The door of the bathroom was opened again, and a woman who looked charming and beautiful if she didn't speak came in.

"Hey! Kitty! I'm here..."

"Ah? Why is there one more?"

Doraesi rubbed her eyes in confusion. In her perception, there should be only two cat girls, Qianmo and Suya, in the bathroom, but there were three cat girls in the bathtub at this time.

"Long time no see, Miss Doraesi. I'm sorry for disturbing you by entering your house without your permission. Su Bai will apologize to you here first."

As he said that, Su Bai bowed to Doraesi.

"Oh! It's Miss Su Bai! It's okay! You can come whenever you want, you don't have to tell me specifically, haha"

Although Duo Leisi looked the same as usual, Qianmo's special passive skill - emotional perception, could clearly feel that Duo Leisi was actually a little flustered when she saw Su Bai.

Qianmo quietly moved to Suya and whispered: "Su, Duo Leisi seems to be a little afraid of your sister"

Hearing Qianmo's words, Suya was a little surprised that Qianmo could actually see that Duo Leisi was afraid of Su Bai.

Suya nodded slightly: "It's natural for Dolores to be afraid of my sister. Who made her tease my sister before?"

Qianmo was shocked: "Tease, tease?!"

Suya: "Well, when my sister came to pick me up that day, I don't know what Dolores was thinking. She actually touched my sister's head directly."

"At that time, I could feel that my sister's hands were shaking a little when she hugged me. As a result, Dolores seemed to be blind and didn't see my sister's face. She touched more vigorously."

"She even blew into my sister's ear and said: Do you want to stay tonight? I believe we will have an unforgettable night."

Hearing this line, Qianmo felt a little embarrassed for others.

"Then...what happened?"

"Then she was thrown into the sky by my sister and turned into a star. To be honest, that was the only time I saw her being defeated by others in all these years."

Just as the two were whispering, a head slowly rose from between them.

"You whispered with your back to me, do you think I can't hear you?" Dolores said faintly.

Being caught on the spot by the person involved, the two were quite embarrassed.

Suya smiled slightly, then quickly escaped into the bathtub, while Qianmo pretended to be stupid and said "Phuket Island" to avoid what happened just now, and at the same time naturally left the bathtub and walked out of the bathroom.

Watching the actions of the two, Su Bai and Dolores were speechless.

Su Bai sighed helplessly and reached out to fish Suya out of the water.

Su Bai: Stare~

Suya: "Sister, I was wrong"

Su Bai: "What's wrong?"

Suya: "You shouldn't whisper with your back to the person involved when the person is present"

Su Bai: "Forget it this time, and don't do it again next time"

After saying that, Suya looked in the direction where Qianmo left.

Suya: "Sister, I have something to ask you"

Su Bai looked at Suya and knew what she wanted to ask.

"Is it about the child's soul?"

"Well, I saw a white and a red shadow on her before. What is that?"

"That is the split of the soul. To put it simply, it is a sign of becoming a dual personality. Can you only see one shadow on her now?"

Su Ya nodded slightly: "Well, before coming back, the shadow on her body was mixed with red and black, but it turned pure white just now. Does this mean that Qianmo has become a dual personality now?"

Su Bai: "Yes, and this is an irreversible soul damage"

Su Ya originally wanted to ask Su Bai if there was any way to treat it, but after hearing Su Bai say "irreversible", Su Ya fell into silence.


Qianmo's bedroom——

Qianmo lay on the bed, looking back on what happened today, and felt very strange.

She passed the first trial very smoothly, which she remembered very clearly, but when it came to the second and third trials, her memory was a little confused.

She remembered that she passed the second trial by killing someone, but she couldn't remember the details.

In the third trial, she only remembered that she smashed many gargoyles, and she couldn't remember the details of the process, just like the previous trial.

"What's wrong with me? Am I suffering from Alzheimer's?!"

Qianmo decided to let the system help verify whether this conjecture was true.

"System, check

Check if there is any serious disease in my brain."

【bite! Received(。>ㅿ<。)】

[Scanning the brain status of the host...]

【bite! Scan results have been obtained]

[The host's current mental state is very good, and all indicators are normal]

"That's good, that's good~ I thought I had Alzheimer's disease, phew~"

Qian Mo patted his chest and just breathed a sigh of relief.

[Hahaha, the host is still so young, of course he won’t get Alzheimer’s~]

"Hahaha, that's true. It seems I'm worrying too much."

[The real problem is not the physical brain, but the soul]

"So that's it, it's the soul..."

After Qian Mo was stunned for a few seconds, he said in horror:

"Soul?! Isn't that more serious than Alzheimer's disease!"

[Yes, the host's soul has split into two, and this state is more serious than medical dual personality. It is the emergence of a second self in the true sense]

"The second self, the other me, sounds's pretty cool!"

Others may be afraid when they hear that they have a second personality, but Qian Mo is different!

As an old two-dimensional Qian Mo, the setting of the second personality is really... Thai pants are hot!

"White hair, cat girl, loli, red eyes, vampire, and now there is a second personality!"

"I*! I am really living more and more like what I want! Wuhu!"

Qian Mo was so excited that he jumped up and down on the bed. This behavior frightened the system.

System: My host seems to be getting weirder and weirder. Is she okay?

"Please, another me!"

Qian Mo clenched his hands into fists and made a prayer gesture, then covered his face and rolled around on the bed.

"Ahhh! If I were to say this line in the past, I would definitely feel ashamed, but now I do have another self, so it makes perfect sense to say it!"

"Come on! Another me! Let me see what you look like!"

Qian Mo raised his hands high and shouted to the sky...

However, after a few minutes, nothing happened.

Qian Mo looked left and right, tilted his head, and his tail behind him curved into a question mark.

"Huh? Moxi Moxi~the other me~can you hear my voice?"


"Huh?! Another me! Did you finally show up!"

[Host, I am the system, not another you]

Qian Mo: "..."

Seeing that his other self didn't show up for a long time, Qian Mo's cat ears drooped in disappointment.

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