Matthew had run away towards the direction where he and the general had fought before just in case the kids had caught up to him and reached the village, he must be the one who will stop them from going in closer towards the village and wasting Mutt's effort by getting themselves killed by the humans.

He himself is currently fighting against the urge to just throw his common sense away and just let his body take over and kill as many humans as possible, but Matthew was still able to think properly and what Mutt had said to him earlier had firmed his resolve to live however he wanted, and getting his revenge on the humans had taken his top priority spot in the first thing that he would do in order to enjoy his life to the fullest.

Matthew looked at the fire whirlpool that absorbed the sea of fire and gathered them all towards a single location, right in the middle of the village. The heat was so intense that even Matthew who was quite a distance away from the village could feel the warm air all around his body.

All the humans had started running away the moment they felt the intense heat building up from the middle of the village and some unfortunate ones were already burned to a crisp when they were swept away by the fire whirlpool causing all the humans to keep their distance from the center of the kobold village.

From the place he was currently in, Matthew could see the humans were re-organizing their formation while staying some distance away from the source of the intense heat and Matthew could also see a few of the human soldiers were running towards the forest in a hurry, the same direction that they had returned to when Matthew had first defeated them.

He didn't know what other things the humans were about to do, but he knew that he still couldn't do anything in his current situation. He was still watching the village just in case, in the slim chance he got a chance to save Mutt, he would certainly do it even if it was risky for him.

And the other reason was he wanted to know the strength of the humans and what cards they have so that he could prepare himself better to fight against them later in the future when he finally decides to carry out his revenge.

Matthew thought the humans would be using other magic tools or equipment just like when the general used some kind of flashbang to give the signal to the human army and he waited and observed the humans from his current spot.

However, the first surprise that Matthew felt didn't come from the humans, instead, it was from the whirlpool of fire.

Matthew didn't have any idea what spell Mutt was trying to cast by offering his life, but looking at the sea of fire disappear just like that and gathered in one place is already a feat that Matthew couldn't even imagine was possible.

But after the whirlpool of fire stopped spinning and it had become a small circle that was about 4 meters wide, Matthew finally found out that the whirlpool of fire was only the prelude of the actual spell.

The moment the circle of fire formed in the middle of the village, everything stayed silent, the hot wind stopped blowing, and the humans only stayed still while checking if the huge fire whirlpool had finally disappeared.

But in the next second, suddenly Matthew felt that all the heat from his surroundings was absorbed as even his body felt a slight pulling force was pulling him towards the fire circle that was glowing brighter and brighter as time went on.

The fire circle kept on glowing brighter and his surroundings started to become colder as the heat was absorbed by the fire circle. It kept on getting stronger until the glow was starting to hurt the eyes of whoever was trying to see it, including Matthew.

But when Matthew was about to turn away and close his eyes, the glow subsided and something came out of the fire circle.

With a huge body made full of fire, even the presence of it caused the surroundings to heat up and an even more intense heat could be felt sweeping past Matthew's body when the creature emerged from the fire circle.

The creature was only made up of two body parts which were a head and a long body that was long and snake-like. It had no hands or legs, but it didn't make it less intimidating with its looks.

The creature's head looked like a wolf's head and although the features were not clear, the one thing that looked as scary as the real thing was its sharp fangs in its mouth. The fangs were also made of fire and with a body that was at least 15 meters long and 4 meters wide, the fangs alone were almost as long as Matthew's whole body.

The creature came out of the circle and opened his mouth like it was about to roar. But no sound came out of the creature's mouth, instead, the moment it opened its mouth, the fire on the creature's body started flaring up and an invisible pressure was pushing everybody down.

Unfortunately, the pressure was the least dangerous thing the humans had to worry about as the creature started to move towards the largest cluster of humans with its mouth wide open as if it was ready to devour all the humans in its path.

The humans who couldn't handle the pressure from the creature and had fallen to their knees were the first ones to die in the jaws of the creature as the creature just ran past them and the moment they came out of the creature's body, their bodies had already turned burnt meat inside out.

And the creature didn't stop there as it turned left and right and chased the humans anywhere they were trying to run away before also devouring them and turning them into overcooked meat. The humans who had initially sensed the danger right away and had run towards the forest first were also not safe from the creature as the creature chased after them, burning the trees and everything else that had made contact with its body.

The human's formation had already scattered out and while the creature was still chasing every last human in the area, Matthew just stared at it with his eyes wide open and his mouth slightly agape. If not for the fact that he knew the old kobold sacrificed his life to cast the spell, he would already be shouting and cheering for the creature to hunt down every last human, turning them into lumps of burnt meat. 

But remembering what is the cost of summoning the invincible creature, Matthew kept his mouth shut and clenched his fist while keeping his eyes open to watch the creature in all of its glory as it became the pure manifestation of the caster's will and dėsɨrė.

"Mutt… If you kill all the humans here then who will be the target of my revenge? So much for saying revenge is not your thing…" Matthew muttered.

With the creature chasing all the remaining humans, there were already no humans left visible in Matthew's eyes, but when he thought that the fight would finally be over with Mutt's final spell, a group of humans had suddenly come towards the village while riding on their horses.

Different from the ordinary soldiers who wore ordinary light armor and the knights who wore full body armor, these group of humans wore capes over their body and instead of a sword and its scabbard attached to their waist or a bow and a quiver on their backs, Matthew could see they were carrying a wooden staff with the clear white crystals that he had seen before attached at the top of each staff.

There were 20 men wearing capes and there's one other person following right behind them.

By observing him closer, Matthew could see the man carrying a long sword on his waist, about 1 and a half times longer than the ordinary swords that Matthew had seen the humans carried before and even the scabbards looked different as Matthew could see some similar symbols that were used to cast magic were written all over it.

And not only did the man carry the long sword, on his back, instead of a bow, the man had carried a similar staff that the other humans in front of him were carrying, but the material was different as it was fully made of metal and the clear white crystal that was attached to its top was also significantly larger than the other crystals attached to the wooden staff. While the white crystals on the other men's staff were only half the size of a palm, the crystal that was attached to the metal staff that the man was carrying was the size of a full human palm.

The group rode on their horses bravely towards the wolf-headed snake that had already noticed their presence and was currently running towards them with its mouth wide open.

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