The doctor said that the vampire had been killed, and the experiment was in chaos.

"Doctor, 9527 has not shown any signs of vampirism so far, and our experiment seems to have failed."

The doctor did not answer the researcher, but just looked at the data on the paper quietly.

"Doctor, will the Warcraft training continue tomorrow?"

After a moment, the doctor replied: "Go ahead."

"The bloodline factor has indeed merged with her body, and now it probably needs some battles to stimulate her bloodiness."

"Okay! Doctor!"

The doctor's words were like a reassurance, making the researchers feel at ease and at ease.


The guard walked to Qianmo's door as usual and knocked on the door.

After a while, Qianmo got up from the bed and repeated his usual behavior like a machine - getting up, brushing teeth, washing face, eating breakfast, going to the laboratory...

Qianmo's eyes were empty, his blue eyes were as calm as dead water, and his cat ears that usually stood up were drooping at this time. His attitude was like a walking corpse, without the passion and vitality of the past few days.

The researchers didn't care about the feelings of the experimental subjects, they just wanted the experimental data and research results.

In the training room, Qianmo had no intention of resisting, and let himself be ruthlessly pounced on by the monster, and then fell into its hideous bite.

[The host is detected to be in danger of life, and the system starts the emergency treatment mode]

[The host is detected to be in danger of life, and the system starts the emergency treatment mode]

[Host is detected...]

In this way, the system's voice rang over and over again for countless times.

For the doctor and others, as long as Qianmo is not dead, the experiment will never stop until Qianmo is willing to resist.

Time passed by little by little, and Qianmo could no longer remember how many times he had come to this room. He felt no pain at all, and his body had long been numb.

The monster standing opposite Qianmo today was Night Wolf, the first monster Qianmo faced.

When Night Wolf saw Qianmo, he immediately took a fighting posture. Although his eyes had been healed, his fear of Qianmo had been firmly imprinted in his heart.

After a while, Night Wolf found that Qianmo did not move, and tilted his head in confusion.

Why didn't this white creature move?

Night Wolf slowly walked towards Qianmo, and she still had no reaction until she stood in front of Qianmo.

At this time, Night Wolf finally felt that something was wrong. Creatures like it can keenly perceive the emotions of their prey.

Night Wolf could feel that the gloomy atmosphere on Qianmo gradually enveloped it like a dark cloud.

The Night Wolf clan has a strange habit, that is, as long as they have fought a fight and both sides survived, they are companions.

Therefore, after being frightened by Qianmo last time, Night Wolf had already regarded Qianmo as a companion.

Night Wolf stretched out his claws and gently pushed Qianmo, making a whimpering sound.

White creature, are you unhappy?

Perhaps because Qianmo had the blood of the beastman, she could actually understand what Night Wolf meant at this time.

Since she came to this world, she has almost always been lonely. The researchers only treated her as an experimental subject and would not even say a few words to her, let alone care about her.

However, she now actually received care from a magical beast that she had only met once, how ironic...

Night Wolf put his face close to Qianmo's face and rubbed it, and the whimpering sound he made was delicate and gentle, conveying his tenderness.

Tears silently crossed the pale cheeks, and then quietly dripped, splashing faint water on the ground.

The girl's crying was silent, only the tears that kept rolling down revealed her sadness.

Qianmo slowly raised his hands, and when Night Wolf saw it, he took the initiative to move his face closer.

Qianmo hugged Night Wolf with both hands, and tears fell on its black wolf fur.

Night Wolf didn't know why Qianmo was so sad, he only knew that she was very sad and needed the comfort of her companions.

After seeing this scene, the doctor above was full of disdain. He took out the remote control again and pressed the button on it.

The collar on Night Wolf's neck lit up red again.

The discomfort from his neck made Night Wolf break free from Qianmo's embrace.

Qianmo looked at Night Wolf's sudden pain and the red collar on his neck, and instantly understood the reason.

Qianmo turned his head to look at the window above, glaring at him fiercely.

Night Wolf was in so much pain that he banged his head against the wall.

After seeing Night Wolf's pain, Qianmo decided to

I must help this new friend.

Qianmo jumped onto Night Wolf's back, grabbed the collar with both hands, and his blue eyes were stained with blood again.

After seeing Qianmo intend to break the collar on Night Wolf's neck, the doctor quickly issued an electric shock command for the handcuffs through the radio:

——[Level 3 electric shock!!!]

However, the current on the handcuffs only paused Qianmo for a second, and after that, the electric shock had no effect on Qianmo at all.

However, the current of the handcuffs made Night Wolf, who was running around, calm down a little, which allowed Qianmo to focus more on destroying the collar.

The guards had already opened the iron gate and rushed in.

They wanted to stop Qianmo, but they were all knocked away by Night Wolf.

Night Wolf understood what Qianmo wanted to do. She was destroying the collar that imprisoned its freedom, and she wanted to help it regain its freedom.

With a sound of metal breaking, the collar imprisoned on Night Wolf's neck was finally removed.

After regaining his freedom, Night Wolf burst out with powerful magic power, and in an instant, all the guards around him were blown away.

The reason why Warcraft is called Warcraft is that in addition to their innate strong physique, they also have huge magic power that is full of deterrence.

"Wow! You are so powerful!"

After seeing Night Wolf's performance, Qian Mo said in surprise.

Night Wolf: "Awoo!"

What should we do next?

After thinking for a few seconds, Qian Mo said, "Go and release all the Warcraft!"

"Doctor! What should we do now?! They ran to the cage where the Warcraft is imprisoned!"

"Don't panic, the remote control of the collar is still with me, they can't make any trouble!"

The doctor still looks calm at this time, but in fact his voice is trembling.

Of course, the remote control of the collar is on him, but even if those Warcraft can't use magic, they still have dangerous claws!

With a loud bang, a violent collision sound came from somewhere in the institute.

Night Wolf smashed a wall and led Qian Mo into a room.

Qian Mo looked around. There were no cages around, only a pile of books and papers.

"Huh? We seem to have gone to the wrong place."

Suddenly, Qian Mo noticed a folder scattered on the ground not far away because of Night Wolf's wall-banging behavior. There happened to be a document with the number 9527 written on it.

Qian Mo quickly picked up the folder after seeing it, then returned to Night Wolf's back and went to find a cage.

Then, after another wall was smashed, Qian Mo and Night Wolf finally reached their destination.

Looking at the cage in front, Night Wolf flicked his tail, and a wind blade instantly broke the lock on the cage.

As the locks fell one after another, the monsters came out of the cages one after another.

They bent their bodies slightly towards Night Wolf.

The monsters would use magic to communicate with each other, so they would take Night Wolf as the leader and start revenge on the institute.

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