"Gone? What do you mean by they're all gone??"

"There's no one left in the village other than the humans, that's why we need to leave now."

Upon hearing the words that just came out of Matthew's mouth, even the twins who weren't so bright could vaguely guess what Matthew meant. And both of them simultaneously lifted their heads up and looked up towards Matthew who was still stroking their heads even until now.

The twins then released their hugs and stepped backward while their eyes that were filled with confusion were still locked onto Matthew as if demanding for an explanation.

"Wait a minute, what does that mean brother Matthew? Gone? Where are they going? Grandpa is adamant about staying in the village no matter what happens, how did he suddenly decide to leave? Did the others convince him to do it? But the others are also stubborn, there's no way they will convince grandpa to leave the village!" The first kobold kid said.

But Matthew didn't say anything and just kept his cold stare and blankly looked forward.

"Come on brother Matthew, I don't understand what you mean by they are gone. There's no way grandpa would lose to the humans when there's an abundant amount of fire in the village! Grandpa told me that even if there are hundreds of humans, he had a way to deal with them with his magic!"

"Brother Matthew? Why aren't you saying anything?"

"There's no way that we would lose right? You're only saying this because you had a plan right? With brother Matthew and grandpa working together, there's no way we would lose, there must be something that we could do to defeat the humans!"

"Let's go to the village first brother Matthew! They must've needed our help!"

Matthew knew that the first kobold kid had probably guessed what had happened, but just like him, Matthew knew that the first kobold kid was denying the fact that he already knew.

Matthew then softens his sharp and cold gaze while looking at the three kids, realizing that his current attitude wouldn't help the kids and it would even make it worse, Matthew then tries to calm himself down and explain things properly to the kids.

"Kids, everybody, listen to me first," Matthew said before telling the three kids to stand in front of him.

"The village has been destroyed by the humans. The kobold warriors, all the other kobolds, and your grandpa, the village chief had all protected the village up until their last breath. But the humans are stronger, their army is not something that we could fight, yet. So that's why right now, we need to leave the village first, get ourselves stronger and-"

But before Matthew was able to finish his words, the first kobold kid darted forward and tried to run towards the village. But Matthew was quick enough to react to the first kobold sudden movement and launched his tongue to wrap around the first' kobold kid's body and stopped him from being able to move an inch further.

"What is this!?" The first kobold shouted while looking at Matthew's incredibly long tongue that wrapped around his body and prevented him from going further forward.

But his shock only stayed for a whole second before he quickly shouted,

"Release me, brother Matthew! We need to save them!

"I need to see them!"

The first kobold kid then tried pulling Matthew's tongue to unwrap his body and even resort to hitting it with his fist when he failed to do so, but Matthew's tongue didn't budge at all as it kept the first kobold kid from moving anywhere.

"Brother Matthew, please release me… At least I… I want to see them first…"

The kobold kid said weakly before plopping down to the ground.

Matthew then said,

"I'm sorry, but it's really dangerous there right now, there are a hundred archers, tens of mages, and another hundred human soldiers inside the village, we would only expose and danger ourselves if we showed up there."

"But why brother Matthew, why did you let them get into the village!?" The first kobold kid said to Matthew, his voice was loud, but it wasn't loud enough to be a shout as if the first kobold kid is still trying to control the volume of his voice to avoid getting found out by the humans.

"I'm sorry… My body had already reached its limit and I don't even have the strength to forcefully escape with your grandpa. But kid, just so you know, the humans were way too strong for us right now. Even if I was at my full strength, I don't think I would be able to fight them."

"So we would give up just like this brother? I don't want to do that! We need to at least give them a fight and make them pay as much as possible!"

"Kid, come on, I know that even you realize what you've just said is not the best choice to do."

The first kobold kid then gritted his teeth before saying, 

"I know! I know, but are you okay with letting them away just like that!? They destroyed the village and they killed everyone! They killed the village chief, they killed my grandpa! Brother, they killed my grandpa! How would you feel if someone killed your parents and now they even killed my last remaining family member, what else am I supposed to do other than to fight them and make them pay!"

"Kid, I'm not saying we shouldn't make them pay, what I'm saying is that we need to make them pay the full price. With how strong we are right now, we could only bite off their pinky. Are you satisfied by only getting their pinky?"

"Of course not!"

"Then kid, listen to me."

"I'm really sorry that I don't know how it feels to be in your current situation, but I ȧssure you that my hate for them is no less than yours. And I promise that I- We would make them pay with their all, plus the interest. But for us to do that, we need to get ourselves stronger. Way stronger than our current selves. Humans are not as weak as you thought they were."

"Kid, the last moment before the village was destroyed, your grandpa cast the most amazing magic spell that I've ever seen in all of my lifetimes. It was so amazing that I held my breath when he first cast his spell and I thought that even hundreds or even thousands of humans wouldn't be able to defend against it. But it turns out, they can."

"But you know what kid? The humans needed 21 mages to fight a single spell from your grandpa, it's 21 against 1! Your grandpa is still the most amazing mage I've ever seen! However, this also means that we need to get stronger, strong enough that even 20, 100, or even 1000 humans wouldn't be able to go against us!"

Matthew then stopped talking for a second before putting his hands on the second and the third kobold kid's shoulder who was standing beside the first kobold kid and continued saying with a soft yet firm voice,

"Kids, do you want to get your revenge? Do you want the humans to feel what we feel right now?"

"Yes… We want to, brother Matthew…" 

"Then follow me, I know a way to make ourselves stronger, it may not be easy, but I guarantee that it will work. You'd even be able to surpass the kobold warriors and be the first kobold in the village to reach level 20 and even further than that!"

"And remember, although the buildings in the village had been burned, the village is still here with us. As long as you three are alive, the kobold village hasn't completely gone. And we would make the humans aware of this fact when we exact our revenge towards those humans."

"Yes brother Matthew, I will follow you. And I will make sure the humans do not get away with what they did today, and all the things they had done to us before."

And soon the twins followed after,

"Yes big brother, we will also follow you. Please help us get stronger!"

Matthew then nodded his head before stroking each of the three kids' heads before saying,

"Let's go now."

The 4 of them then finally turned their heads towards the opposite direction of the village. Matthew kept his eyes forward and didn't look back at all, while the three kids turned their heads every once in a while towards the village before they finally kept their heads straight forward along with Matthew.

Matthew then led the kids to the bear's burrow to rest first as they had a long day and his battered body already demanded a long rest from him. After making sure the kids were already sleeping, Matthew sat while leaning his body towards the burrow's wall. The moment he rested his back against the wall, Matthew quickly lost his consciousness and went to sleep.

[Many injuries are detected on the host's body, immediate treatment will be conducted to avoid permanent injuries.]

[Excessive injuries detected, bionutrients will be deducted to completely restore the host's body.]

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