monopoly game."

"...Monopoly game?"

[Host, she seems to regard you as an illegal system holder like her]

"Hey, is the Monopoly game you talk about treating reality as a game?"

Qian Mo looked at Sun Jingli with a gloomy expression.

"Yes, this is a game that I and several other Eternals came up with. It's very interesting. If you want to play, I can help you get a spot, as long as you..."

Before he finished speaking, Qian Mo rushed in front of the woman, hit her face hard with his fist, and knocked her away.

"Treat reality as a game..."

"Playing wantonly with our lives..."

"You guy...what do you think we are!!!"

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