Matthew tried hitting the invisible barrier a couple of times and he even uses his aura hand-blade to try to cut through the invisible barrier, but none of his attacks worked and the invisible barrier only tore for a millisecond before quickly recovering after being cut by his aura hand-blade.

'Should I use the solid aura hand blade…?' Matthew considered in his mind.

But after checking his aura core that started to look transparent of light which indicates that he didn't have much aura left, Matthew turned off his wolf aura ability and thought,

'If I use even more aura here, will I have any aura left to use to fight the army attacking the village…? And using the solid aura needs a very significant amount of aura, if I used it here to try and break the invisible wall then I don't think I could spare any to use later.'

'And it's not even guaranteed that I could even break the invisible barrier even if I spent all of my aura reserves…'

Matthew knows that each second he wasted is precious since there's already quite some time that he saw the black some rising up in the sky and even hesitating whether he should pour out more of his aura here to try and possibly break the barrier.

But in the end, Matthew knew that rather than being stuck there and didn't do anything is worse compared to failing while trying to do something.

So Matthew prepared himself to try and make the most solid aura hand-blade using as much aura as possible. But when he was about to close his eyes to focus, he saw the first kobold kid waving at him and knocking on the invisible barrier.

Because sound couldn't travel through the barrier, Matthew couldn't hear what the first kobold kid was saying, but after Matthew turned his eyes towards the first kobold kid, the first kobold kid had stopped knocking on the invisible barrier. Instead, he pointed his hand towards the ground, right below the invisible barrier where Matthew could see a lot of symbols were written as the base of the barrier.

Matthew didn't understand what the first kobold kid was trying to say, but the first kobold kid didn't stop at just pointing at the ground. After pointing at a certain symbol on the ground, the first kobold kid started digging right outside the barrier, and by trying his best using body language, he told Matthew to also start digging on the ground below the symbol.

Matthew didn't ask questions or try to figure out what the first kobold kid was trying to do, but he knew that the first kobold kid won't tell him to do something meaningless and just trusted him.

After some time his claws started to dig into the ground below the symbol which surprisingly are not covered by the barrier, Matthew felt his claws hit something hard like a rock. But when he looked at the thing deep on the ground, Matthew saw that his claws had hit something like a clear white rock.

Matthew looked at the first kobold kid with wide eyes before quickly asking him where he should dig next by using his body language.

Although the instructions weren't clear, the first kobold kid understood what Matthew was saying and quickly got into work as he started to circle the clearing and pointed at the symbols on the ground and from the other side, Matthew started digging as fast as he could.

More clear white stones were found and each time the white stones were pulled out, the invisible barrier trembled more and more intensely until finally the fifth stones were taken out from the ground and the invisible barrier shook violently before breaking apart.

The first kobold kid and the twins were running at him, but before the first kobold kid was even able to utter a single word, Matthew said to him first,

"Kids, stay here for now. I will go check the village first and I will return here later to pick you guys up."

After that, Matthew quickly climbed up onto a tree and started pushing his muscles to work once again, ignoring the countless wounds and injuries decorating his whole body.

As Matthew moved towards the source of the black smoke, he was more and more certain that it was from the kobold village. He was moving in a straight line following his minimap towards the village and it only took him about a minute to finally see the kobold village on the far edge of his eyes.

What Matthew saw first was neither the poorly made walls nor the wooden houses that were all over the village. The first thing that he saw was a sea of fire spreading all over a large area in a certain part of the forest.

All his doubts about what is actually causing the thick black smoke to rise up in the sky and all his hopes that the kobold village was actually fine were gone the moment he saw the sea of fire.

When he started to get closer towards the sea of fire, he could finally see that the kobold village had mostly turned into ruins while humans could be seen all around the village, circling the walls and leaving no gaps in between them.

But Matthew didn't lose all hopes yet as he could still see some kobolds were still fighting against the humans inside the walls of the burning village.

And looking at the center of the village which is still not touched by the fire, Matthew knew where he should go first.

'I need to go to Mutt first.'

Matthew then switched to his chameleon aura ability and checked his aura core.

Looking at the almost clear glass ball in his body Matthew knew that his time was almost up.

'I probably got about 3 to 5 minutes left with this… Hold on Mutt…'

With his invisibility, Matthew was able to easily slip past the human encirclement. Matthew refrained himself from attacking all the humans in his vision even though his heart was about to explode from holding in all kinds of feelings inside him. Anger towards the humans, regrets, and disappointment towards himself for being caught in the human's trap and not thinking things through when he decided to spare the humans 'lightly'.

Although his claws were trembling from him trying to not slash a nearby human's neck, Matthew held on since he knew that he would only be digging his own grave and wasting both his time and aura where either of them is something that Matthew didn't have plenty of right now if he decided to do that.

And since he didn't know whether the humans got another trick up their sleeves to deal with his invisibility, Matthew played it safe and just went straight ahead towards Mutt's house.

On his way towards Mutt's house, Matthew saw a few kobolds were ganged up by the humans and even though the ordinary kobolds seemed to be superior in strength compared to an ordinary human soldier, the humans were much superior in number.

Just like when they hunted a group of boars, the kobolds weren't able to do anything when they were surrounded from all sides.

But still, Matthew gritted his teeth and ran past them, and went straight towards where Mutt was supposed to be.

From a distance away, Matthew could see that a group of humans was circling Mutt's house and they didn't seem to be attacking him from all sides like what they did to the other kobolds,

'Mutt must have stood his ground alone while protecting the kids… I need to hurry up before he tires out.' Matthew said in his mind before going in closer towards the human encirclement

But when Matthew finally arrived at the center of the village, he didn't see Mutt fighting the humans that had surrounded his house, rather, he found Mutt standing wobbly while leaning on his staff with his right hand while his other hand was holding onto a kobold kid.

All the humans' expressions seemed to be devoid of tension as they looked at the old kobold that was holding a kobold kid in his hand with a slight smile on their faces.

Matthew didn't understand how the humans were so confident, but what the humans did next explained how they were able to get Mutt into such a condition despite Mutt being able to use magic.

One of the humans suddenly stepped forward and launched an attack. Matthew expected Mutt to either dodge or use his staff to hit the human's sword away and survive the attack unscathed, but to his surprise, the sword wasn't aimed at Mutt, but at the kobold kid that was in Mutt's hand.

Mutt turned his body sideways, but it's not to save himself, but rather to protect the kobold kid from receiving the blow. At the same time, he used his staff to block the attack to try and protect himself from receiving the blow, but that action meant that he had left an opening on the other side of his body which the humans took to sneak in 1 and 2 quick slashes onto Mutt's body.

And adding fuel to the fire on Matthew's heart, Matthew heard what the humans said to themselves,

"This old-looking kobold is very dangerous, I almost sh*t my pants when we first arrived."

"Good thing that he cared a lot for the small kobold children, if not for them, we would all be burned to charcoal."

"Be careful with this one, that child is the last one, you were all too rough earlier and we couldn't use the other children effectively to inflict as much damage to the old kobold."

Matthew's world stopped for a second as he replayed the conversation a few times in his mind while trying to figure out what the humans meant.

Matthew actually knew what their words meant the first time he heard them, but still, he didn't want to believe what he had just heard.

But soon he returned to reality as he saw the humans were about to launch another attack towards the kobold kid in Mutt's hand.


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