After finalizing the bet against the first kobold kid, Matthew helped the ȧduŀt kobolds drain the boar's blood and they went straight back to the village.

Now that the group was dragging four boars instead of two, their speed was almost halved and even the kids had given the group a little helping hand to the ȧduŀt kobolds.

Matthew was able to manage to drag one of the boar's carcasses alone while each of the ȧduŀt kobolds grouped up in teams of two to carry one boar.

Nass, being a kobold warrior, had a strength that was only a level below Matthew and with the help of another kobold, they were able to drag the boar slightly easier compared to Matthew, but the first kobold kid came and helped Matthew with all his heart despite they're currently having a bet with each other.

Because not only Matthew was his current idol, but the first kobold kid had also thought that Matthew was going into a losing bet to help him since he thought that it was practically impossible no matter how many times the first kobold kid had thought about it and simulating it countless times in his head.

So now, with that mindset, the first kobold kid helped Matthew with all the sincerity in his heart and used his maximum effort without reserve.

The group finally arrived back at the village in the early evening. The other hunting teams had also arrived earlier carrying one or two deers or boars with them.

When Matthew's group came back bringing 4 boars in one go and with the villagers knowing that the group had brought 2 other boars earlier totaling to hunting 6 boars in a day, of course, the other hunting teams and the villagers made a slight ruckus and bombarded the group with questions about how they're able to do it.

The group then vividly told the villagers about Matthew's fight against the group of boars that they had seen using their very own eyes where Matthew would suddenly disappear and appear as he pleases and how he manipulated the boars to run towards the group of kobolds so that the boars couldn't run away, and the fact that Matthew did that all while bȧrėhanded without using any weapons is something that made the kobolds appreciation of Matthew went up another level.

It almost took about 30 minutes for the kobold village to finally calm down and leave Matthew's group alone and the group then went their separate ways to rest because they had a long day and walking for hours required a significant amount of stamina.

Even the kids that Matthew thought had an abnormally huge amount of stamina for kids, were dead tired when they arrived at the village.

Matthew then washed his face and smeared some water to his scales to help cool his body down after some hard labor before going back to his house first to catch a bit of rest and thought about the things that he should do and the preparations he needs to do to win the bet with the first kobold kid and the training that he will be giving to the kids.

'Their stamina is already at a good level which means their main training should focus more on body conditioning, agility, and strength.'

'Body conditioning is the main point since they said they wanted to be able to pierce the beasts' skin using their bȧrė hands and possibly defend using them too, but I don't think the latter part is possible since they don't have crocodile scutes like me.'

'But maybe… just maybe… I heard that Shaolin monks back on earth are able to condition their bodies to be able to take hits from a steel baseball bat and break hollow steel bars by kicking them. Maybe the kids would be able to do that too if they train hard enough…?'

'But I don't know any Shaolin monks breathing technique or qi or their training method or whatever they are using to achieve that… But I should just keep going with the experiment since evolution is a thing that exists in this world and the kobolds are also able to evolve.

Maybe through the evolution, the kids will receive the proper adjustments and body enhancements if they evolved into a kobold monk or something if they even have that in this world.'

'Oh, and there's also aura, maybe I can train them in using aura early when they reach level 10? Well, I can try a lot of things later on since we're not in any kind of hurry. Let's think about the other training method first.'

Regarding the agility training, Matthew thought that it was necessary if the kids wanted to be able to fight bȧrėhanded since if their agility was terrible it would be harder for them to hit their enemies.

But that's not the only point of training their agility. The kids wanted to be able to jump from tree to tree just like him and without the necessary strength and agility, they wouldn't be able to achieve it.

Even the kobold warriors who had the necessary strength on their limbs to be able to imitate Matthew, wouldn't be able to do it easily without any training and getting used to the feeling of swinging their bodies around and the timing from each jump from each tree.

'The most effective method to train them is to do the real thing and make them jump from real trees, but it is dangerous if they fall down from there since the trees are all at least 15 meters tall.'

'And considering their body is not fully developed yet, I will need to create something safer for them so that they could train their muscles so that they would get used to swinging their bodies.'

'Their leg muscles are easier to train using the traditional method of jump squats, zig-zag running, and something similar to box jumping, but how do I train their upper body, mainly their hands and backs for swinging with their hands though?'

Matthew tried to think of a solution, but other than doing the real deal, there's not much he could do without making a specialized tool to help the kids train their upper bodies.

'Push-ups and pull-ups should be enough to train their upper body muscles, so I will need some kind of pull-up bar… Wait, since they'll need to get used to swinging their bodies, then I think I should probably make monkey bars instead.'

Matthew started planning this and that, but in the end, he cut off his own train of thoughts because one thing suddenly came up in his head, 'I don't know anything about woodworking…'

'Should I just do a 'DIY' and hope that everything will work out on its own?'

'I might be able to make something simple for the box jump, but making something like monkey bars is unimaginable for me…then should I think of another way then?'

'Wait a minute!'

Although Matthew only used his bed ever since he had been given the house by the kobolds, his house also had a table and a chair in them. And looking at the house itself, it was made out of wood.

'The kobolds must have carpenters here!'

Without further ado, Matthew got out of his house and walked towards the middle of the village which is essentially the village's plaza where the kobolds would prepare their foods, the kids' playground, and the old kobold's house is also not far from there.

If someone wanted to know something about the village, who's the best person to ask? There may be several answers to that question, but the village's chief is one of the correct answers. So, going by that logic, Matthew is currently on his way to Mutt's house.

"Mutt, are you in there?" Matthew shouted in front of the old kobold's house.

"Just come inside, I'm slightly busy here!" The old kobold's voice could be heard from inside the house.

Matthew went through the cloth door and he saw that the old kobold is currently rummaging through cabinet-looking furniture that's half as tall as the old kobold.

The so-called cabinet is more like a cube-shaped wood that has one of its side hollows to be able to store things and it was only covered by a cloth that functions as its door.

'It seems the kobolds didn't use hinges since even wooden doors are absent here.'

'I could understand since there are no metals here. Even their tools are still made out of bones. Although it was bones from the beasts from the forest, so it was clearly superior to ordinary bones.'

Seeing the old kobold was still busy searching for something, Matthew waited patiently near the house entrance, and fortunately for him, it didn't take long for the old kobold to find the thing he was looking for from the small pile of stuff inside the open cabinet.

"Found it! It's still in somewhat good quality even though it has been passed down from several generations."

The old kobold said as he dusted off a book in his hands.

Matthew looked at the ancient-looking book and asked,

"What is it? Wait... Can you even read?"

"Of course, you stupid kid!" For the first time in a while, the old kobold's staff was raised once again to hit Matthew's head and by reflex, Matthew put up his right hand to defend his innocent head.

"Wait a minute! I never seen any kobolds write anything so I didn't know that you're all able to!" He defended himself.

As always, the old kobold didn't really hit him and just put his staff back down before saying,

"Well it's true that I could read, but the other kobold couldn't."


"They don't have any use for it!"

"So what's that book about?"

"It's the magic book that my grandpa passed down to me."

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