The dead body is still alive, and the dead body is still alive.

"By the way, we also gave them names!"


Su Ya was a little surprised. You know, naming will create feelings, not to mention naming the experimental subjects. Aren't you afraid that they will get killed during the experiment one day?

Oh, yes, the Panba dragon lizard is very difficult to die, otherwise how can it be said that its regeneration ability is amazing?

"We named the dark blue one the blue lizard, and the dark red one the fire lizard"

"Oh, by the way, there is a third one, which is now being taken to the next door for a physical examination. It is a dark purple one. Guess what it is called"

"Since you asked, it should not be as simple as calling it a purple lizard, right?"

"That's right!"

At this time, a researcher came over.

"Fana, the next experiment is about to begin."

"Okay, I'll be there right away."

"It seems that you have something important to do, so I won't bother you anymore, and we'll talk next time"

"Well, remember to tell Miss Qianmo for me"

"I know, but I'd like to state first that I'm only responsible for passing on the message"

"I understand, but I firmly believe that Miss Qianmo will definitely not refuse to develop drugs that benefit mankind"


"I refuse"

Qianmo resolutely rejected the invitation to the Royal Research Institute.

Suya nodded, and didn't seem surprised by Qianmo's answer.

"Aren't you going to ask me why?"

"Well, I can more or less guess the reason."

"But compared to this, we have other things to do, right?"

Qianmo tilted his head.

"Other things? What is it?"

"Of course..."

Suya's eyes flashed with a hint of cunning. As she spoke, she quietly moved her hand slowly behind Qianmo.

Qianmo listened to Suya's words attentively, without noticing her little movements at all.

Suya suddenly made a move and quickly grabbed Qianmo's tail like a gust of wind.


Qianmo couldn't help but scream, the sound was soft and gentle, she quickly covered her mouth, it was unbelievable that such a sound came from her mouth.

"Su, what are you doing-ah!?"

Before Qianmo finished speaking, Suya pinched her tail again.

"What? Of course, I want to get back what I lost that night~"

The magic power was transmitted to Qianmo's tail through Suya's hand in an unusual way, and then spread to the whole body.

This made Qianmo's body gradually hot and weak, and she fell on the sofa.

At this time, she was like a fish on the chopping board, at the mercy of others.

"What on earth is going on... It's so hot..."

Suya held Qianmo's tail tightly and sat on her.

The reason why Suya was able to do this was thanks to Qianmo's guidance.

Before, she had this feeling every time she was bitten by Qianmo.

After the latest bite, she finally understood why she had that feeling. It turned out that when Qianmo's fangs pierced her skin, they would transmit magic power in a weird way, causing her whole body to be weak and produce a feeling of heat.

Now Suya has learned that way of transmitting magic power, and a certain cat girl is finally going to suffer!

Qianmo looked at Suya's hands unbuttoning her clothes, and her heart was in a panic. They were not in the room now!

"Su... stop, this is the living room..."

"Isn't that more exciting?"


In a blink of an eye, Qianmo's panties fell on the floor of the bedroom.

Under Qianmo's pleading, Suya still moved the battlefield to the bedroom.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded.

[Ding~ Daily tasks have been updated]

[It is detected that the host has not completed yesterday's task, and now randomly selects punishments...]

[The punishment has been determined-nerve sensitivity is increased by 2 times]

The system's punishment fell on Qianmo's head like thunder. She actually forgot to do yesterday's task.

Her current situation is not optimistic. If the sensitivity is increased by 2 times again, it will be heaven!

That day was the craziest day Qianmo had ever experienced. She didn't remember when she fainted, but she remembered that when she woke up, she was greeted by a bed full of surprises.


In an ancient and mysterious castle, an unknown battle is going on.

Su Bai uses the teleportation skill to instantly move behind the black-robed man, jumps high, and swings the sickle hard.

Mu Yunge taps the ground lightly, and moves in front of the black-robed man like a ghost, stabbing the sword in his hand straight at

His vital point.

The black-robed man saw this and immediately cast a magic spell. He waved his hands quickly, and a powerful magic shield appeared around him, blocking the attacks of the two people, and launched a black magic counterattack at the same time.

The two quickly moved ten meters away and avoided the black-robed man's magic.

"Two beautiful white-haired ladies, why do you attack me, a weak person?"

"Weak? Do you want to listen to what you are talking about? Mr. Black Magician," Su Bai complained.

"Hehe, although I don't know who sent you to assassinate me, I want to remind you that I am a person favored by the gods. Are you sure you want to be my enemy?"

While the black-robed man was speaking, his eyes seemed to be looking at something, and Su Bai knew what he was looking at.

"You are so arrogant, is it the thing floating in the air in front of you that gives you the confidence?"

Hearing Su Bai's words, the black-robed man was stunned, looked at Su Bai with some surprise, and then chuckled:

"Haha, so that's it, you are also a person favored by the gods like me, you want to enjoy the power alone, so you come to assassinate me!"

"I knew it! A man as outstanding as me will be envied by others!"

Su Bai did not respond to the black-robed man's words, but just watched him being stupid there, and then recorded a video by the way, and shared what embarrassment is with Su Ya after returning.

After the black-robed man made a speech, he looked at the two people who surrounded him.

"Let's do this, let's cooperate, as long as you become my subordinates, I promise to let you enjoy wealth and honor with me!"

"Huh? Wealth and honor? To be honest, you don't look like you have wealth and honor in your current outfit"

After hearing Mu Yunge's words, the black-robed man took out a gem bracelet from his arms.

"Have you heard about the Krodin family that was killed recently?"

"I have heard about it. Why? Is it related to you?"

"Yes, I did it alone! This gem bracelet is the trophy. I got it by cutting off the little girl's hand, in front of everyone in their family!"

The black-robed man did not pay attention to Mu Yunge's cold tone and continued to speak eloquently.

"Isn't it amazing? I am under the nose of the magic family--hmm!"

Before the black-robed man finished speaking, several tentacles suddenly sprang out from the shadow on the ground and tightly wrapped him.

Mu Yunge held the hilt tightly and approached the man step by step.

Her face was stern, and the magic power wrapped around the sword continued to accumulate and expand.

When the black-robed man approached, she resolutely raised her sword, first cutting off his hand, then his arm, then his limbs, and finally raising the sword over her head...

"Go to hell"

[The life signs of the illegal system holder disappeared, and the system bound to him was also destroyed]

[The current task progress is 4/7]

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